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Posted by: mmascari Jan 12 2016, 09:09 PM

Is this worth buying from Auto Atlanta? I have never purchased from them. I will be putting my car back together after completely stripping it for paint.


Posted by: ndfrigi Jan 12 2016, 09:17 PM

I would like to know too if this is worth it! It will be nice to have all those hardware nice and clean.

Posted by: pdlightning Jan 12 2016, 09:21 PM

QUOTE(mmascari @ Jan 12 2016, 07:09 PM) *

Is this worth buying from Auto Atlanta? I have never purchased from them. I will be putting my car back together after completely stripping it for paint.


Looks like a complete kit for the interior , rockers and valances. Can you get it elsewhere?

Would be nice to include sail trim hardware too!

Posted by: bigkensteele Jan 12 2016, 09:36 PM

Probably a 200% profit item for George, but he did the work to put it together. I can't take that away from him. However, for that price, it should be absolutely factory correct.

He is known for a lot of things, but producing the highest quality product for a fair price is not one of them.

Posted by: 914_teener Jan 12 2016, 09:41 PM

QUOTE(mmascari @ Jan 12 2016, 07:09 PM) *

Is this worth buying from Auto Atlanta? I have never purchased from them. I will be putting my car back together after completely stripping it for paint.


If you don.t mind waiting months to get it.

Posted by: mmascari Jan 12 2016, 09:52 PM

They are on Ebay too. Probably the same guy

Ebay seller - Lionel_Atlanta

Maybe if I buy it off ebay I won't have to wait 6 months??

Posted by: mmascari Jan 12 2016, 09:53 PM

Posted by: raynekat Jan 12 2016, 09:59 PM

I will guarantee you that the plating will not be the correct color.
If that doesn't bother you....then buy it.
You'll pay more than you need to as well.

Posted by: mmascari Jan 12 2016, 10:02 PM

Well, I just bought one off ebay. I think it is worth having nice new hardware. Better than trying to put this together myself.

Posted by: wes Jan 12 2016, 10:31 PM

I'm not one of his fans, in fact do my best to steer clear of him, and I have no doubt that they're not always correct though I bought the three box set and I was very happy to have the kit as I stripped the car down to bare metal and as I put it all back together it was so nice to just look up which screw, nut, or washers I wanted for the entire car inside, bumpers, lights everything for me it was a big Plus to not have to run around looking for the correct little nut, screw or washer. Must keep in mind my car was ment to be for me or to me a very nice driver, not a concourse showpiece, I've had concourse showpiece cars before and I'm afraid to take them anywhere let alone drive the piss out of them so for me is a big plus.
Oh just in case as I replaced each pice I saved the old one in its place back into the box, a true hoarder I guess!

Posted by: pete000 Jan 13 2016, 12:04 AM

Probably all Harbor Freight made in China fasteners...

Posted by: garrettlee2 Jan 13 2016, 12:08 AM

Bdstone aka Bruce has all that stuff and it is replated original or German quality new.

Posted by: Larmo63 Jan 13 2016, 12:32 AM

I steer clear of Auto Atlanta for reasons I won't elaborate on.

Posted by: McMark Jan 13 2016, 05:25 AM

Download the PET from Porsche and you'll be able to buy the fasteners yourself for much less.

Posted by: budk Jan 13 2016, 06:07 AM

QUOTE(McMark @ Jan 13 2016, 06:25 AM) *

Download the PET from Porsche and you'll be able to buy the fasteners yourself for much less.

I've wondered about this too. What is the PET and does it list every nut/bolt/washer/screw and where they go?

Posted by: McMark Jan 13 2016, 06:23 AM

Yup. You have to learn how to read it, but it's got all the info you want.

Posted by: 80cap Jan 13 2016, 06:47 AM

I can't seem to down load the PET on th elink.

Posted by: Spoke Jan 13 2016, 06:52 AM

QUOTE(Larmo63 @ Jan 13 2016, 01:32 AM) *

I steer clear of Auto Atlanta and all of their junk.


I don't buy anything from AA.

I bought (correction: I paid for) a thermostat from AA for my 914. After 3 months the part was not delivered so I called them and canceled my order.

Posted by: McMark Jan 13 2016, 07:00 AM

Posted by: Racer Chris Jan 13 2016, 07:24 AM

I bought two for customer car restorations.
They were very good, although not perfect.
All made by Winzer if I'm not mistaken, and well worth the price IMO.
I would not want to put in the time required to identify all those parts and find good sources for the limited quantity required.

Posted by: JoeD Jan 13 2016, 10:04 AM

I bought the set as well- definitely not junk. My car is not meant to be concourse, so I'm not certain if every piece is exactly correct and I don't really care. It is very high quality hardware though.

Maybe I could have been able to buy every piece individually for less, but it has been extremely nice to just reach for these boxes and have brand new, high quality hardware right at my fingertips.

Also for what it's worth, it was shipped to me in a matter of days.

Posted by: mmascari Jan 13 2016, 09:08 PM

Thanks for all the responses. I too am not building a concourse car so not concerned about originality.

Posted by: wndsnd Jan 13 2016, 09:24 PM

You will have to do more work, but BelMetric has high quality fasteners and is a well known source here in the Northeast for Porsche and other German car dealerships and service centers.

I highly recommend.

Posted by: Chris914n6 Jan 14 2016, 08:14 PM

650 pieces for $150. Averages $0.23 each, which isn't too bad considering the time it would take to piece it all together and label it yourself.

Posted by: boxsterfan Jan 14 2016, 10:39 PM

Makes perfect sense to buy this package if the hardware is of good (good enough) quality AND you are simply restoring a car for a driver. Even though it would pain me to buy stuff from AA, I'd do it given the recommendation from a couple others above.

I've been saving all my parts as I take my 1974 down to a chassis, but for $150 to have all brand new way I could do it for cheaper.

Posted by: cary Jan 15 2016, 10:01 AM

I think I'll get one just for the convenience of having everything in one spot. Granted I could get the hardware cheaper piece by piece. But the issue is not every hardware supplier has every type of screw. I started looking at my hardware needs a couple weeks. The bolts and nuts aren't issue, everyone carry's those. The screws are a different story.

Chris, do you remember which items were missing from the PET. Maybe George could add them ?

Forgot to add. I too have had issues with AA. But then I've had issues with almost every supplier we have. But being a retailer for 30 years maybe I'm a little more lenient.
High volume one man operations have thier own set of issues........ OLD RD comes to mind. Then large operations with multiple employees have another. Then poor Mark (914Rubber), he gets beat up all the time. Not only was the business a hobby to start with. But he too has begun to evolve with addition of his brother. He's trying to create new parts as fast a financially feasible.

Posted by: sean_v8_914 Jan 15 2016, 01:03 PM

it would take someone MANY MANY hours and days to round it all up. rounding up the right stuff takes longer than the work

Posted by: Racer Chris Jan 16 2016, 10:15 AM

QUOTE(cary @ Jan 15 2016, 12:01 PM) *

Chris, do you remember which items were missing from the PET. Maybe George could add them ?

No recollection on that.

The kit contains 72 unique hardware items, covering at least 110 line items in the 914 PET.

Posted by: LowBridge Jan 16 2016, 11:20 AM

QUOTE(sean_v8_914 @ Jan 15 2016, 02:03 PM) *

it would take someone MANY MANY hours and days to round it all up. rounding up the right stuff takes longer than the work

agree.gif I use a ton of vendors who are talked about on this forums and as with all things I have found most of them are good solid suppliers who want to do the right thing. With that in mind I use AA and have found them to fall into this group also.

Posted by: mepstein Jan 16 2016, 11:36 AM

My car probably never had the right parts to begin with. Even so, Scotty b bagged and tagged the nuts and bolts. I lost half of them moving them back to my house. I ordered the kit from (hurts to write this) aa. Wish it could have been 914rubber. We have a guy at our shop we call "Heisenberg". Maybe I'll make him go through PET and pick out all the nuts and bolts in stainless and make kits.

Posted by: tod914 Jan 16 2016, 07:44 PM

"Download the PET from Porsche and you'll be able to buy the fasteners yourself for much less."

Sourcing them from Porsche would easily be 2-3x more than what George is asking. The other issue is, most of the nuts and bolts have been superseded several times over. The likely hood of getting the same finish, or stamped bolt as what came on your car from the factory is slim. Some of the "original" hardware is still inventory, but a lot isn't. I went thought that when I lightly restored the Bahia red 914 I had, roughly 6+ years ago.

Wurth USA also has a good selection of metric hardware. But again, will be more expensive to put together.

Replating like Bruce does is a very good option if the hardware isn't too pitted. I recall his parts being very reasonably priced.

The finish from different vendors can vary by quite a bit. So, keep that in mind if your looking to achieve proper factory look. Some are too muted in finish, others are too iridescent. Ran into that issue with several platers I tried over the years. Jim does exceptional work. Just be specific on the finish your trying to achieve if you decide to use him. He's usually back logged.

Posted by: porschetub Jan 18 2016, 02:24 AM

QUOTE(mmascari @ Jan 13 2016, 04:52 PM) *

They are on Ebay too. Probably the same guy

Ebay seller - Lionel_Atlanta

Maybe if I buy it off ebay I won't have to wait 6 months??

confession time,I only do ebay sales with them its safer that way,yep same guy.

Posted by: Niklas Jan 18 2016, 05:56 AM

Attached File  914_schrauben.pdf ( 193.05k ) Number of downloads: 121

Will this help you ?

Posted by: mepstein Jan 19 2016, 10:13 PM

I got the kit today. Every thing is packaged up nice and neat in individual bags. Numbered to a chart. Very easy to read. I pull out a bag. It has 1 bolt. I look it up. Window crank. PH Flat MS M5x8 quantity #1

I don't know about George but I have 2 roll up windows with handles on each of them. Only one bolt is supplied in the kit. confused24.gif

Sigh, I'm going to bed.

Posted by: rhodyguy Jan 20 2016, 08:22 AM

1 screw. Hahahahahahahaha. Perhaps they are on back order. Too good too be true. Just when you think it's safe to order. BOOM! Reality....

Posted by: Racer Chris Jan 20 2016, 10:19 AM

Funny that the first bag you picked was probably the biggest screw-up in the kit. biggrin.gif
I checked and mine were the same way, but thankfully you won't find that to be the case with all the other bags.

Posted by: mepstein Jan 20 2016, 10:49 AM

Do I ask them to send the screw? Being me, I have to say yes. I just couldn't live with the worlds most complete kit left incomplete.

Posted by: mark04usa Jan 20 2016, 11:37 AM

QUOTE(mepstein @ Jan 20 2016, 10:49 AM) *

Do I ask them to send the screw? Being me, I have to say yes. I just couldn't live with the worlds most complete kit left incomplete.

and George will blame you for the loss of the screw, since AA could not possibly make a mistake. The kit was perfect until you opened it! happy11.gif

Posted by: mepstein Jan 20 2016, 12:01 PM

QUOTE(mark04usa @ Jan 20 2016, 12:37 PM) *

QUOTE(mepstein @ Jan 20 2016, 10:49 AM) *

Do I ask them to send the screw? Being me, I have to say yes. I just couldn't live with the worlds most complete kit left incomplete.

and George will blame you for the loss of the screw, since AA could not possibly make a mistake. The kit was perfect until you opened it! happy11.gif

His detailed chart only lists one screw. So it's one by his design, not customer mistake.

Posted by: championgt1 Jan 20 2016, 01:45 PM

He will send it all you have to do is pay shipping! dry.gif

Posted by: rhodyguy Jan 20 2016, 03:52 PM

He all ready did.

Posted by: mepstein Jan 23 2016, 10:16 AM

Georges reply - "Hi Mark, I have already read the chat about this one the world and know that you are setting me up on this. The kit does not come with the extra screw, and it is documented that way.
By the way, with your next order, if you mention it, we will send the screw and if you need some more correct hardware we will send that as well at no charge. We have all of the correct hardware here, and I personally know what goes where and what it should look like (too much of the factory hardware has been superseded Thanks for your purchase George Hussey dr914"
So I just have to buy more stuff from AA to get what should have come in the kit in the first place. No thanks.

Posted by: rhodyguy Jan 23 2016, 01:48 PM

He could have just replied to the thread when he was lurking. Nah....then the flood gates open. Or...banked some love by 'we're going to rectify this issue and send you a $.04 screw free of charge'. Nah...too simple. Screw love. Nice try on your feeble attempt at setting him up. Keep up the good work! Don't forget to mention the matter next time you order. dry.gif blink.gif unsure.gif wacko.gif headbang.gif chair.gif first.gif flag.gif

Posted by: mepstein Jan 23 2016, 02:08 PM

QUOTE(rhodyguy @ Jan 23 2016, 02:48 PM) *

He could have just replied to the thread when he was lurking. Nah....then the flood gates open. Or...banked some love by 'we're going to rectify this issue and send you a $.04 screw free of charge'. Nah...too simple. Screw love. Nice try on your feeble attempt at setting him up. Keep up the good work! Don't forget to mention the matter next time you order. dry.gif blink.gif unsure.gif wacko.gif headbang.gif chair.gif first.gif flag.gif

Trust me, there will not be a next time.

Posted by: rhodyguy Jan 23 2016, 02:14 PM

That's what they all say. Then....BOOM! ha.

Posted by: nein14 Jan 23 2016, 04:31 PM

Tried to buy one passenger side GT front flare to replace the factory flare that was damaged in a accident and they flat out refused to sell me just one had to buy a set of 4
Even after I told them I was gong to buy other parts for the repair!

Posted by: buck toenges Jan 23 2016, 07:36 PM

QUOTE(Niklas @ Jan 18 2016, 06:56 AM) *

Attached File  914_schrauben.pdf ( 193.05k ) Number of downloads: 121

Will this help you ?

Can we get that in English?

Posted by: Junebug Jan 23 2016, 09:40 PM

I am still on back order, for a part listed in stock and Original Porsche, well 7 weeks gone by, still not one reply to my emails and calls and I know what will happen if it does ever arrive, in will be a "finally at last, Much needed, the wait is over!" plastic copy, Identical in every way POS that because I trusted the site and was stupid enough to sit waiting, the few other places I could have got it from sold the last ones and whats left is now 4x $$. Send me what you promised or maybe you could refund my money now and apologize for misleading me.

Posted by: rhodyguy Jan 24 2016, 07:31 AM


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