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Posted by: boxstr Aug 8 2003, 09:53 PM

Has anyone priced the P2 widened and larger 17" Fuchs that Lindsey Racing sells?

Posted by: seanery Aug 8 2003, 10:33 PM

I recall seeing a thread that pointed to a PP thread a couple months ago.

They look sweet. Not crazy money, but not cheap.

Posted by: Qarl Aug 8 2003, 10:34 PM

Yeah.. I think you need even BIGGER tires and wheels back there... sheez!

Plan on stripping up any asphalt soon! heh heh! w00t.gif

Posted by: boxstr Aug 8 2003, 11:38 PM

Hey I'm just asking, I would like to have Fuchs rather than the Borbet wheels.
Karl, where are you staying in Seattle?

Posted by: Mueller Aug 9 2003, 12:45 AM

How funny, i was looking at this site today.........

17" x 7" P21707 $437.50
17" x 8" P21708 $442.50
17" x 9" P21709 $452.50
17" x 10" P21710 $457.50
17" x 11" P21711 $462.50

Deduct 100 bucks for each 16x6 fuch you supply.

the P2's look way better than the P3's...the bolts look too frankenstien for me smile.gif

Posted by: airsix Aug 9 2003, 10:20 AM

I always balked at the 3-piece look of widened Fuchs, but these look SPECTACULAR!!!! Not bad prices either. Thanks for posting this info Craig/Mike.
-Ben M.

Posted by: boxstr Aug 9 2003, 10:37 AM

Mike thank you very much. Actually those prices are better than some guys are charging for a 8x16 Fuchs.
I will have to measure my offset and call them on Monday.

Posted by: seanery Sep 1 2003, 10:30 PM

I just tried to contact them and my mail bounced.

Anyone have luck?

Posted by: Qarl Sep 1 2003, 10:34 PM

They guy who is doing my body work can make Fuchs in 9" to 11" widths. I think he only does 16" Fuchs.. but he might do 17s as well. Basically, he welds 6's and 7's together in various combinations.

I'm not sure what he charges, but his name is Gary Stratton. His e-mail is


Posted by: seanery Sep 1 2003, 10:44 PM

TRE can make 16's for me, but I think I want to get 17's for the race car.
Even considering 17x7's for the white car.

Posted by: freestone Sep 1 2003, 11:09 PM

How strong would these be?

Creating a new wheel from welding an older one.

Is there any reason for concern versus other brands, as I would like 17" as well.

Posted by: seanery Sep 1 2003, 11:35 PM

Dave B. of TRE and I talked about this a couple times. He assures me that there is no concern. He's got these on some of his groups RS & RS clone cars. They run them on the track and street no problems.

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