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Posted by: synthesisdv Sep 1 2003, 07:05 AM

Just returned from Sebring, out first event with the "new car"

We never even had time to test drive the car before we arrived at the track but everything worked beautilfully. Totally new fuel system with fuel cel and 2 new fuel pumps, new electrical system, new brake system, 8 point cage, etc.

We did shred the alt belt and lost a header plug but that was easy to fix in the pit. Also had to be flat towed in after a connector came loose from the coil. Beyond the above, the car ran great.

Weighed in at 2088 with me in the car with full gear and 1/2 tank of gas. That puts the car at just under 1900 pounds and that is with the full steel bodywork, steel bumpers, and an overbuilt but super safe roll cage.

Next is the motor, our 1.7 has never been rebuilt, I think it gave its life for us this weekend, major blowby in the tank but still running. We could only turn 3:10 which put us about in the middle of the pack in vintage group. The car just couldn't pull down the straights with the old motor but reeled almost any other car in under braking and turning, really remarkable. The brakes are totally stock but worked fantastic. I think they are sized pretty well for the weight and power of the car.

Time to get ready for next month.


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Posted by: URY914 Sep 1 2003, 07:25 AM

That's great smilie_flagge24.gif

That back stright is awful long isn't it? And turn #1 is late apex and close to the wall as you dare.


PS. It must have been hot as hell.

Posted by: synthesisdv Sep 1 2003, 07:42 AM

that's right paul,

had plenty of time to look at the scenery on the back straight, adjust the mirrors, tighten my belts, whatever.

Pretty hot and the love bugs were about as bad as anyone could remember, almost like a plague. They were just swarming everywhere but I kind of got used to it after a while. Also, 4 guys got hit by lightning on the friday test day. During an afternoon storm, there was a tremendous clap and flash. Apparently it hit one of the big semi trailers behind us where a large team was gathered. The guys were OK, one of them got it worse than the others. Paramedics checked them out. One guy said he felt stunned and tingly. I guess it can be more dangerous in the paddock than out on the track.

dr MDB2.gif

Posted by: URY914 Sep 1 2003, 08:13 AM


The love bugs are outofcontrol here too. I was working in my garage yesterday and I now have some embedded in the f/g resin of my front bumper.

Sebring can be a wild place when it comes to the weather. One year at the PCA Club race a storm cell come up and was blowing canopies and crap everywhere. Glad to hear you're all right.

Great pictures.


Posted by: Jake Raby Sep 1 2003, 09:04 AM

Car and pics look greta! You definately need some Horsepower and reliability!..........I know "This guy" thats pretty good with those engines...LOL

Posted by: Brad Roberts Sep 1 2003, 12:22 PM

Damn.. nice job clap56.gif Its good to hear something going "right" for once. I need to start making some I can get another car on the track.

Glad to hear your event went well.


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