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Posted by: RD Evans Sep 4 2003, 07:21 PM

Is it crazy to drive a newly purchased 914 1500 miles? If you were going to brave it, what would be the minimum list of things to check beforehand and what parts would you want with you? huh.gif

Posted by: Curvie Roadlover Sep 4 2003, 07:27 PM

Only 1500 miles? Piece of cake! Bring tools, plugs, throttle and clutch cable, fuses, bulbs, adventurous attitude. Cell phone. Post your intended route here so members can monitor your progress and lend assistance if needed. Where are you buying and where are you headed?

Posted by: URY914 Sep 4 2003, 07:28 PM

Cell phone.

Posted by: RD Evans Sep 4 2003, 07:36 PM

Deal isn't completed. If it happens, it will be East coast to central Texas.

Posted by: biosurfer1 Sep 4 2003, 07:40 PM

lol...i was a little worried about driving mine 90 miles home, but after driving it for a while, it would have been fine in a longer all depends on the car's condition and how mechanical you are, good luck though, these cars are worth it laugh.gif

Posted by: Curvie Roadlover Sep 4 2003, 07:42 PM

Try to get someone from the board to go look at it for you. You don't want to get out there and ohmy.gif headbang.gif

Posted by: Bleyseng Sep 4 2003, 07:46 PM

I would want Brad's cell number so if you breakdown he can tow you in or fix the car for you.


Geoff wink.gif

Posted by: James Adams Sep 4 2003, 08:02 PM

I just did it - 1700 miles - it was a blast.

I brought a few special tools (CV joint socket, feeler gauges, fuses, a round relay, clutch and throttle cables). I went to Wal-Mart after I arrived to get the car and bought a travel tool kit for the general tools. It came with a test light, electrical tape, and some other things besides the wrenches and screwdrivers.

I also got paper towels, oil, and other things like that at the Wal-Mart, so I was all supplied after one stop, and I didn't have to bring all that stuff with me.

Posted by: RD Evans Sep 4 2003, 08:12 PM

James...I've got a better idea. I'll just buy you a plane ticket and take you with me! I will drop you off in Ft. Worth on my way back to Temple.

Posted by: vsg914 Sep 4 2003, 08:16 PM

R.D., take me.....take me!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: Curvie Roadlover Sep 4 2003, 08:17 PM

QUOTE(Bleyseng @ Sep 4 2003, 05:46 PM)
I would want Brad's cell number so if you breakdown he can tow you in or fix the car for you.


Geoff wink.gif

I had Brad's cell phone # on my voice dial on my ride home. I just had to flip the phone open and yell, "Braaaaaaaad". Fortunately, I didn't need it. 3000 miles without a single problem. I would do it again in a minute. It was great.

Posted by: seanery Sep 4 2003, 08:30 PM

didn't you have a problem before you got out of town?

OH, I'll go, I'll go! I love road trips!

Posted by: Curvie Roadlover Sep 4 2003, 08:38 PM

yeah, but since I hadn't left town yet I don't count that. Plus it was fixed in about 2 minutes without tools, only required Brads' wisdom.

Posted by: GWN7 Sep 4 2003, 09:58 PM

What they said....

Plan your trip so you have lots of time and aren't stressed to be on schedule. Drive as much as you want to. Stop and smell the roses (take pictures) along the way. Take back roads, interstates can be boring.

Posted by: Brad Roberts Sep 4 2003, 10:47 PM

East coast car ?? Hopefully its a not a Ebay car.


Posted by: redshift Sep 4 2003, 11:37 PM

1500 miles. I would tow, or ship it. You have all the time drive it for fun when you know it.


Posted by: zeppelin71 Sep 5 2003, 12:25 AM

I just had the same dilema - fly in and drive it or have it trucked? I went with having it trucked. East coast (Oregon) to Minnesota was $800 door to door (shop around, it pays... others like the ebay preferred service were $1200).

I still don't understand my car well enough to say whether or not it would have made it, but definitely I would have to have stopped and replaced part of the gas line... brittle and spilling gas when the key first turned in the ignition. That's of course assuming I wouldn't have been engulfed in flames before noticing the leak!

Also - the car was NOT in as good a shape as it appeared on ebay (and how it was discribed... let alone the wrong engine).

On the other hand - would have been a fantastic adventure, if I could have spared the time off work and had some reserve funds in the bank.

cheers and good luck!

Posted by: rhodyguy Sep 5 2003, 04:44 AM

the boys from lake oswego would probably recomend an alt belt.


Posted by: Curvie Roadlover Sep 5 2003, 05:23 AM

QUOTE(zeppelin71 @ Sep 4 2003, 10:25 PM)
East coast (Oregon) to Minnesota

Did they move Oregon? blink.gif

Posted by: James Adams Sep 5 2003, 06:22 AM

RD, that sounds like fun, when do we leave? To bad I have sooooo many projects going on right now or might actually consider it. smile.gif

Posted by: tod914 Sep 5 2003, 06:37 AM

spare fuel pump relays, volt reg. have a ppi done before hand. If it's a NJ car, I can tell you where not to take it fighting19.gif

Posted by: ninefourteener Sep 5 2003, 08:31 AM

Exactly what kind of car are you buying here?? That would be the determining factor. What is it's condition?

I would hop in my teener a drive to California tomorrow if I needed to, no problem.

But my last one???

I would have ended up getting stuck on the side of the road in a Texas desert......... Hitching a ride from "bubba" and his family of human-skin mask-wearing, chainsaw wielding lunatics--LOL

Just make sure you have the funds for a backup plan if you decide to drive.

My rule for buying a classic is if it's more than a 1 day drive..... (12 hours), I have it shipped.

Good luck! beerchug.gif

Posted by: Porsche Rescue Sep 5 2003, 10:18 AM

You guys don't know what "cross country" in a 914 is. I have a deposit on my '71 (car on left in my avatar) and it just passed a thorough PPI. The buyer arrives in Portland, Oregon by plane Tuesday and leaves for Pembroke, Maine on Wednesday. Mapquest says that is 3400 miles. SHE will be travelling alone. I drove it from Chicago to Portland with no problems when I bought it last fall.
Think good thoughts for her. I sure will be!

Posted by: Jeffs9146 Sep 5 2003, 10:34 AM

I hope she becomes a member of the 914club! We could use a few more dedicated 914 women around here!! wub.gif


Posted by: vsg914 Sep 5 2003, 10:37 AM

I think she already is

Posted by: Jeffs9146 Sep 5 2003, 10:40 AM

Well, who is she? confused24.gif


Posted by: vsg914 Sep 5 2003, 10:44 AM

Ask Jim9146

Posted by: Porsche Rescue Sep 5 2003, 11:51 AM

See thread "Fair Price, newbie needs help". Her name is Joan Arbuthnot. I am very much looking forward to meeting her in person. She will stay with my wife and I Tuesday night.
She bought a new '71 and sold it in '84. Always regretted it and is now getting another. I will be leaving for Ventura on the day after she leaves so will be away from my computer while she is on the road. Hopefully she can get some help from club members if she has problems. She will first head to Kansas City for a short layover with friends. I will post more when I know her route (with her consent).

Posted by: jnp914 Sep 5 2003, 03:35 PM

Back to the rarity of seeing 914s on the open road. Last April I drove to Salt Lake City. Between Cheyenne and somewhere in west Wyoming I saw two 914s, traveling separately, heading east on 80. Seeing the first was a pleasant surprise, seeing the second was a shock.

Drive 'em if you got 'em.

Posted by: supernova Sep 5 2003, 03:52 PM

QUOTE(ninefourteener @ Sep 5 2003, 06:31 AM)
I would have ended up getting stuck on the side of the road in a Texas desert......... Hitching a ride from "bubba" and his family of human-skin mask-wearing, chainsaw wielding lunatics--LOL

EASY THERE YANK...thats only in the movies. wink.gif

I drove my ol 914 through N.W TX (enroute to OR) and actually had some ol fart chase me in his truck, flashing lights and all. I decided to pull over and see if something was wrong. He flagged me down thinking I was some friend of his. It's a small world even in BFE Texas.

Biggest fear in TX anymore is a bunch of illegals and they hang out in the big cities. Bubba may laugh at your funny car but chances are he'll lend you a hand.

Posted by: ein 6er Sep 5 2003, 06:39 PM

QUOTE]The buyer arrives in Portland, Oregon by plane Tuesday and leaves for Pembroke, Maine on Wednesday. Mapquest says that is 3400 miles. SHE will be travelling alone. [/QUOTE]

YOU GO GIRL!!! clap56.gif

best of luck to her. i bought my -6 in seattle, actually edgewood, and drove it back to central fl. over 5 days. direct via mapquest was 3226 mi., but i took some alt. scenic routes, so i was at about 3400 mi. also!! fortunately it was a beautiful experience!! i had family in colorado, kansas and tennessee, i figured, if it breaks down, i could tow it to a family members house and have it shipped home from there.

i flew out with basic tools, clutch and accel cables, relays and manuals, i also had a cb radio!! before i got on the road i stopped and bought oil, fire bottle, an atlas and fix a flat (slime).

mechanically i may have been lucky. i didn't get a ppi, but i looked the car over good and "trusted" the PO when he said he would not hestitate to drive the car anywhere. after getting home and driving the car around fl., i developed fuel percolation in the carbs, (no insulator blocks). that could have easly happened on the road and it could have burnt to the ground!!

so, to buy a 914 and dive it a long distane home, look it over good........... prepare for the worst and then hope for the best!

Posted by: serge914 Sep 5 2003, 06:53 PM

Last year I bought my car in South Carolina and it did cost me aroung $650.US to have it shipped to Montreal by train. They even picked-up the car at the seller place.

Posted by: redshift Sep 5 2003, 07:16 PM

QUOTE(jim9146 @ Sep 5 2003, 12:18 PM)

Think good thoughts for her. I sure will be!

I'd drive your car cross country, like it was stolen, and I think it probably would be..


And was!


What a great deal that car is, she's super lucky.


Posted by: redshift Sep 5 2003, 07:22 PM

QUOTE(supernova @ Sep 5 2003, 05:52 PM)
QUOTE(ninefourteener @ Sep 5 2003, 06:31 AM)
I would have ended up getting stuck on the side of the road in a Texas desert......... Hitching a ride from "bubba" and his family of human-skin mask-wearing, chainsaw wielding lunatics--LOL

EASY THERE YANK...thats only in the movies. wink.gif

Bubba may laugh at your funny car but chances are he'll lend you a hand.

I think the concern was based on it actually being Bubba's hand, not possesive, actually Bubba proper.


Posted by: Bleyseng Sep 5 2003, 08:16 PM

Where in Seattle is Edgewood??

I think Joan will be really happy with that 71 car of Jims. Should do just fine if she keeps it under 95mph.


Posted by: jarbuthnot Sep 5 2003, 09:57 PM

I'm the one who is buying Jim's car and driving Portland to Maine (near the Canadian border) and I haven't even seen the car yet. The route I'm taking is over 3600 miles. The car passed the PPI and I'm not worried.

Most of the stuff in my suitcase is for the car: Haines Repair Manual for 914, flashlight, work gloves, towel (all in case I have to change a tire at night), tapes (in case all I can get is country and western), cell phone, a carton of cigarettes, and a bottle of bourbon.

As for tools, or mechanical stuff, wouldn't know what to do with them. I can put oil and gas in and change a tire if I have to, but that's it. So if I have a problem, AAA will come and pick me up (been there, done that), leave the car and the manual with someone who hopefully knows something and come back and pick the car up later.

I'm looking forward to it!

Joan A

Posted by: GWN7 Sep 5 2003, 10:07 PM

Joan, post your route in another thread. That way members along the way might PM you there phone #'s if you need some help. I know you mentioned that your going by me, but about a day and a half drive South of here.

Did a little over 1/2 that distance last year in a teener (Victoria, BC to here) had a blast. Enjoy smile.gif

Posted by: ein 6er Sep 6 2003, 04:35 AM

QUOTE(Bleyseng @ Sep 5 2003, 06:16 PM)
Where in Seattle is Edgewood??


oopsss! checked the map, actually it's by tacoma. i drove up through seattle before heading east.

joan, one way or the other it will be a memorable experience and a great bonding opportunity with your new 914.
just be sure to check your engine bay at every stop, smell for gas, check for leaks, look under the car for any leaks, check your oil every stop too. good luck!!

Posted by: Curvie Roadlover Sep 6 2003, 06:47 AM

Count on full support across southern Michigan, if you're coming this way!!

Posted by: Bleyseng Sep 6 2003, 08:24 AM

Yes post your route so we can help if needed.

A couple of years ago, Yoder and Steve Milo drove across the US to Calif. Came thru Seattle and met them for dinner and helped fix a minor problem (rear lights). I think Brad helped them fix bad injector seals when they went thru the San Fran area.


Posted by: grantsfo Sep 6 2003, 03:07 PM

I drove my 74 1.8 2500 miles from Augusta GA to Santa Monica CA and hadnt seen the car. But I did go through a check list with the seller to determine if the car would be able to handle the trip. He had recently gone through most of the car. Didnt have a single problem the entire drive other than some vapor lock in the desert.

I had extra fuses, ignition parts, clutch and accelerator cables, cv joints. Never used them. If you dont know how well the car has been maintained I would be worried.

Posted by: vsg914 Sep 6 2003, 03:27 PM

My last real vacation was in my 75 2.0L three years ago with my 8 year old grandson. We spent three weeks on the road with no destination in mind. Explored New Mexico, Arizona, southern Cal ( all the way to San Diego) and Vegas baby. 4403 miles, 134 galllons of gas. Only one break down. Points closed up in Tuscon. 5 minutes, a new set of points, and we were on our way. Sure wish I would known about you guys then.

Hey admin, what happend to the post on Joan's route? Might have been a big help to her.

Good luck Joan, and may the road god's be with you

Posted by: vsg914 Sep 6 2003, 03:29 PM

opps, just saw the new thread

Posted by: Lawrence Sep 7 2003, 07:56 AM

As for tools, or mechanical stuff, wouldn't know what to do with them. I can put oil and gas in and change a tire if I have to, but that's it. So if I have a problem, AAA will come and pick me up (been there, done that), leave the car and the manual with someone who hopefully knows something and come back and pick the car up later.


Some basic parts (points, fan belt, rotor) even if you don't know how to use them, would still be good to carry. If you break down in BFE (been there) and get told "We don't stock none a dem for-en cityfolk car parts"... at least you have the basics to get fixed.

-Rusty smoke.gif

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