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Posted by: boxstr Sep 4 2003, 11:33 PM

Looking for a new Dig. Camera, what is the general opinion of what is good and what is crap. Feel free to give your thoughts on this Andy. smile.gif

Posted by: Jeffs9146 Sep 5 2003, 12:04 AM

I have a Sony DSC-P9 4.0 Mega pixel, and I love it! I think they have a 6.0 mp version now!! More than I need but great photos!


Posted by: scottb Sep 5 2003, 03:41 AM

i just bought a sony dsc-p10 that is 5.0 megapixel and it is great. what is really cool is that it will shoot movies as well as stills. can get about a 10 minute movie on a 128mb memory stick. nayyy......

Posted by: Curvie Roadlover Sep 5 2003, 05:26 AM

Set your price range, then go to for the best deals

Posted by: vsg914 Sep 5 2003, 06:00 AM

Just bought a new kodak LS 433, 4 mega pixel Great camera, but had to purchase a $7.00 program upgrade to replace the flawed program that came in the box.

agree.gif set your price range and then go shopping.

Posted by: vortrex Sep 5 2003, 06:57 AM

canon g2, g3, or the new g5.

you can get a g2 for relatively cheap these days, and it is an amazing camera.

check out for more info than you thought possible on all the digital cameras, plus sample galleries.

Posted by: Qarl Sep 5 2003, 07:16 AM

Fuji, Nikon, or Minolta.

4 megapixels or more. Depends on if you actually make prints and how large!


Posted by: Qarl Sep 5 2003, 07:18 AM

Oh yes... and buy off line and save $$$$$$

Several ways to find better prices.. (then go to Shopping and start clicking away. It will compare prices online for you too).

If you find a model you like, go to and see if there are any reviews!

Good luck!

Posted by: Andyrew Sep 5 2003, 08:38 AM

boxstr, what will you be doing with the camera? If you are going to take it to the track and take pics of the cars I say get a huge zoom (like 10x) if your taking pics for prints, get huge megapixles..


Posted by: Eric Taylor Sep 5 2003, 09:11 AM

The Nikon coolpix series is my favorite. They have a camera which is around a grand that is just amazing. It changes every few month's but the last time I looked it was the coolpix 5000 or 5500. I believe it's 5 megapixle's, amazing camera if you wana drop the dough.

Posted by: Mueller Sep 5 2003, 10:16 AM

Olympus C-700 Ultra Zoom

Posted by: Bruce Allert Sep 5 2003, 10:16 AM

Canon & Olympus are my favorites. They are similar in ease of operation and have some of the greatest features (10x zoom, 3-5 Mega pixal + price). Movies are great in both not to mention able to get really really close to your subjects. Canon also has one of the first 11 mega pixal cameras but you're looking at 6K huh.gif The nice priced cameras are between $4 & $700. Go to Pro Photo at 1112 NW 19th (241-1112) and see their digital guru there. Tell him what you think you need and he will show you what is available & make suggestions. I guarantee you will walk out a happy man. They are the best and, if you buy from them, they will back you with information & help forever. smilie_pokal.gif

P.s. what Mueller said beer.gif

Posted by: Jeffs9146 Sep 5 2003, 10:28 AM

The reason I chose the Sony was it gave me the most compact camera with the most features. If you are looking for something you can use and carry around I would definitely focus on size, pixels and zoom! I had another one and I found that it was just too bulky to comfortably carry up to the tip of the mountain!


PS: Battery life!!!!!!!!!! Mine can go weeks without a charge and will still take 50-100 photos!

Posted by: Lawrence Sep 5 2003, 01:04 PM

Kodak DC-5000.

Waterproof. Windproof. Dustproof. Shockproof.

Bought a "refurbished" model on evilBay. Best camera I've ever had. USB cable, CF cards for memory, and AA batteries (came with rechargeables and a charger). Good battery life unless you forget and leave the camera "on" in transfer mode.

-Rusty smoke.gif

Posted by: Qarl Sep 5 2003, 01:08 PM

Wanna see some good 911 photography??? Read all the pages on this Bird 911 thread...

Shows you what a good zoom and high pixel count can do!



Posted by: Brad Roberts Sep 5 2003, 01:12 PM

I'm so old school... I still shoot on floppies with a 4 year old camera (Sony). I dont print the pictures very often.. so print quality is not important to me. I can load them NOW and not have to wait until I'm near my memory stick reader. I can GIVE them to you when I'm done shooting and you can read them in any computer with a floppy drive. No cables. No software. Its shoots 30 second movies. I dont need a camera that shoots more than 72DPI because the WEB doesnt support any more than that and everything I shoot is for the

Craig it really comes down to what you want to do with the camera. I use mine strictly for web site crap and it works great. I dont need the 5billion megapixels.. then i would have to shrink ALL my pics down to 650 for this site and others. I shoot in 650X650 so i dont have to shrink them all.


Posted by: SirAndy Sep 5 2003, 01:23 PM

yes, yes and yes. agree.gif
but somehow, they all shoot blurry pictures! confused24.gif

Posted by: Bleyseng Sep 5 2003, 01:57 PM

I have used quite of few of the above mentioned cameras. I have owned the Nikon 885 and now have the Nikon 5000. The 885 was a point and shoot 3megapixal that shot great pics. The 5000 is awesome but pretty complicated and more for advanced users. If you change the settings it takes awhile to figure out how to change them back! (effin kids).

5 megapixal will shoot 16x20 prints
4 megapixal will shoot 11x14
3 megapixal will shoot 8x10....
so if you want to have real photo prints made consider the pixal size cuz if you try to blow up a 3 megapixal file to print it, its goes to hell like Andy shot it!

All my old cameras are in storage cuz all I shoot now is digital. I use Ofoto to due the prints, 8x10 is $3 and you get it in less than a week. Looks the same as a shot using a negative.


Posted by: Brad Roberts Sep 5 2003, 02:10 PM

Ofoto (owned by Kodak) and currently trying to hire Lyressa. Based in Emeryville Ca. Good business plan and plenty of backing.


Posted by: Qarl Sep 5 2003, 02:25 PM

I don't have floppy drives anymore... your photos are useless to me.... hahahahahahahahah!

Have a niec weekend everyone! It's supposed to dump 12" of rain here this weekend! Yippee! boldblue.gif

Posted by: vortrex Sep 5 2003, 02:28 PM

BTW...if anyone wants a nice free online photo gallery for their cars and such check out, very cool.

Posted by: Brad Roberts Sep 5 2003, 02:29 PM

That is our winter project.. setting up a "Readers Rides area" that people can upload pics too.


Posted by: Bleyseng Sep 5 2003, 02:37 PM

Yeah, the Kodak Co is doing terrible except for the digital divisions. Ofoto is a great site too, as its soo easy to upload your files (pics). Then select the print size, even crop em. This is totally the wave of the future because its soo easy and the results are JUST LIKE REGULAR PHOTO for cheaper.
I use Photoshop Elements to crop, dodge and burn, edit, clean up, lighten, fill flash all my shots now and then IF I print them, send them to Ofoto. That way I get custom 8x10 prints that use to cost me $30 each for $3.
I submitted one of the shot Monique shot on a trip to a local photo contest. She won second prize! All the other entries were regular big buck custom prints. No one could believe that it was a digital shot!


Posted by: seanery Sep 5 2003, 10:33 PM

Craig, if you are a 35mm guy, get a Nikon D100. It's truly incredible. I don't have one bad thing to say about mine.
6 megapixel, uses Nikon AI lenses (lot's of choices).


Posted by: Bleyseng Sep 5 2003, 10:57 PM

Here is a sucky pic I just took of Mars

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Posted by: Bleyseng Sep 5 2003, 10:58 PM

Here is the shot that Monique took

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Posted by: Bleyseng Sep 5 2003, 11:08 PM

tonights moon

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Posted by: Jeffs9146 Sep 5 2003, 11:47 PM

Sony sees more!!!

Wait....I didn't see that in your picture!!! ohmy.gif Man in the Moon??????


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Posted by: campbellcj Sep 6 2003, 09:56 AM

This is a little OT, but I got a Canon i950 photo printer for my wife, and it is shockingly good. We used to use Shutterfly and Ofoto, but you can't beat the convenience of being able to print what/when/how many you want right at the desk here.

The paper & ink tanks are a bit spendy though...I haven't done an analysis compared to the online services.

Next time a big pile of money falls on my head, I want to get 2 new digicams -- one of the tiny "pocket" ones like the Minolta, and a bitchen semi-pro SLR type (Nikon or Canon).

Posted by: jwade Sep 6 2003, 11:15 AM

check out digital camera resource page []
There are reviews of just about every digi camera and more information
and tests than you need.

OK, I tried 3 times to add a link but couldn't do it. confused24.gif Just cut and paste

Posted by: Jeffs9146 Sep 6 2003, 11:26 AM


Posted by: jwade Sep 6 2003, 11:46 AM

OK Jeff,

How'd ya do it?

Posted by: mikester Sep 6 2003, 12:21 PM

I've been using a Canon S300 for a while now and I love it. It takes great pictures.

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Posted by: mikester Sep 6 2003, 12:26 PM

Kevin's car...

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Posted by: mikester Sep 6 2003, 12:30 PM

Last one, had to lower the quality on these to post them...

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Posted by: Bleyseng Sep 6 2003, 12:51 PM

Like a dang stoplight, red, green and yellow 914's.


Posted by: campbellcj Sep 6 2003, 12:53 PM

FWIW...better to reduce the dimensions (height/width) before twiddling the JPEG compression! smile.gif That way your pics will be sharper but won't require horizontal scrolling. 640x480 or 800x600 are about tops for "friendly" board posting. (I usually run 1600x1200 on my main systems but my 2lb notebook can only do 1024x768. A lot of olpharts run 800x600 on their desktops).

Posted by: krk Sep 6 2003, 02:08 PM

Been using a nikon coolpix for almost 2 years. (990, 3.34M) It's been stellar.

In particular, because of the kinds of pics I take, the swivel head has been incredibly useful. (archtectural pics and car detail pics mostly) You can separate what you see on the display, from the angle that the camera is on. Very handy. Has a macro mode, and the low light algorithms seem to work pretty well.

Other issues when I was shopping -- compact flash was desired back then, (as opposed to a proprietary format) and I opted for a standard battery system (takes 4 std batteries -- you can get them anywhere, including any airport -- I was travelling a lot)



Posted by: Jeffs9146 Sep 6 2003, 04:08 PM

OK Jeff,

How'd ya do it?

Load the page you want and copy the address then come here and click on the http:// icon. Clear out the http:// from the bar and paste the address into the spot. Press OK and type in whatever you want to call the link! Press OK press enter to type in more of your post and press add reply!

Thats about it!


Posted by: jwade Sep 6 2003, 10:12 PM

Thanks Jeff


let's see if this works


Posted by: jwade Sep 6 2003, 10:15 PM

That didn't work. Let's give it one more try!


SUCCESS! smilie_pokal.gif

Posted by: Jeffs9146 Sep 7 2003, 01:24 AM


Yeeee haaaa!

You got it!


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