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Click here to view this topic in its original format _ 914World Garage _ d jet way too rich

Posted by: biggy72 Mar 16 2006, 01:01 AM

Well I just got my 1.7 d jet motor back all together and all in my car. After messing with the timing a little bit, it fired right up and ran pretty well. It was late, so I quit on it for the night. The next day I came out, and all of a sudden it was running rich. Extremely rich, black smoke out the tail pipe and all. And this was without touching anything. I was just wondering what might go wrong with the injection to cause this. I tried to get it to idle for as long as possible so it would get warm, but it was rich until it didn't want to run any more.(probably 20 minutes at an idle). Any help?

I'm back at school now, so I won't be able to work on it for another couple months, but it would be nice to have some direction, or maybe I can talk my dad into messing with it.

Posted by: Loser_Cruiser Mar 16 2006, 01:04 AM

Maybe the CHT (Cylinder Head Temp. sensor). Mine would run fine for about 10 to 15 mins then would run so rich it couldnt stay started.

Posted by: DNHunt Mar 16 2006, 07:47 AM

Ditto CHT. Make sure it's connected, easy to forget and the car won't run well or won't run at all.


Posted by: BMartin914 Mar 16 2006, 07:51 AM

With the d-jet you want to make sure that all of your components match - ECU, MPS and TS2. These components must all match and be for a 1.7 for it to run *correctly*.

As per usual - check out Brad Anders' d-jet site for more information on this than you ever wanted to see, but it is THE MOST VALUABLE site out there for us d-jet owners.

If all of your part numbers are correct, start testing components starting with the TS2 and the MPS.

A malfunctioning cold start can also cause a rich-running type situation.

There are a lot of variables, so you need to start small and make sure that things like your ignition is functioning properly (plugs good, gapped correctly, plug wires good, cap, rotor good) and move on from there.

Always start with the simple things first and work up from there.

Posted by: Rand Mar 16 2006, 11:38 AM

Also double check the vacuum hose between the plenum and MPS.

Posted by: biggy72 Mar 17 2006, 03:27 AM

from the last time the motor was in to now I got a new harness and ecu. I believe they were out of a 2.0, but I didn't realize the ecu was different. Is there a way to swap ecus, but not harnesses?

Posted by: bd1308 Mar 17 2006, 04:01 AM

if your HARNESS is fully functional, I have a couple of full 1.7 djet setups I could send you.


Posted by: biggy72 Mar 17 2006, 12:49 PM

well I've got my old harness and ecu, but I've never taken a harness off of an ecu or anything. Is it just a plug or?? My old harness was really messed up, and that's why I got the other one. I don't know if it's fully functional yet (since I'm at school now..) but I do know that the other one is a 2 liter harness because it has an extra plug for another sensor that the 2 liters have.

Posted by: BMartin914 Mar 17 2006, 02:05 PM

To remove the harness from the ecu:

Reove the screw from the circular clip that hold the harness in position, slide the plastic cover down and off, remove the 2 small screws that hold the harness multi-pin connector to the ecu and slide the connector out. Pretty easy, but the ecu needs to be un-mounted from the battery tray.

If you inadvertently changed the ecu out with another without noting the part # that may be the problem. Determine what #ecu you need to match your current setup and install the correct series of components. That may solve your issue right there.

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