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Posted by: pete914 Sep 17 2007, 07:01 PM

i'm running a carb on my engine and just recently i've noticed that after turning off the ignition it will turn over a time or two; kind of "rumble" to a stop.
i've also noticed that my idle is kind of high, but not always. sometimes it idles around 900...usually it's at 1200...and recently it's been getting "stuck" around 1500
could this have anything to do with the electric choke? i was told to depress the gas pedal once before starting it to activate it.
i checked the accelerator cable, no hang ups or anything.
here's a pic of the carb. i know it's a POS, but the car is running great, it's just the idle and the every-so-often cut off weirdness that's bothering me.
IPB Image
nonetheless, i'm considering putting a d-tronic on my 1.8...i have the FI in my garage...but should i just wait and get the proper l-tronic system? that would be another $250 out of my pocket....worth it in the long run?
can't decide!!!! idea.gif
thank you for your input gentleman

Posted by: SLITS Sep 17 2007, 07:17 PM

1.) Carbon buildup in the cylinders can glow red hot and ignite gas mixtures ... run car at 2000 - 2500 RPM and pour a cup of water slowly into carburetor.

2.) Improper ignition timing

Posted by: pete914 Sep 17 2007, 07:24 PM shit. water into the carb? this will remove the build-up in one treatment? i wonder if the deposits are due to the fuel additive i use...marvel mystery oil? anyone use that stuff? i do 2 oz per 10 gallons...
thanks slits...

Posted by: SLITS Sep 17 2007, 07:30 PM

It's a really old (like me) trick. Water makes steam and may knock the buildup off. I said slowly 'cause you can crack a piston, etc if you pour it fast.

Many moons ago water injection was used to boost horsepower for passing (look up Hudson Hornet).

Posted by: jd74914 Sep 17 2007, 07:34 PM

I highly doubt they are due to the mystery oil . . . though I don't think that is helping your engine burn cleanly (oil doesn't burn that well). Why do you use an additive anyways?

Posted by: Twystd1 Sep 17 2007, 07:41 PM

Idle issues = possible intake leak

And you can pull your air filter off when the engine is hot and see if the choke is getting stuck or not opening all the way.

Lastly. Those weber 32/36/ DGV or DGAV carbs SUCK on a 914.
Fuel puddles really bad in the intake runners as they are horizontal to the heads.

Those carbs were made for a Ford Pinto. Not a 914.

But if thats all ya got.. run it.
Until you can get sumpin better.

Posted by: pete914 Sep 17 2007, 07:50 PM

well, might have to give it a shot. ill pull the air filter off to take a look at the choke too...i had no idea that's where it was located.
about the carb...i'm under the understanding that carbs wear out the engine because they put too much fuel in the cylinder limiting the lubrication of the oil?
the puddles you're tlking this stripping my cylinders of oil when it's running?

i add the mystery oil b/c the PO suggested it. leaded fuel was a lot more lubricating than the stuff used today...?

Posted by: purple Sep 17 2007, 07:57 PM

more than water or timing....your carb linkage is loose.

i have that same friggen carb and the linkage plates are on a big bushing. they are stacked up one behind the other, the rear most one controls the secondary carb throat. the front one is what connects to your throttle cable, in front of that is a small tabbed washer that rides against the shaft of the main carb butterfly.

This tabbed washer NEVER mates up without movement onto the nut that holds all the plates and shit on. You can't tighten the nut too much or else the linkage all binds and doesnt turn at all... you can try to get the tab to ubar elite mesh onto the nut, but it's a fruitless endeavor. just get a big ass throttle spring and save money for new carbs.

i tuned my idle to just around 850 or so when cold, so it sputters and runs like shit when it's cold, but it idles at aroun 1100 when hot. also, to solve your run-on problems, try running premium fuel.

Posted by: purple Sep 17 2007, 08:01 PM

on the topic of water injection, i had a buddy that had a datsun 210 and hooked up the windshield washer line into the carb with a fan nozzle and put denatured alcohol into the reservior. that thing would FLY when he pulled the 'booster lever'

dunno how good it was for the engine, but it was friggen cool the alcohol would evaporate out of the reservoir pretty fast, but while it was there it was a blast!

the chokes are right above the throttle plates, they are right at the top of the carb and are the first things you see when you pull off the filter. mine always sit at something of an angle (they are rounded square plates)

i hate this carb so bad, you have no idea. I'm saving furiously to get weber 40's from 9motorsport

Posted by: pete914 Sep 17 2007, 09:34 PM, that sounds awesome. i mean, how bad could it be? dry.gif
not sure if i should invest in a new carb or go with fuel you are had trouble last winter with the car? this is my daily driver (don't drive too much...) so that might hasten my efforts to get the FI or a new carb installed.
i can't believe a carb for a pinto

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