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Posted by: seanery Aug 9 2004, 08:31 AM

Friday (optional)
* Morning-Afternoon - Get Dirty Day - If Doug's car isn't ready we get a group of guys to go wrench on his car and make it ready
* Evening - Dinner & Drinks, Hotel Check-In

* Kickoff Breakfast - 8-9:14 am
* Poker Run - 3 stops - approx 1 1/2 to 2 hours
* Lunch as group Noon - 1 pm
* Twisty Road Tour 1 pm - 3 pm
* Popular Vote show-n-shine 3pm - 5pm (door prizes & awards given out here)
* Dinner & Drinks 7:30 pm

* Goodbye Breakfast 8-9:14 am
* Departures

There are obviously a lot of holes here, let's discuss this and lock in a schedule.
We need to set up:

a. HQ Hotel
b. Poker Run Route
c. Breakfast & Dinner Locations
d. Lunch Location
e. Twisty Road Route
f. Show-n-Shine Location
g. Sponsors & Vendor support
h. Registration info, costs, etc...
i. Anything else I forgot

Posted by: Pnambic Aug 9 2004, 11:35 AM

I'm not familiar enough with the area to suggest locations for any of the above, but I'll try to scout if you need it. I think Doug would be able to chime in here though. Unfortunately, I'll be in NC all of next week on business and then in Chicago the following Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

Any thoughts on re-using any of our route from last year?

Posted by: seanery Aug 9 2004, 11:39 AM

I've considered it for the twisty road tour part.

I'm not too concerned with the details. It's the schedule that I'd like to nail down so we can promote the event.

I planning on going down this week to meet & scout hotels and restaurants.

Posted by: itsa914 Aug 9 2004, 12:25 PM

Think we can do this all in one day? I'm just thinking of getting everyone going and keeping the pace steady. I think it is a great plan. smilie_pokal.gif

in Chicago the following Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

Where will you be at?? I could meet you for dinner or something? I still owe you for all your help with our computer stuff chowtime.gif

Posted by: itsa914 Aug 9 2004, 01:15 PM


What can I do from up here? This should not be all on your shoulders. I can call sponsors, make up drive route instructions (once we know what the route is), make hand outs....

Did you get any info on the sponsor stuff from the SMOG guys?

Posted by: Pnambic Aug 9 2004, 01:26 PM

That's a darn good question. I'll be running a couple training sessions for a bunch of our Chicagoland area agents. I'll drive up Monday night, do the training sessions all day Tuesday and then drive back to Indy on Wednesday. I think they're looking for a place on the south side of Chicago. I'll let you know when I get more info.

Posted by: Engman Aug 9 2004, 05:39 PM

Schedule looks good - we need locations locations locations.

Hotel location - ??? Price???

Breakfast location - how many?

Poker run can be figure later based on the above

Lunch location - can be done later as well

Show and shine -- need a gud spot

Dinner location - I suggest somewhere not too far from the hotel and someplace that will serve alcohol.

You guys are clser to this Than I am - just throwing out that we need to nail the hotel local, breakfast local, show and shine local and dinner local.

You may want to move this closer to Indy. It would be cool if there was a tie in to one of the Indy tracks fore the show and shine - dont know if its possible.

Sean - post a note on the main board and ask for sponsors - I am already in.



Posted by: seanery Aug 9 2004, 09:56 PM

What about - This is a big WHAT IF here:

We stay at the Brickyard Crossing Hotel (only 20 rooms available right now, though- I'll call tomorrow)
The poker run starts at the Brickyard and ends at our Lunch Location in Columbus (similar to where we started last year)
After Lunch we do an organized Fun Run (like last year) and end in the park for the show-n-shine
Then cruise back to Speedway (1 hour or so) then have dinner

Sunday is breakfast then Track Tour of IMS. They will do that for groups of 20 or more.

Can this idea be tweeked to work? Or should we think about keeping it in the Columbus/Nashville area?

*edit* Mapquest says Nashville to Speedway is 1:18

Posted by: Engman Aug 10 2004, 07:21 AM

Is the Brickyard crossing in speedway? Hmmmm, that area of Indy can be ???? Maybe a hotel in the Southern part of Indy would be better.

You live up there - just make sure its a nice place.


Posted by: seanery Aug 10 2004, 07:39 AM

This is the hotel that is connected to the track. Anyone who is anyone in racing has stayed in this hotel. It's not a 4 star joint, but it's no roach infested motel either.

Posted by: seanery Aug 10 2004, 07:40 AM

I've also been looking around Southern Indy to Columbus

Posted by: itsa914 Aug 10 2004, 09:12 AM

I like the idea of staying closer to the southern Indy to Columbus area for the poker run. If that would be easier to do?

Staying by the brickyard would be cool but if we can get the IMS tour lined up for Sunday then the tie in to Indy would be made.

Posted by: Doug Leggins Aug 11 2004, 05:13 PM

Not much chance of getting my 73 ready. But, no problem at all gathering at my place anytime during the event.

Hotels in Nashville in Oct are at a premium. Next week I can check on availability.

I'm going back to FL tomorrow morning and returning on Sunday. While I'm there I'll spend a little time to see if there is any possibility of getting the 73 completed before the event.

I can start helping with any event needs next week.

Work stuff and the house project have kind of taken me out of the 914 mode. This event is just what I need to get fired up about 914's again.

Posted by: seanery Aug 11 2004, 05:15 PM

Can we do a WRENCH DAY on Friday Oct 22nd on your car?

Posted by: Doug Leggins Aug 11 2004, 05:32 PM

Sure can!

Is your car going to be together for the event? Do we need to have a wrench day at your place to get the white car ready?

Posted by: seanery Aug 11 2004, 05:33 PM

Man, I hope it's ready. There is a DE in Sept that I want to go to, actually 2 of them, plus 1 the weekend after our FFC.

I did just agree to buy a 2.2T motor that I plan on making a 2.2S or E spec for whitey biggrin.gif

Posted by: seanery Aug 11 2004, 05:34 PM

So, for the wrench day, are you working that day-the real job I mean?

Posted by: Doug Leggins Aug 11 2004, 05:40 PM

So, for the wrench day, are you working that day-the real job I mean?

That depends on when we want to start. I could call it a 914 day and take the day off, or make it a short work day and and then call the rest a 914 day. Fairly flexible.

Posted by: Doug Leggins Aug 11 2004, 05:44 PM

I did just agree to buy a 2.2T motor that I plan on making a 2.2S or E spec for whitey

So you're a six addict eh?

You gonna do the motor assembly work yourself?

Posted by: seanery Aug 11 2004, 05:46 PM

OK, sorry for the thousand questions.

Can we do the Show-n-shine at your place Sat afternoon?

If so, I think we can finalize the schedule. I need to go to Columbus and get the hotel thing done.
Then we need to map a poker run route.

Is everyone ok with using last year's Twisty Road Map for the big run?

Posted by: seanery Aug 11 2004, 05:46 PM

gonna build it mahsef.

Posted by: Doug Leggins Aug 11 2004, 05:59 PM

The show and shine at my place will work. The only concern is if there was alot of rain prior to the event the front lot could get soft.

How many cars are expected?

Most of my drive is not a good place to park due to the hickory trees. They are dropping car denting nuts that time of year.

The front lot is clear of hickory trees so no concern there. Not sure how many cars I can get in the front lot. I'll check when I get home. Maybe 25, probably more?

Posted by: seanery Aug 11 2004, 07:21 PM

I have no idea how many to expect. When we get the info up we can start taking registrations.

We could do your house as plan A and use the Hotel parking lot for Plan B if it rained.

Posted by: Doug Leggins Aug 11 2004, 07:58 PM

Sized up the front lot. Can hold 25 - 30 cars. can get another 5 in safe areas of the drive. So my place could accomodate 30 - 35 cars. If the number of attendees gets larger than that I can check on a couple of other options. I just may be able to get more access for cars.

Posted by: seanery Aug 11 2004, 08:01 PM


You can also show off the new car!

Posted by: Doug Leggins Aug 11 2004, 08:34 PM

You can also show off the new car!

Well...more likely show "parts" of a new car. Unless I can figue one more way to delay the house and work on the 914. I've been doing it for a couple of years now. Maybe a couple of more months is possible - LOL

Posted by: itsa914 Aug 11 2004, 09:15 PM

Is everyone ok with using last year's Twisty Road Map for the big run?

Works for me, a very fun drive. This time lets just make sure there are no critters crossing the road smile.gif

I just may be able to get more access for cars.

Doug, we can just push some of them old Chebbys out of the way wink.gif NOT.

Posted by: Pnambic Aug 12 2004, 06:01 AM

A few extra radios might really come in handy. How many did you think you could get Garold?

Posted by: itsa914 Aug 12 2004, 07:27 AM

I have my set of two, I know Sean has as at least one radio. I also have a set (like yours Sean) that was going to be used for a door prize.

I will see if I can get a few more sets from our logistics dept. Supply is kindof low right now, we have a lot of projects going, but I will keep asking smile.gif

Posted by: seanery Aug 12 2004, 07:34 AM

I have 2 radios.

Posted by: seanery Aug 12 2004, 07:35 AM

I'd like to make a small change to last year's route, but I'll need to run it again to figure out where to make the change. We need a stopping point for potty breaks 1/2 way or so.

Posted by: seanery Aug 13 2004, 01:00 PM


Friday (optional)
* Morning-Afternoon - Get Dirty Day - Doug's Place in Nashville
* 5pm Hotel Check-In
* 5:15 Event Registration Lower Level of Hotel
* 7pm Dinner & Drinks at 4th Street Bar (Tentative)

* Event Registration 7am
* Kickoff Breakfast - 8-9:14 am (or whatever time they start)
* Poker Run 9:14 am - 11:00 am
* Lunch at Mill Race Park (final stop of poker run) 11:00 am - 12:30 pm
* Popular Vote Show-N-Shine at Mill Creek Park 11:00 am - 1:30 pm
* Door Prizes & Awards 1:30 pm - 1:45 pm
* Twisty Road Tour 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm (does anyone remember how long it actually took last year?)
* Dinner & Drinks Smith's Row 7:30 pm (Tentative)

* Goodbye Breakfast 8-9:14 am (or whatever time they start)
* Departures

This plan does not utilize Doug's house for the show-n-shine. I like that, less work for him biggrin.gif

Posted by: itsa914 Aug 13 2004, 01:30 PM

works for me.

(does anyone remember how long it actually took last year?)

Once we got going, about 1 - 1 1/4 hrs. We did stop for a brief leg stretch and general WTF are we talk smile.gif

Posted by: Engman Aug 13 2004, 06:00 PM

I think you have it nailed - remember we are a talky bunch.


Posted by: seanery Aug 13 2004, 06:19 PM

The poker run could get done very quickly. I hope that folks spend a couple minutes inside the museum. I hear it's prett cool.

Posted by: Doug Leggins Aug 19 2004, 09:31 AM

The schedule looks good. I like the change of location for the Show and Shine. I was a little concerned about my place being conducive to a good show and shine.

Posted by: seanery Aug 19 2004, 09:56 AM

Hey man, I'm glad your back. Hopefully you missed all the nasty stuff down there.

Time to get your car ready to be worked on! laugh.gif

seriously, think about what kind of stuff you want us to do. We should be able to make some good progress on it.

Posted by: Doug Leggins Aug 19 2004, 10:12 AM

I've been reviewing the car tasks that can be done. And making another "Parts to buy" list. There'll be plenty to work on. Unfortunately, I don't see any way of getting it road ready for the event.

FL trip - Destination Anna Maria Island. Arrived about 11:30 AM. By noon, the mandatory evacuation was given - that really sucked! We prepped my place, and both of my in-laws places and then went inland. Fortunately for us the storm went inland south of our location. If it had stayed on the projected path I'd be cleaning up one huge mess.

I'm glad to be back and am ready to jump in and help with event planning.

Posted by: Engman Oct 12 2004, 08:59 AM

Friday (optional)
* Morning-Afternoon - Get Dirty Day - Doug's Place in Nashville
* 5pm Hotel Check-In
* 5:15 Event Registration Lower Level of Hotel
* 7pm Dinner & Drinks at 4th Street Bar (Tentative)

* Event Registration 7am
* Kickoff Breakfast - 8-9:14 am (or whatever time they start)
* Poker Run 9:14 am - 11:00 am
* Lunch at Mill Race Park (final stop of poker run) 11:00 am - 12:30 pm
* Popular Vote Show-N-Shine at Mill Creek Park 11:00 am - 1:30 pm
* Door Prizes & Awards 1:30 pm - 1:45 pm
* Twisty Road Tour 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm (does anyone remember how long it actually took last year?)
* Dinner & Drinks Smith's Row 7:30 pm (Tentative)

* Goodbye Breakfast 8-9:14 am (or whatever time they start)
* Departures

We need to detail out this list - who what when where - We need to know who should be in charge of each piece of this puzzle. Also the poker run - how are we doing this - one of us at each stop?

I want this to come off as organized. We need to perform to show our sponsors that this was a well run event.


Posted by: seanery Oct 12 2004, 09:06 AM

I'm working on assignments...finalizing poker run details first, then I'll pass along the info.


Posted by: Pnambic Oct 12 2004, 11:34 AM

kewl, have we scoped a new twisty tour?

Posted by: seanery Oct 12 2004, 11:47 AM

it's on my this week list.

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