Well, yesterday (04/08/06) I started the /6 project by finally getting the car on the lift. Pulled the wiring harness from the rear trunk back to the engine bay. Ground off the tailshifter housing on the firewall and welded (badly) the Maddog mount to the firewall. Reminder to self...learn how to weld.
For those using the Maddog mount (copy of Rich Johnson's mount?), it doesn't really fit an early model ('70) real well. Reliefs have to be opened up for the thru tunnel brake line and heater pull tubes to make it fit. Also, the relief for the wiring harness is in the wrong spot and if it were in the correct spot, the engine mount is in the way I have also run into a problem with the sideshifter conversion. The front bar is hitting something in the front tunnel causing a scrapeing sound and interfereing with the movement to get to 4th and 5th gear. This is going to be frustrating. Attached thumbnail(s)