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Full Version: For Sale: 916/914-6 style fiberglass fender flairs. $200. > The 914 Forums > Classified Forums > FS/WTB: 914 Parts
Have a set of four fiberglass fender flairs for the Porsche 914. The same style as found on the 916/914-6. Never mounted, asking just $200, pick-up only in Kingston, MA 02364. I have a fiberglass 916 style nose/bumper/front valance/? and a pair of ABS raised "PORSCHE" lettered rocker panel covers that I'll toss in for free.

I'm in. Can you post pics? It's a 5.5 to 6 hour drive. Need to decide if I can fit it the volvo wagon or if I need to use a truck.
flares will fit in the back seat of a honda accord. bring towels as fiberglass will cut upholstery.
QUOTE(Chris914n6 @ Nov 30 2024, 04:46 PM) *

flares will fit in the back seat of a honda accord. bring towels as fiberglass will cut upholstery.

Agreed. The only reason they were not in the trunk of my Accord when I picked them up for Chris914n6 was I had a Mac tools side box back there already. The seller brought them to the Bruce's swap meet in the trunk of his 914.
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