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> WTB: Flasher Relay
Mike Fitton
post Apr 25 2019, 08:19 AM
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I need one of these Flasher Relay's for my '71 Targa (has a 914 part #) 914.618.303.11, have tried several that are available from the usual sources that do not work correctly. Currently using a Wehrle brand but when the emergency brake is engaged the buzzer comes on and both turn signal arrows light up. I can live with this one as everything else works great. Here are pictures of the original one that was in my car.

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post Apr 25 2019, 10:29 AM
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Mike I have a few, cover shipping and it's yours

Also check if you can take the ground from floating to an actual ground like the 911's do.
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Mike Fitton
post Apr 26 2019, 07:29 AM
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QUOTE(Chi-town @ Apr 25 2019, 08:29 AM) *

Mike I have a few, cover shipping and it's yours

Also check if you can take the ground from floating to an actual ground like the 911's do.

PM sent, Thanks!
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