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> How to trace the origin of my 914, Is there a way to know?
post Dec 5 2023, 03:28 PM
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I don’t have the original invoice of my car, ir there a way to trace the dealer, location, city anything…

I know the person I bought it from got it in California, from his nephew, and he lived in LA, but that is it…

Anyone know. I am from Mexico and really don’t know how it works in the US.


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post Dec 5 2023, 06:36 PM
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Your source and chances of success depend a lot on what info you ultimately want. Original spec? Previous owners? You can:

Contact Porsche for a Porsche Classic Technical Certificate. Formerly Certificate of Authenticity (COA).

Get in touch with forum member Dave Pateman who can often get delivery info on the car. What I believe would have been called a Kardex many years ago.

Try submitting VIN info to California Department of Motor Vehicles. I tried to do this for a couple cars in other states. It went nowhere, but you might get lucky.

Dig through anything you can find in the car like maintenance book, oil service stickers, etc.

Look in the 914 VIN database

Carfax may provide some insight to ownership changes. Depending on how long ago it occurred.
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