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> Front strut question, Loose cap on top of strut
post Mar 11 2025, 05:50 PM
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I am restoring my 74 2.0 and when I purchased it about one year ago, it drove pretty good. I didn’t notice any weird or loose steering other than the bearing in my steering shaft which I’ve already replaced. When I shake the car I can hear a rattling sound coming from the top of the strut. I can reach my hand in between the fender and the top of the tire and rattle the top cap of the strut against the side of the strut itself. The rubber at the top of the strut inside the hood looks ok, but I’m not sure what needs replaced to tighten this up. If I remember from my 911sc it has a couple rubber nubs inside the top cap. I know they are not exactly the same, but close in design. Not sure if this is the problem…any ideas??
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post Mar 11 2025, 06:19 PM
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Sounds like the cap is loose. Easy fix. Jack up that recorder, remove tire, remove single nut on the sturt shaft, compress strut and pull down and out from wheel well. Tighten with piee wrench. Reasemble
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