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> OT: Recent picture of Hunter and pal, and Hunter update for my 914club friends
post Jul 4 2004, 09:00 PM
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Hunter has been doing very well this year. Ever since our big ordeal last October when we nearly lost him, he has been fairly stable.

He had is 4 year old check up at the pediatrician last week with nothing to report. He even visited the dentist and had is first flouride treatment. He seems to be enjoying the new house, although it has been hot as Hell here lately (and humid). The afternoon lightning storms have been really freaky. I don't remember lightning like this ever in Florida, and I'm a native.

3 weeks ago, we adopted a new kitten from the pound. She is an 8-week old tortoise-shell colored sweetie and has really added some pizazz to the household. Euro (our German shepherd) has been trying to eat her, and Roman (our older cat) has a new playmate. She has provided countless hours of entertainment.

Several nights ago, my wife left Hunter's room for a few minutes only to return to find what you see pictured below. She started crying. Apparently, our new kitten (her name is Bella) has taken to Hunter. She nuzzled right up to him and started purring. Hunter could sense she was there and started rubbing her with the back of his arm. It was very sweet. She layed with him for about an hour and has done this several times since then.

For those of you new around here, Hunter is my only son. He was born, after a length delivery, with oxygen and blood-flow deprivation and is consequently severly impaired. Basically, the hospital messed up and should have c-sectioned him early in my wife's labor. There were quite a few signs of trouble early on that were ignored. But because they didn't intercede, Hunter has had a very difficult and challenging life.

He requires 24-hour medical supervision. My wife and I have dedicated ourselves to taking car of our little boy and making him as comfortable as possible. We have had several episodes where we have nearly lost him (as recently as last Fall), so we are very grateful to have our "little man" still with us.

I have a photo of me and him in my 914 before I disassembled it. I hope to take another one of us together in the completed car in the near future.

Thanks for reading.

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post Jul 5 2004, 12:15 AM
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I am pretty new to the board, so thanks for sharing. In another thread, I read of a family that lost a son today. Treasure Hunter!

As for the kitten, kids and animals, go figure. Plus a dad with a 914.

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