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> Fuel Injectors, cracked hoses
post Oct 20 2004, 05:56 AM
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From: Central Texas
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Just got a '71 1.7 and two of the fuel injectors fuel hoses (the hose from the fuel rail/line to the injector) have cracked, apparently from age. I hate the thought of having to replace the injector just because the fuel hose part is cracked. Is there any way to replace that section of fuel line? It appears to be a press fit onto the injector. So, $150+ for new injector or $1.50 for new fuel line? Ideas????

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post Oct 20 2004, 11:23 AM
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From: End of the Road, Alaska
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Be sure that if you go with regular fuel hose to leave enough room for the rails to lay a little flatter than they were with the elbows. First time I did this the line from the pressure regulator to the fuel rail was too short, causing a kink in the little peice of line from the injector to the fuel rail. When I checked PP didn't have the elbows. Also if you're not already you might as well replace all the fuel lines. Cheap easy insurance.

By the way my car - '71 1.7L . (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
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