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> Fluid Film, Good rust inhibiter. What are negatives
post Sep 11 2017, 05:02 PM
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On places that I can't or won't paint I use this. I used it in the rear section of the tunnel from the gear shift to back. On the front part I was able to clean and paint. I used it in the bottom of the floor pan. The wiper assembly was cleaned using it.

I was putting a little on the metal parts of the valve assembly for the fresh air and defrroster and was surprised to see how it seemed to blacken and clean the plastic. It seemed to work better than back to black and really made the parts look new. The label say it will not harm plastic and I have had it on the air valve for over a week and it seems to stay the same. As of now, unless I hear something else I plan to use it on the air box.. I would like to know if anyone has had experience with this product.

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post Sep 29 2017, 02:15 PM
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Thanks for the response about Novus. I have not heard of it before, but will for sure try it. I went to town today to try and find some Boeshield. I didn't find any and really didn't expect to. Fluid film is carried at Lowes here and I was getting. a can and next to it is a product called Super Slick Slick Stuff. It is marketed as a rust cleaner/preventer productt so I had to buy a can. I will see how it works next week. I am guess I am going to try every cleaner and conditioner that is not a product of Mothers or Mequiars. Today I ran across a crome cleaner that was being promoted on the internet by Jay Leno called Quick Glow on the internet that I will have to also try.

I did not mention and I should have, that Fluid film does not react well with rubber. I guess it makes it swell or something so I will avoid getting it cose to rubber in the future.

Maybe this should be a different thread, but I am looking for rubber preservatives, lubricants and conditioners. I am interested in finding out about Red rubber Grease. It is my understanding that it is vegtable oil based and that vegetable oils work well on rubber. It would be nice if I could pick up some at one of the 10 local auto part stores and try it, but Mothers and Meguiars didn't leave shelf space so will have to order it.

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