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> OT: What I get to do Tomorrow, VIN inspection
post Dec 13 2004, 07:36 PM
Post #1


Group: Members
Posts: 1,374
Joined: 8-August 04
From: End of the Road, Alaska
Member No.: 2,482

Well it is a sad day in the Rhodes household, Gus has to go. I dragged this thing down from Alaska a few years ago and haven't had the time or resources to do anything to it so now that we have decided to go back to Alaska only so much can go back. The 914 goes with, the VW goes to somebody that hopefully will treat it like it deserves.

I gotta get it legal which means a VIN inspection at the DMV. It does drive but there is a brake fluid leak and now has no brakes so on the dolly and off the DMV. The State Troopers will come to the house and do it but they set up a time a couple of weaks down the road and then said if they are to busy they would cancel. Screw it, I made it down the Alcan like this I can certianly go 15 miles.
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Rhodes71/914   OT: What I get to do Tomorrow   Dec 13 2004, 07:36 PM
Rhodes71/914   oops forgot the pic   Dec 13 2004, 07:38 PM

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