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> Can somebody give me advice on selling my car in Europe?, and are they paying premiums for clean 914's now?
post Oct 5 2023, 05:02 PM
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Someone has suggested that to get top dollar for my super clean '75 1.8, I should try to sell it to someone in Europe. Is this feasible? What's the downside of a transaction like this? Thanks!
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post Oct 9 2023, 06:41 AM
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From: belgium
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A few weeks later in Belgium ....

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Had to sell one of the cars and a friend of mine bought the 914.
Regretted but funds was an issue....
A couple of years later I bought another 914, this time from Bill out of Daytona.
I had a PPI on all cars, long chats/mails and videocalls and once trust was there it went smoothly...

Bill who sold me the orange one insisted on a "live" loading of the car... I was on videocall with him the entire time... exciting.

Bob I've met in person a couple of years ago while I was travelling California with my daughters...

Would buy again fm those two gents and I think they would sell again to me without a thought...building up trust is everything

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greetings fm Belgium
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