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> stuck in reverse, Transmission is stuck in reverse
post Jun 9 2024, 04:55 AM
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Hi Everyone!

I took my ‘71 1.7 to the car wash yesterday. When I picked it up, they told me it was stuck in reverse.
Sure enough, the gearbox is stuck in reverse. It seems like you can shift back and forth between 4 and 5, but in those positions the gearbox is just locked up; feeling like “park” in an automatic transmission. Shifting back and forth in neutral only left the gearbox in reverse.
On my initial search of the internet, I came across mentions of a car being shift ed between first and reverse while still moving and this could cause this. Also there was a mention of doing something with the reverse light pin to get it out of reverse.
Is there an emergency fix for this problem and what is the long term repair?
Thanks everyone,

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post Jun 9 2024, 03:43 PM
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I took my ‘71 1.7 to the car wash yesterday. When I picked it up, they told me it was stuck in reverse.
Never let an amateur drive a 914...the shifting cannot be forced by a brute...its all gentle.
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post Jun 9 2024, 07:57 PM
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QUOTE(r_towle @ Jun 9 2024, 05:43 PM) *

I took my ‘71 1.7 to the car wash yesterday. When I picked it up, they told me it was stuck in reverse.
Never let an amateur drive a 914...the shifting cannot be forced by a brute...its all gentle.

(IMG:style_emoticons/default/agree.gif) 100%

Makes me cringe to think of someone jamming the shifter to get into gear. What if they moved it in first then hit reverse while moving forward? Hopefully something came loose in the shifter linkage and not inside the transmission.

Calling @Dr_Evil
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