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> FS:Who wants a chassis for Christmas?, 1976 Track prepared chassis.
post Dec 18 2024, 07:20 PM
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From: St Jacobs Ontario Canada
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Well finally I have come to the realization that I can’t keep all my 914 stuff. Lots of project cars I have, there just isn’t enough time to turn these dreams into reality. So I have for sale my incredibly clean 1976 track prepared chassis. In 20 years it is the cleanest chassis that I have ever laid eyes on in Ontario Canada. I did get some records with it. The car was built in and around 1996 and was prepared at that time as a full GT six track car, running a hot rod 3 L . I have a copy of the title out of Colorado. The tub shows no sign of crash damage anywhere on the chassis. The rear suspension points have been heavily reinforced. The flares appear to be an AIR products. I have many pictures of this chassis after it was media blasted, and then epoxy primed.
I reached out to some senior members here at the world, trying to establish a value. It was suggested that this chassis would have a value of 7k usd.So let’s start there.
I do have a truck and trailer and certainly can look at getting the car either into the US or perhaps we can work out a deal to bring the chassis directly to the buyer. I am a little bit of a tech dinosaur so if you have questions, please feel free to call me directly at 519-577-4130. Thank you, Todd Martin Attached Image Attached Image Attached Image Attached Image Attached Image Attached Image
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post Dec 19 2024, 01:08 PM
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Curios if that old copy of the titled showed the Colorado old owners name?

I used to know all of the 914 racers in Colorado back in the day
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post Dec 19 2024, 04:52 PM
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QUOTE(brant @ Dec 19 2024, 01:08 PM) *

Curios if that old copy of the titled showed the Colorado old owners name?

I used to know all of the 914 racers in Colorado back in the day

Did you know a guy named Mihelich?
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post Dec 20 2024, 12:05 PM
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QUOTE(Puebloswatcop @ Dec 19 2024, 05:52 PM) *

Did you know a guy named Mihelich?

I recall in the early days of PCA Club Racing a 914 owned by someone named Mihelich was on the cover of Panorama magazine. Kind of a unique name, so I remembered it.
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