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> I have Stan White's car, Former Baltimore Colt
post Feb 7 2025, 11:06 AM
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Winner of the Utah Twisted Joint Award

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Hi folks. I like to try to find out more about the history of my cars. For example, my 911 was owned by the only nuclear sub skipper I have ever heard of to be arrested at an anti-Trident protest at the sub base at Bangor WA. Interesting guy.

My problem is like most of us, I imagine that the former pro star values his privacy. If any of you know a back door by which I could contact him, I have some questions about the 1976 2.0 914 he used to own. Thanks.
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post Feb 7 2025, 11:50 AM
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Resident German

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In my experience, car guys/gals are usually pretty open to talk about their past cars if you approach them respectfully.

If you can get his address, just send him a letter.
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post Feb 7 2025, 05:23 PM
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Winner of the Utah Twisted Joint Award

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QUOTE(SirAndy @ Feb 7 2025, 09:50 AM) *

In my experience, car guys/gals are usually pretty open to talk about their past cars if you approach them respectfully.

If you can get his address, just send him a letter.

Ahh, that is just my problem. Don’t have an address. Still appears to be involved with Baltimore pro football. Story that I was told was the car was for his wife. Perhaps it was passed down to a child, his son is also a gifted athlete. Then it must have languished since it was given to a charity and flipped after the rust was covered with faux bumblebee. You are right, I have little doubt that he would be willing to give me some details.
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