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> Aluminum Dry Sump Tank Questions
post Feb 2 2025, 12:52 PM
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Hello All. I'm using one of Ben's aluminum dry sump tanks and am having some issues with the motor "wet-sumping" and flooding out my turbo.

I have a cracking valve in the oil return hose and I'm pretty sure the oil isn't coming in that way, but I'm wondering if it can come in through the scavenge side instead. I don't have a check valve in there because I assumed (yeah I know what happens when you assume) that the outlet was above the oil level and there would be no way for it to return that way.

Is all I need a check valve on the scavenge line? Does Porsche have one there on it's stock dry-sump setup? I'm not running a Porsche engine but it is a dry sump.

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post Feb 11 2025, 08:35 PM
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Problem solved!

So, it was a two pronged issue. One problem was the sump filling up and making the turbo drain poorly.

Then, the second issue was that when cold, the Hayabusa engine has over 100 psi of oil pressure, so it was overwhelming the turbo even with a restrictor in the line.

The good news is that Turbosmart makes an adorable little turbo oil line pressure regulator. Simple to install and now I'm living smoke free.

Turbo Smart

This probably isn't going to help most of you, but I'm glad I beat this for sure. Ball bearing turbos aren't really supposed to see more than 60psi of oil pressure so this might be a good item for builds using them.
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