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> more distuction pics, this time it's personal
scotty b
post Mar 11 2005, 07:49 PM
Post #1

rust free you say ?

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From: richmond, Va.
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I laeft the house this morning to drop of a load of scrap metal and pic up some new stuff for some jobs. On the way home I hear this gnarly growl coming from the drivers front. Pull over sounds goes away. Get back up to speed (65) sounds gone, 2 miles later it's BACK and worse. Get off at the next exit, as I am approaching the intersection I find that I have NO, ZIP, ZERO, NADA, ZILCH, brakes (IMG:http://www.914world.com/bbs2/html/emoticons/ohmy.gif) Drop the truck into neutral, swing wide and coast to a stop.Look around,look under and find........nothing (IMG:http://www.914world.com/bbs2/html/emoticons/confused24.gif) Put it in drive and coast up the road to a school, stopping via e-brake. Call AAA,cal my dad to bring his truck for the trailer and check the brake resevior........FULL?? Then I notice my pass wheel isn't straight,must be the damn wheel bearing! But out of the blue?? Got home rain starts two hours later I pull the wheel off and find over an inch of lateral play in the wheel?? Took 2 hours to get the wheel off because of an exploded Warn hub (IMG:http://www.914world.com/bbs2/html/emoticons/headbang.gif) Inside of hub "now with metal chips"MMmmm MMmmmm good!

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scotty b
post Mar 11 2005, 08:01 PM
Post #2

rust free you say ?

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From: richmond, Va.
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These are the larger pieces that I found (IMG:http://www.914world.com/bbs2/html/emoticons/sad.gif) the black mass is about 3/4 of the chunks and chips that were in there

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