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> Should I buy it?, I'd have to sell my truck!
post Jun 26 2005, 12:36 AM
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From: tucson az
Member No.: 3,562

I have found a 914 for sale in the area. So I called the guy.

Rust. The car has a hole below the battery about the size of a golf ball, But the rust was repaird. The hole was not patched. The car has had an under coat sprayed on it. The paint is newer dont now how old yet.

Motor 2.0 . The motor has had the top end rebuilt. The head has been ported and polished. It has a set of webber 44s, but they need to be rejeted. What damage would be done to the motor besides runnig hot if I dont get the carbs rejeted? How much should I spend on getting it rejeted? How reliable is this set up?

Some pics. I hope they work. http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/toy4runner19...album?.dir=5dcf

This is what it comes down to. To get the car I have to sell my reliable toyota 4runner. I have put a lot of money in to my truck. Right now I'm a student, but Im whith in bike distence from school ( I could loss a few pounds too). But it gets up to around 120 in the Phoenix area. I also live in an apartment so I don't have a place to work on it. I could do small things to the car. They have small garages at my apatments. How much do you spend on maintenance?

I now every car is diffrent. I now alot has to do with the previous owners. The guy wants $3,000 do you thinck its worth the risk?

Thanks (IMG:http://www.914world.com/bbs2/html/emoticons/beerchug.gif)
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post Jun 26 2005, 09:28 AM
Post #2

What size wheels can I fit?

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From: Scottsdale, AZ
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Region Association: Southwest Region

QUOTE (rick 918-S @ Jun 26 2005, 07:08 AM)
Bunch a little old ladies! (IMG:http://www.914world.com/bbs2/html/emoticons/ohmy.gif) (IMG:http://www.914world.com/bbs2/html/emoticons/huh.gif) (IMG:http://www.914world.com/bbs2/html/emoticons/ohmy.gif) It looks like a nice driver. Spend some money and bring it in for an estimate for the carb work. Then see if it's a car you want to drive everyday.

Here's what I would do, Sell the truck, Get the carbs done, drive the car, see my banker and purchase a new daily driver incase the teener leaves you on the freeway more than once a week. Listen, I can't believe these cars can't be made reliable. GO FOR IT Dude! (IMG:http://www.914world.com/bbs2/html/emoticons/monkeydance.gif)

And you little old ladies.... Jus kiddin... (IMG:http://www.914world.com/bbs2/html/emoticons/happy11.gif) Consider the source. My car is water cooled........ (IMG:http://www.914world.com/bbs2/html/emoticons/assimilate.gif)

The only problem with this idea is the whole"spend some money" part. When I was in college there was not a spare penny to be found. Well...unless I needed to buy beer.
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