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> INFO Request for Nor-Calers - PC, 2.4T fix
post Aug 8 2005, 11:11 AM
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"This Utah shit is HARSH!"

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Have a customer with a 2.4T engine he wants to stick in a dune buggy (likes the sound). A few years ago, he dropped one of the timing chains, pulled the engine and sat it in the corner of a shop.

He is in SF area and wonders who to take it to to evaluate/fix it. He does not want the cast split, just the top end fixed. "It may see 1K per year, so I don't want a total rebuild".

Any recommendations....smart ass answers ok

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post Aug 8 2005, 12:06 PM
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914 Idiot

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From: Silicon Valley / Kailua-Kona
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The ones I know are pretty much in the South Bay, not SF. If those are acceptable, then...

RMG Enterprises, Sunnyvale. On El Camino just off Mary--actually, on the alleyway parallel to El Camino, back behind Bugformance.
Heyer ("higher") Performance, Mountain View. Old Middlefield, between Rengstorff and San Antonio.

I bet Rich and Larry could do the job, too. High Performance House, Redwood City.

Bob over at RMG is very possibly the best guy for street Porsches in the area. My attorney's SC goes to RMG. Tony at Heyer is good, very no-nonsense, no BS. He used to work on my 914s before I really started to... And after I'd screwed them up... And we all know Rich and Larry, right?

Jerry Woods, in Campbell, is the engine guy.

None of the above are cheap; all are worth it. Woods may be overkill for "just a top-end"...

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