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> OT: I just bought a new Toy
post Apr 13 2006, 11:32 PM
Post #1

Born to Drive

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Posts: 7,910
Joined: 26-December 02
From: Costa Mesa, CA
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Region Association: Southern California

I was browsing Craigslist and ran across something that is actually prohibited to sell and figured it was too good to be true. I was just talking to a friend at the hall about buying a revolver and wanting a Colt Python or Ruger GP100 or something along those lines. Well, it must be fate, I open up CL and look under sporting and there it is! The price is about half of what I could actually buy it for so I thought it would already be sold but figured, WTF, give the guy a call. It's mine! We are going to meet at Grant boys tomorrow and do the deal. I am so excited. I know, no P content but this is so cool. Let me see if I can post a picture of it.

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skline   OT: I just bought a new Toy   Apr 13 2006, 11:32 PM

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