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> Seats slide terrible?, I fixed mine with 911 sliders
post Nov 17 2006, 09:14 PM
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Excellence Magazine Project 914 3.6

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I mounted my new GTS Nurburgring seats in my car, cleaned all the brackets and re-lubed the sliders but they were still terrible. Since I have short legs, I have to slide my seats back and forth each time I get in and out of the car. Stiff sliders were not going to cut it and I needed a fix. My 911 slides really easy and I decided to use the 911 ball bearing sliders....Here is what I did and I am VERY pleased with the results.

To keep the seat as low as possible I removed the old slider off the tilt bracket by using a spot weld drill
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Next I ground off all the remaining spot welds.
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Slot the 911 sliders the same as the 914, they are about the same length and drill a hole in the slider to bolt the front end of the slider to the front of the tilt bracket. I used a 3/4" wide plate underneath and drilled and tapped it for 6mm to spread the load and act as a nut
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Bolt it together and locate the holes for your seats. My seats required cross pieces as well.
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You may need to use spacers to get it above the adjustment arm and the hinge but it will be no taller, even with the spacers, since the 911 sliders are 1/4" shorter than the 914. I ground down the adjustment arm and slotted the cross plates to keep my seat as low as posssible.

The results are amazing! Out of the car, you can move the seats with one finger. Sitting in the car, the seats will fly as soon as you lift the handle and of course the tilt mechanism still works like normal. Cost:$50.00

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post Nov 18 2006, 10:17 AM
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Excellence Magazine Project 914 3.6

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From: Central California
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QUOTE(James Adams @ Nov 18 2006, 06:52 AM) *

Well done.

Not to disparage your effort, but I had better luck with the stock sliders.

I agree you can certainly get the stock ones to improve with an adjustment, good cleaning and some fresh lubricant (I did all that), however, even perfectly adjusted, metal to metal sliders will never compare to a slider riding on ball bearings. I think if you are the type of person who sets the seat one time and forgets it, don't bother with this mod. If you slide everytime, well worth the trouble. Expect a full days worth of work

Cheapest way to get the 911 sliders is someone parting a car (check Pelican Classifieds) but I was pressed for time and called a dismantler. Paid $50.00 for 2 pair. If you buy some, tun them on edge and make sure they are straight. Also, slide them all the way to each end and make sure the balls have not excessively worn in the tracks. (I sent one pair back due to this)

Also, even the 911 sliders will need to be cleaned before use since over time they collect grit, fast food and other junk in the roller area. I used a high pressure washer and re-lubed afterwards. I did not have a stock set of 914 seats to try this with (only the GTS) but I see no reason why the 911 sliders can't be drilled anywhere for the correct bolt pattern and may in fact already be correct. I can check if needed.
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Posts in this topic
PRS914-6   Seats slide terrible?   Nov 17 2006, 09:14 PM
Series9   That is awesome. Nice job.   Nov 17 2006, 10:17 PM
East coaster   Cool idea! If I ever need to re-visit my slide...   Nov 18 2006, 08:08 AM
anderssj   GREAT idea! The ones in my car are really sti...   Nov 18 2006, 08:42 AM
James Adams   Well done. Not to disparage your effort, but I ha...   Nov 18 2006, 08:52 AM

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