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> 2011 WCR in Medford Oregon, June 23rd ,24th ,25th ,26th . AutoX on 24th
montoya 73 2.0
post Jul 2 2010, 10:39 AM
Post #21

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Jamie, I had called the Kart guy to see what the Insurance needs were. You must have had email correspondance with him cause when he asked me what kind of vehicle and I said Porsche he said oh yeah! I should have asked you first before calling but the wife told me she may be able to help since she is a insurance agent. She wanted to know all the requirements but the Kart guy said we should really talk to the SCCA SSCC guy. Didn't call him because I didn't want to step on your toes any further. Kart guy was all jazzed up about the money we would / could create? Anyways, Let me know if you want me to go any further with anything.
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post Jul 2 2010, 04:17 PM
Post #22

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I wasn't thinking of a group rate so much as a place both big enough and small enough.
I'll figure on about 30 rooms...?
I'll also select a back up place close enough for those that wait till the last minute to book.
I have a friend who lives in Medford area and he is helping me sort it out.

That's perfect. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/thumb3d.gif)
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post Jul 6 2010, 12:59 PM
Post #23

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Hey all - Just checking in. Let me know what I can do to assist.

When's a good time to start soliciting auction/raffle/gift items?
Are we looking for a new t-shirt design or are we dove-tailing off prior years design?
Name tags were pretty cool in Tahoe - stick with those or go back to lanyards?

I know the AX will be a big draw but is there anything else we can do to entice a large turn-out?

Just rambling.....
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post Jul 6 2010, 01:06 PM
Post #24

914 Freak!

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Rob has offered to help make the nametags happen. I think they were $5-$7 of the registration cost.
Ken Schipper's wife has done the design for the last four years with slight tweaks to make them location appropriate.
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post Jul 8 2010, 01:35 PM
Post #25

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QUOTE(montoya 73 2.0 @ Jul 2 2010, 09:39 AM) *

Jamie, I had called the Kart guy to see what the Insurance needs were. You must have had email correspondance with him cause when he asked me what kind of vehicle and I said Porsche he said oh yeah! I should have asked you first before calling but the wife told me she may be able to help since she is a insurance agent. She wanted to know all the requirements but the Kart guy said we should really talk to the SCCA guy. Didn't call him because I didn't want to step on your toes any further. Kart guy was all jazzed up about the money we would / could create? Anyways, Let me know if you want me to go any further with anything.

I haven't talked to the cart guys. I am sure the SCCA guy mentioned us though. It's all about getting a date that will work. The Kart guys are the ones in charge of that I guess. They get together with the SCCA guys at the beginning of the year to plan it out. Obviously we don't want to wait until the first of next year to secure our date. So DREW if you can talk to the cart guys about securing a date that would be the biggest thing. It would be fine if we couldn't get a weekend but could get a friday. I would like a late june date but would be fine with late May. June will definately be nice. May would be a tossup but most likely nice then too.

Getting a date secured for the track is the big issue. If we can get a date set then we can figure everything else accordingly. We may even need to get it for the whole weekend if that's what it takes. Currently that is a $1000 for saturday/sunday & they throw in friday as part of it. While I don't want to have the whole weekend an autoX. It might work to use the track as our base of operations for the weekend? Do the BBQ & show & Shine there? I don't know if there is an hotel/camping right next to it? Just throwing out some options. Biggest thing is just securing a date for the track. One day is perfect
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montoya 73 2.0
post Jul 8 2010, 10:28 PM
Post #26

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I will be in Medford tomorrow morning till the afternoon so I will try and contact the Kart guys to see about what we need to do to get a weekend in late June. I will also just scout around for a close by hotel / motel with ample parking and / or party room. I know John (Jakeodoule) your working on that but if there is anything you want me to look at or check out while I'm there.

John, also a thought is the "Box-R-Ranch" kind of halfway between Klamath Falls and Ashland just past Howards Prairie.


Give me a call on the cell phone if anyone needs too. It's on Post #9
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montoya 73 2.0
post Jul 11 2010, 12:07 AM
Post #27

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Jamie sorry I didn't call you back, we did get cut off. I was in Medford to get a tooth pulled so I was feeling no pain. Anyways, When I came back was tired and the Vicadin kicked in and I was out. Did some emergency plumbing (The water well decided to not work) today with the father-in-law! It has been a eventful two days so far.

Okay, Jim Puehl (SSCC President) said November is the time the clubs get together and start going through the schedules. Now, he did say that it was a good possibilty that we could get a friday, Saturday and Sunday in June. But it depends on who's having what events. As you know they have several clubs that share the track. Besides the SSCC and the Karters there are a MR2 club, Fiat Club, Motorcycle Club and even the Medford police use it for training. I am going to send him a short "we would like" list of dates. So he can put our names in the hat. He was really cool with that and prefered we give him the dates in advance.

The rules and regulations that their club abides by are on their site and Jim said they are pretty much standard rules, except the rule that requires rolebars. The track doesn't require them but the club does. Now, we can use the club equipment which consists of the timing light, cones, flags, fire extinguishers and etc. Jim only asked for two things; that we give a donation to the club for the use of the fore mentioned materials and that there be a SSCC club member be at the event to help set-up / run the equipment.

As far as what the amount of the donation would be, Jim said there really was no set amount and that it would go for a vote to determine that. He did give a range amount as far as one of the small clubs gives them a 200 hundred donation and the larger clubs give a 1000 dollar donation.

If we decide on just a friday than I believe that would be the easier out of the two reservations. We would have to wait till the end of the year to find out for a Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Not impossible but a little more difficult! I will ask him if we do decide to go with a three day reservation what the track regulations are for "After" the event like overnite camping, Alchohol, fires and etc.

The track is in a Sports Park next to the Oval track, Drag Strip and butts up to a Gun / Rifle range.

John (JakeOdoule), there is a "La Quinta" Hotel literally 2 miles away just off highway 140.

La Quinta Inn on Google Maps

Let me know how to proceed gentlemen?


*NOTE: Jim did say we have to wait till the end of this year to find out regardless of one or three day event.
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post Jul 11 2010, 12:59 PM
Post #28

914 Guru

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*NOTE: Jim did say we have to wait till the end of this year to find out regardless of one or three day event.

This is the main reason I think we just go for a friday. I think our odds are pretty good of getting a friday if we let them know. Especially in the month of May. June was a much heavier month for events. No matter what we do we cannot guarantee a date at the track before the first of the year or November when they plan. I think a weekend is just to much track time & not needed. One day is perfect for us as we will have plenty to do on the other days.

My recomendation is we shoot for May 20th as our Friday for the AutoX. That would put our event Thursday the 19th -Sunday the 22nd of May. There will still be a chance we may not have the track for an AutoX. If that is the case we will just do an extra fun run to the coast. Giving Jim the SCCA president our friday wil amke their planning much more managable. I am pretty confident this will work out & we would get the track. This way Jim can plan to get the track that weekend. It will make things easier as their setup will allready be going out there. Not to mention our costs will go way down. We wil just piggyback on their event so insurance & track rental will be less. I also like having the track day on friday as it will get more people there earlier.

While May is no lock to have nice sunny weather. We are pretty much guaranteed managble weather for everyones travel. I know members are chomping at the bit for dates. I would like to post them this week if we can agree on them. Please everyone chime in with your thoughts (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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montoya 73 2.0
post Jul 11 2010, 03:59 PM
Post #29

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I agree on track day being on the 20th. A friday would be the best chance. After we decide on the dates, I will send Jim an email and follow up with a call.

I cast my vote for Thursday 19th - Sunday 22nd.
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post Jul 11 2010, 06:22 PM
Post #30

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Okay everyone chime in. How about the 2011 WCR dates being May 19,20,21 & ending on the 22nd.

Thursday night is meet n greet!
Friday would be the AutoX. Possible another movie in the parking lot again.
Saturday would be the show & shine with judging starting a 9:14 .Then will be the drive up to Crater Lake. The big BBQ dinner (or whatever dinner we decide on) along with awards saturday night.
Sunday would just be up to each person. Typically we all just head out with maybe a little informal breakfast.

Really just want to see if the dates work. We will dial in the rest once we agree on the date. Please let me know asap. I've had quite a few emails wondering about the dates. Just want to get them secured so people have plenty of time to plan accordingly. Thanks- Jamie

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montoya 73 2.0
post Jul 11 2010, 07:34 PM
Post #31

Lack of consideration to others, and Selfish!

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QUOTE(McMark @ Jul 6 2010, 12:06 PM) *

Rob has offered to help make the nametags happen. I think they were $5-$7 of the registration cost.
Ken Schipper's wife has done the design for the last four years with slight tweaks to make them location appropriate.

I think the design for the last several was great! I guess we would just change it to "Crater Lake". Something along these lines? (IMG:style_emoticons/default/idea.gif)


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post Jul 11 2010, 07:40 PM
Post #32


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Date does not matter to me.
The weather would be better in June.
You can forget about Crater Lake in early may.
Mike and I tried to drive north to south through the lake on the way back from WCR this year. The road was only open to the lodge and there was so much snow we could not even see the lake from the parking lot and had to hike over the snow bank to see the lake, We were there a total of 5 minutes.
Later in June would be better if Crater Lake is going to be a big part of the draw/trip
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QUOTE(JRust @ Jul 11 2010, 05:22 PM) *

Okay everyone chime in. How about the 2011 WCR dates being May 19,20,21 & ending on the 22nd.

Thursday night is meet n greet!
Friday would be the AutoX. Possible another movie in the parking lot again.
Saturday would be the show & shine with judging starting a 9:14 .Then will be the drive up to Crater Lake. The big BBQ dinner (or whatever dinner we decide on) along with awards saturday night.
Sunday would just be up to each person. Typically we all just head out with maybe a little informal breakfast.

Really just want to see if the dates work. We will dial in the rest once we agree on the date. Please let me know asap. I've had quite a few emails wondering about the dates. Just want to get them secured so people have plenty of time to plan accordingly. Thanks- Jamie

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montoya 73 2.0
post Jul 11 2010, 08:07 PM
Post #33

Lack of consideration to others, and Selfish!

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I have to concur with your thoughts John but we did have a late winter. Do we go safe or take a chance?

QUOTE(Jakeodoule @ Jul 11 2010, 06:40 PM) *

Date does not matter to me.
The weather would be better in June.
You can forget about Crater Lake in early may.
Mike and I tried to drive north to south through the lake on the way back from WCR this year. The road was only open to the lodge and there was so much snow we could not even see the lake from the parking lot and had to hike over the snow bank to see the lake, We were there a total of 5 minutes.
Later in June would be better if Crater Lake is going to be a big part of the draw/trip
Attached Image
QUOTE(JRust @ Jul 11 2010, 05:22 PM) *

Okay everyone chime in. How about the 2011 WCR dates being May 19,20,21 & ending on the 22nd.

Thursday night is meet n greet!
Friday would be the AutoX. Possible another movie in the parking lot again.
Saturday would be the show & shine with judging starting a 9:14 .Then will be the drive up to Crater Lake. The big BBQ dinner (or whatever dinner we decide on) along with awards saturday night.
Sunday would just be up to each person. Typically we all just head out with maybe a little informal breakfast.

Really just want to see if the dates work. We will dial in the rest once we agree on the date. Please let me know asap. I've had quite a few emails wondering about the dates. Just want to get them secured so people have plenty of time to plan accordingly. Thanks- Jamie

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post Jul 11 2010, 10:14 PM
Post #34

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I would prefer June for sure! Just in talking with the SCCA guy originally the odds of us getting a track day stunk. June is a busy month for them. Either way we have to kind of rollt he dice & hope for the best. They will not guarantee us a day until they sit down to schedule.

The other option would be to add another day. Do it in June but start on Wednesday night. AutoX Thursday. Have a drive to crater lake friday. Have a drive to the coast (Optional) saturday. Either come back & stay in Medford that night. Or just let it be optional. They could take the drive & head home from there (probable for Cali guys). There would be alot of options there. The biggest benifit would be I can just about guarantee nobody uses the track on a thursday (IMG:style_emoticons/default/confused24.gif)

So what do you think of a 4 day WCR?
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montoya 73 2.0
post Jul 11 2010, 10:27 PM
Post #35

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That is correct on Thursday Jamie and a good idea. Maybe we can do a Thursday and Friday track days with Friday being people can choose to go to the track or go on the drive to the coast? Saturday being the Crater lake drive. We know that the AX guys will be at the track both days and maybe with it being a multiple day track event it could be a bigger draw!

QUOTE(JRust @ Jul 11 2010, 09:14 PM) *

I would prefer June for sure! Just in talking with the SCCA guy originally the odds of us getting a track day stunk. June is a busy month for them. Either way we have to kind of rollt he dice & hope for the best. They will not guarantee us a day until they sit down to schedule.

The other option would be to add another day. Do it in June but start on Wednesday night. AutoX Thursday. Have a drive to crater lake friday. Have a drive to the coast (Optional) saturday. Either come back & stay in Medford that night. Or just let it be optional. They could take the drive & head home from there (probable for Cali guys). There would be alot of options there. The biggest benifit would be I can just about guarantee nobody uses the track on a thursday (IMG:style_emoticons/default/confused24.gif)

So what do you think of a 4 day WCR?

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post Jul 11 2010, 10:37 PM
Post #36

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Okay so how about this? Start Wednesday night June 22nd , AutoX thursday for sure. Friday being optional(depending if we can get it & everyone's response) The other being the coast drive, Saturday the show & shine, Then Crater Lake drive. Sunday everyone bolts or something like that.

If the dates work we can figure all the drive crap. So what do you think John?

QUOTE(montoya 73 2.0 @ Jul 11 2010, 09:27 PM) *

That is correct on Thursday Jamie and a good idea. Maybe we can do a Thursday and Friday track days with Friday being people can choose to go to the track or go on the drive to the coast? Saturday being the Crater lake drive. We know that the AX guys will be at the track both days and maybe with it being a multiple day track event it could be a bigger draw!

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post Jul 11 2010, 10:47 PM
Post #37

914 Freak!

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I like the idea of a Thursday AX. It lets people who aren't interested skip out and save an extra day of vacation.

Sorry to disagree Drew, but I think splitting the group is disadvantageous. The people who want to do both have to chose, and it doubles the amount of planning/staffing you have to do.
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post Jul 11 2010, 10:58 PM
Post #38

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QUOTE(McMark @ Jul 11 2010, 09:47 PM) *

I like the idea of a Thursday AX. It lets people who aren't interested skip out and save an extra day of vacation.

Sorry to disagree Drew, but I think splitting the group is disadvantageous. The people who want to do both have to chose, and it doubles the amount of planning/staffing you have to do.

Very true Mark. A thursday AutoX would work perfectly that way. We could get a pretty big overlap. People coming a day earlier to AutoX. While the people not interested in that coming that night. While the overall event is longer. Many people would still hit it just the 3 days. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/idea.gif) I'm digging this idea the more I think about it (IMG:style_emoticons/default/chowtime.gif)
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montoya 73 2.0
post Jul 11 2010, 11:02 PM
Post #39

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Your right Mark and Jamie. I'll vote for a AX on Thursday only.
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post Jul 12 2010, 06:56 AM
Post #40


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Not to sound negative, But how many people will be doing the auto cross?
2 days of Autox will make me consider not attending. I would agree with Mark about splitting the group. I'm just not interested in sitting around the pits for 2 days. Most of the guys who do autox do it all summer don't they? Isn't there autox's going on everywhere all summer?
When I looked into SCCA they required quite a bit of safety stuff and memberships. They way I understand it. If we run the autox with them, Newbie's will not just be able to show up and race. So how many guys are doing the autox. The idea of planning the entire WCR around an autox seems like we are catering to the few. I may be wrong, Is there like 20 dudes doing the autox?

My opinion is we do the Autox on our own, not with SCCA so anyone can try it without big membership fees and all that go with the big clubs. I personally will not spend a few hundred bucks to try autocrossing for one day.
Just my thoughts, not slighting the auto cross dudes.

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