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> 2011 WCR in Medford Oregon, June 23rd ,24th ,25th ,26th . AutoX on 24th
post Oct 22 2010, 02:40 PM
Post #61

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Hey Drew I am getting in touch with Vendors about prizes. Just going to start going through the Membor vendors section. I got input from Rob & Mark about getting on the vendors early. Their point being many vendors are setting their budget for the following year. Now being the time to get to them before their budget is spent. Also any vendors you know of outside of our world is awesome. I will be hitting up some of the more local Oregon businesses also. Talk to you soon- Jamie
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montoya 73 2.0
post Oct 22 2010, 09:56 PM
Post #62

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Where and or whom do we speak to about some artwork for the event?

Jamie, I'm going to be sending our date for the A/X (June 23rd) to Jim Puehl. I will be contacting "Griot's Garage" To see about donating some of there car care products "Travel kit" and some other stuff.

I just spoke with danno55 (Dan Dixon) and he volunteered to help with any awards. I already spoke to him about possibly making some event key chains, unless Mark is going to go with his "dogtag" idea.

Can you let me know who your talking to as far as local business. So I don't double up on your efforts.
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post Oct 23 2010, 12:56 PM
Post #63

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Hey Drew nothing down your way as far as businesses. I will hit up Parts Obselete which is up here just North of Amity. Anyone else I can think of. I thought I'd hit up Sunset Porsche although I don't expect to get anything from them. You never know though. I have sent off PM's to most membor vendors. I plan to get ahold of Pelican parts too. At this point not sure who else. I wouldn't worry about us talking ot he same people. If we happen to dbl up I doubt anyone will be offended. I've allready got commitments from a dozen member vendors. Things are going fine that way. Just getting it out there for them to think about. Still quite a ways off.

As far as artwork I don't know. I'll have to talk to Mark. Seems like we have someone who has done the shirts the last few years. Or maybe it was just the artwork for the shirts? I'll give him a shout
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montoya 73 2.0
post Oct 24 2010, 01:08 PM
Post #64

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Alright, Cool. I'm headed north to Medford Saturday morning. Let me know if you want me to do anything.

Edit 10/26/10:

Okay, Not headed to Medford this Saturday unless Jim Puehl (SSCC) guy wants to meet me to discuss the track and the date of our AUTO-X. I already sent him the official-non-official letter of request for the date of June 23rd.

*UPDATE on some loot....

I just received a confirmation email regarding door prizes from "Griot's (the "T" is silent) Garage". They (Lisa Schimling, Executive Assistant/PR Coordinator) put a order in for our event that will be shipped to us a few weeks before the event date. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/cheer.gif)

This post has been edited by montoya 73 2.0: Nov 1 2010, 10:02 PM
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montoya 73 2.0
post Nov 1 2010, 10:00 PM
Post #65

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*UPDATE on the Track....

I just got off the phone with Dick Calhoun (Treasurer now - President in 2011) of the Siskiyou Sports Car Club. We spoke regarding the date June 23rd, 2011 and he was very positive about the date. Nothing is scheduled for that week or weekend as of tonight. The usual requests have already been submitted and we look very good! He has added us to the schedule to be submitted to the Karters.

The following is the cost's he was throwing out;

1. The Karters usually charge them $1000.00 per weekend for the track, so he is thinking possibly half ($500.00) of that for one day. He still has to talk to the Kart guys about this.

2. Approximately $150.00 for a single day event of insurance. Again, he has to talk to his fellow board members.

3. Another approximately $300.00 to $500.00 for Equipment (timing light, cones, flags, SSCC personel running the event). He again has to talk to his fellow board members to which ones would like to run the timing equipment and other things.

I asked for some numbers and this is what he gave us. That's it for the track for now. Dick will contact me when the schedule is finalized or if there is a conflict. Cross your fingers gentlemen!

He did ask me if there was a count on participants. Do we have a head count or a number I could give him?

In case you want a number to contact Dick Calhoun, it is (fivefourone)eight9nine-8ninefour1
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post Nov 2 2010, 12:45 PM
Post #66

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Wow I have no idea of a count for the AutoX as of yet. I'll post to the WCR thread & see who is interested for sure. Good work Drew (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)

Hey John have you got an plans on hotel stuff yet? Be nice to get that squared away soon. People are asking about it. The biggest thing is being able to reserve without being on the hook for the rooms ourselves. Let me know
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post Nov 4 2010, 11:45 PM
Post #67

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The artwork for previous events was handled by Ken Schipper's wife, I think his screen name is kenshipper.

I like the dog-tag idea, but I'm not sure I'll have the time to run with it, so let's not count on that idea unless everyone else is excited about it.
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montoya 73 2.0
post Nov 5 2010, 12:10 PM
Post #68

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*We just received bad news!

The Karters reported in that the Moto guys reserved the track for every Thursday of next season. So what do we want to do? We can see if Friday is available or I was told we can have it on Wednesday the 22nd?
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post Nov 5 2010, 04:53 PM
Post #69

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QUOTE(montoya 73 2.0 @ Nov 5 2010, 11:10 AM) *

*We just received bad news!

The Karters reported in that the Moto guys reserved the track for every Thursday of next season. So what do we want to do? We can see if Friday is available or I was told we can have it on Wednesday the 22nd?

Check for friday or even saturday if it isn't reserved! Let me know Asap
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montoya 73 2.0
post Nov 6 2010, 10:49 PM
Post #70

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QUOTE(JRust @ Nov 5 2010, 03:53 PM) *

QUOTE(montoya 73 2.0 @ Nov 5 2010, 11:10 AM) *

*We just received bad news!

The Karters reported in that the Moto guys reserved the track for every Thursday of next season. So what do we want to do? We can see if Friday is available or I was told we can have it on Wednesday the 22nd?

Check for friday or even saturday if it isn't reserved! Let me know Asap

* Update on the track

Dick Calhoun (SSCC) returned my call and I requested Friday the 24th. He still has to run that by the Karters when the schedule is finalized in January. The SSCC club has no one using the track that week or weekend, Now it's up to the Karters? My understanding is that the Karters generally use the track Saturday and Sunday. Sometimes they will use the Friday to get the track set-up but not always. Cross your fingers again gentlemen.

Dick did say Wednesday was still open and it would be a better bet. In anycase, I also asked for Saturday the 25th. He reminded me of the prices for using the track for two days. I concured with his estimated prices and requested a hold on the track for Saturday until further notice.

Now, he also said that we could use the grounds and not use the track if we wanted? As long as we don't race we wouldn't have to pay the track fees and personel fees. As soon as I find out anything I will let you know.
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post Nov 7 2010, 12:13 PM
Post #71

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QUOTE(montoya 73 2.0 @ Nov 6 2010, 09:49 PM) *

Dick Calhoun (SSCC) returned my call and I requested Friday the 24th. He still has to run that by the Karters when the schedule is finalized in January. The SSCC club has no one using the track that week or weekend, Now it's up to the Karters? My understanding is that the Karters generally use the track Saturday and Sunday. Sometimes they will use the Friday to get the track set-up but not always. Cross your fingers again gentlemen.

Dick did say Wednesday was still open and it would be a better bet. In anycase, I also asked for Saturday the 25th. He reminded me of the prices for using the track for two days. I concured with his estimated prices and requested a hold on the track for Saturday until further notice.

Now, he also said that we could use the grounds and not use the track if we wanted? As long as we don't race we wouldn't have to pay the track fees and personel fees. As soon as I find out anything I will let you know.

Well what the hell. Now he's saying we won't know until January? I thought they were getting it planned out. I know wednesday isn't going to work. We still have to have it based around the weekend. I think we just want the friday if possible. I sure as hell don't want to wait until january to find out though. How do they know all the other dates are set. Yet can't get us a date set until january?
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montoya 73 2.0
post Nov 8 2010, 04:01 PM
Post #72

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Dick has to take there schedule (SSCC) then go through the other car and motorcycle clubs requests and finally clubs like ours that want to schedule one or two events. Then meet with the Karters and see if there is any overlap or conflicting schedules with theirs.

There are several clubs that use that track on a regular basis. The Karters, SSCC, Moto club, MR2 club, Fiat club, The city of Medford (police department) and then any other clubs that wants in. We happen to be the the ones at the end of this chow line.

I know it sucks to have to wait but we are not a regular to this track. I'm sure they get first crack at the schedule and then comes us. Dick said he will let us know ASAP! I'm going to take the initiative and talk directly to the Moto Cross guys to see if we can have this one Thursday out of the season and if not then talk to the Karters to get the friday. Wish me luck!
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post Nov 9 2010, 12:05 AM
Post #73

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I hear you & appreciatte your hard work. I know we are stuck with their schedule. Just figures I move to a day that doesn't get used. Only to have them request that day for the season. Such is life & I just hope we can get that friday. If it was meant to be it will happen. Worst case is no AutoX. Hopefully we can work it out (IMG:style_emoticons/default/driving.gif)
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montoya 73 2.0
post Nov 9 2010, 11:03 AM
Post #74

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I'm going to make those calls and try to get something going so we don't have to wait till January.
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montoya 73 2.0
post Nov 10 2010, 03:25 PM
Post #75

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I received a phone call from the Kart President and he said that friday the 24th should be fine for us.

He also re-iterated that the big meeting with everyone who wants to schedule track time isnt till the third week in January. He also said that in the future, if we wanted to reserve the track we should speak to him instead of the SSCC people. The Karters lease the track from the City and then they rent it out to the SSCC.

So it looks like we should get it on that Friday. He also said that Thursday's are non-negotiable due to the MotoX club almost leaving last year.

As it stands right now, The SSCC doesn't have anything going on that weekend. The Karters do not have anything that weekend either but he said if they do decide to need the track it would only be needed for Saturday and Sunday. Nothing permanent till Late January but both entities know we want the track on Friday.

The contact was / is Brad Garfield (President of the Southern Oregon Karters)

BTW, he says the 914 should be great for the track. He sold his own 914 last year to a friend of his who has taken it apart to re-store. he also had a 911 auto X at the track last year! This may work out great for us!!!

Also, he suggested we drive through Grants Pass to Crescent City! Alot of twists and turns, Highly recommends it.
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post Nov 10 2010, 08:15 PM
Post #76

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QUOTE(montoya 73 2.0 @ Nov 10 2010, 01:25 PM) *


I received a phone call from the Kart President and he said that friday the 24th should be fine for us.

He also re-iterated that the big meeting with everyone who wants to schedule track time isnt till the third week in January. He also said that in the future, if we wanted to reserve the track we should speak to him instead of the SSCC people. The Karters lease the track from the City and then they rent it out to the SSCC.

So it looks like we should get it on that Friday. He also said that Thursday's are non-negotiable due to the MotoX club almost leaving last year.

As it stands right now, The SSCC doesn't have anything going on that weekend. The Karters do not have anything that weekend either but he said if they do decide to need the track it would only be needed for Saturday and Sunday. Nothing permanent till Late January but both entities know we want the track on Friday.

The contact was / is Brad Garfield (President of the Southern Oregon Karters)

BTW, he says the 914 should be great for the track. He sold his own 914 last year to a friend of his who has taken it apart to re-store. he also had a 911 auto X at the track last year! This may work out great for us!!!

Also, he suggested we drive through Grants Pass to Crescent City! Alot of twists and turns, Highly recommends it.

Awesome! Friday works great. Way to go man!
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montoya 73 2.0
post Nov 10 2010, 11:10 PM
Post #77

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I am going to be in Medford this Saturday. A few local places I want to hit up for some door prize gift certificates and maybe see the Kart guy at his shop. Will keep you updated!
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post Dec 5 2010, 06:58 PM
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Ok, I think this is going to be the best option for us.

I have looked at every major hotel in Medford, Ashland and White city. I have google earthed them all. Most have crappy parking lots, or small lots.

If you look at the top of this photo you'll see the back parking lot is kinda a dead end. Just to the left of the tennis courts.


I have spoken to the Manger and she seems open to closing that whole back lot for us. Also we would be able to occupy that back building by ourselves so that should mitigate any noise issues.
However till she speaks with the owner she would not fully commit with that or rates. She is to call me back next week. The hotel and lot is next to the freeway. However its the only place I could find in the area with a good parking lot. I like the idea of a more rustic hotel/rv park. But this is the style the poll said people want.
I'll let you know after I speak to her.

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post Dec 5 2010, 09:53 PM
Post #79

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Wow that looks like a very nice hotel. I wonder what the rates will be? Knowing how most teeners are on the cheap side. I worry that might be a bit much. I guess we will find out what they say. How far is Ashland from everything?
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post Dec 5 2010, 10:49 PM
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Standard rates on the web site are only 89.00 and right now they have a special pay two nights and get the third free.

That makes it pretty cheap.
The manager is checking to see if that will apply for next June.

Good luck finding anything that will work for less than 75. Unless motel 6 is ok.
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