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> 2011 WCR in Medford Oregon, June 23rd ,24th ,25th ,26th . AutoX on 24th
montoya 73 2.0
post Dec 6 2010, 01:15 PM
Post #81

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Ashland is a Half hour away (about 25 to 30 miles away).
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post Dec 6 2010, 10:13 PM
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23 miles from white city to Ashland. Is that too far?
White city has one hotel big enough and its parking lot is super weak.
As is everything in Medford where hwy 62 meets I-5. If your saying 23 miles is too far away then you have your choice of about 6 or 8 Places in Medford and thats it. Medford is about 10 miles closer. Most of the motels in Medford are right on busy streets with no real good parking lots. I would predict problems with Medford's finest if we are openly drinking in a parking lot next to a busy street.
Just my 2cents

Were only at the track one day right?

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montoya 73 2.0
post Dec 7 2010, 11:47 AM
Post #83

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You are correct, one day (friday) at the track. I wouldn't think 25 miles from Medford is far. It's a nice little drive before the festivities (races). Ashland is a cool town also! the Berkeley of Southern Oregon. Ashland even had their own naked guy walking around Campus just like Berkeley! I don't know if he still is but it's a "hippy" friendly town!

I say good choice!
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post Dec 7 2010, 05:41 PM
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Ok this place may not work.
They are closing down 2/3 of the hotel after the 1st of the year.
That building in the back is the only one they are having stay open.
Only has 30 rooms and unless we prepay them all they will not hold any rooms.
Back to square one.
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post Dec 8 2010, 05:47 PM
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I need some thoughts here.
How much is too much for room?
How far away is acceptable?

I am having trouble finding a place with the parking we need at a price I think is ok. There isn't much in the area for less than 100 stones a night.
Unless you go to Medford where Hwy 62 meets I-5. Then you can get into the 60-85 range. However they have nothing for parking. Most are just 2 rows of spots all around the building. Worthless for what we need.
I would be strung up by a broken clutch cable if I picked a place like that.
I found a couple, one has a conference room right where the parking lot is. They are willing to rope off parking area by conference room for us. However 11pm is quiet time.... 115 a night. The La Quinta right in white city looks ok. I'm still waiting for a call back. But I'm sure its a 100 a night at least. Its prime time in that area for rates.
Another that would be a little cheaper is about 30 minute drive away.
How many cars did we have last year. How many rooms were booked?
There are some smaller places with like 20 rooms but thats it.

Gimmi some guidelines and I'll pick a place. I have looked at every hotel in the area on google/bing/mapquest. surveyed every parking lot from every satellite available. I checked rates on almost every hotel with a parking lot that would work.
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post Dec 8 2010, 11:49 PM
Post #86

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I don't know on the rooms. Harvey's was the official Hotel in Tahoe. But there were plenty of people that stayed at other hotels there. Just came to hang in the parking lot. They did have a nice big area for us in the parking lot. Sounds like the big issue is the parking lot. Be nice to get a little dive out of town that we could take over. A smaller place isn't to bad if it is located right for us. You have all the right things in mind. If it's a little spendier. There will be some that go to a cheaper place. They will still spend the time where we gather. Who cares so much about where they sleep. It's the ones that bring their wives & families that will probably want to sleep in a nicer place. I know for Red Rocks this year. It was a total little dive of a Motel. Rooms were old with a/c that didn't work well. Everyone had a ball though.

As far as setting aside rooms. Hopefully we can do that & have a window they will hold them. I think for Harvey's we had a certain time to be able to get the group rate. Then the rooms went out for anyone to reserve. WE DO NOT WANT TO BE ON THE HOOK FOR ANYTHING WITH HOTELS! A smaller mom & pops place will be just fine. Just use your best judgment & see who is willing to work with us. I would assume between 30-40 cars. Be awesome to set a record for that. Any hotel with conjoining parking with another hotel? Or possibly a hotel with a parking lot next to it that we might be able to work something with?
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post Dec 9 2010, 09:46 AM
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Thanks for reminding me of all the things we have already talked about.
How far is too far away from your AX?
Sure I understand the money thing and some will go cheaper. I don't care. How much is too much for the average attendee? We don't want 4 guys to stay at the "host hotel"
I just need input on these two items PLEASE
You would be surprised how small parking lots are when they're not attached to a giant casino.
On the poll very few people wanted the mom and pop style hotel. that we can "take over"
I prefer that as well. But those are not to easy to find in that area. Thats why I need to know how far away is acceptable?
White city/medford area is klinda a shit hole. Basically a stop on the freeway. till you get an hour East or west.
I could think of a 100 better places in Oregon for this. But they don't have AX tracks.
So how far?
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montoya 73 2.0
post Dec 9 2010, 01:28 PM
Post #88

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I may go to medford this Saturday. Let me see what i can find in the surrounding area's. Maybe something in Central Point or eagle point. I'll also call a few people i know in Medford.

Did you try the Red Lion Inn in Medford?
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post Dec 9 2010, 03:21 PM
Post #89

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Sorry to rehash things we have allready covered (IMG:style_emoticons/default/sad.gif)

I guess it really doesn't matter how far away we are from the AutoX. I don't think a half hour to an hour drive is unacceptable. My only thought was if there were problems with cars. It would be nice if there was a place closer to the track. Doesn't really sound like there are so I am good with whatever.

On the hotel if we can keep it under $100 that is great. If not oh well. I do not personally care how nice the hotel is. While the poll might have showed people want a nicer place. Most could really care less about it. They also won't be making there decision of coming on the hotel (well at least most wont).
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montoya 73 2.0
post Dec 10 2010, 11:47 AM
Post #90

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I have a friend that lives in Central Point (next to Medford) talking to a friend of his that manages a motel to see what they have as far as parking lot space and rooms. Also looking at a small motel in Cave Junction ( on Crater Lake highway, between Crater lake and Medford). Let you know what I'm told.

John, Let me know if you have already talked to anyone in Central Point or Cave Junction.
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post Dec 10 2010, 12:42 PM
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OK we have a hotel.
When I first talked to Laquinta in White city they told me 120. So I ruled them out.
I had a long conversation with the manager and they are now offering $84.84 for a double. They are willing to rope off the front of they're parking for us. This is a smoking deal compared with all the other stuff in the area.

I have reserved a room. All room reservations must be made under the 914world name. That gets the $84 rate.

The problem I was having is nobody wanted to let me know how much was too much. Jamie you seemed to suggest that the hotel I mentioned first was too expensive and to far away. Without suggesting whats too expensive and too far.... When I ask you still offered no suggestion.
Thats why I got frustrated. I wouldn't say I was pissed. just frustrated.
I don't want to spend hours looking/calling places that are too pricey or too far away. Thats all.

Away this is the place. Its about 2 miles from the AX track.
Here is the overhead of the parking lot.


Call them and mention 914world and book the room.
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montoya 73 2.0
post Dec 10 2010, 02:31 PM
Post #92

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Sweet deal John!

I dont really know what that blue roof building is but it always has "Bingo" tournaments or something like that there.

I'm going to book a room for Thursday, Friday and Saturday. When I'm there tomorrow, I'll take some pics and post them so you can see what we have.
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post Dec 11 2010, 12:35 AM
Post #93

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That is Perfect! Nice job on getting it secured. Did they say how long they would keep the rate open? I clicked on the link & it gave a bandwidth error. I'd like to get a link we can add to the first post on the main forum.

I can see how I wasn't much help there with your original hotel post. I was working & really had my mind on other things. Guess I need to get my real thinking cap on without distractions when it comes to planning huh? This really sound perfect John (IMG:style_emoticons/default/pray.gif) . Thanks for your hard work (IMG:style_emoticons/default/beerchug.gif)
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post Dec 11 2010, 09:12 AM
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They said the rate is good till June.
If you want to cancel you have till 2 weeks before the event.

Try this link.
Must mention 914 world to get rate.
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post Dec 11 2010, 01:12 PM
Post #95

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QUOTE(Jakeodoule @ Dec 11 2010, 07:12 AM) *

They said the rate is good till June.
If you want to cancel you have till 2 weeks before the event.

Try this link.
Must mention 914 world to get rate.

I still get a bandwidth issue. Says they have exceeded there bandwidth? Is it coming up for you? Strange if it is just me but maybe there is something screwy on my end (IMG:style_emoticons/default/confused24.gif) . I'm sure it will be fixed soon either way. Ill wait to post it on the forum until it is working with no problems. Thanks again
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post Dec 11 2010, 04:07 PM
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QUOTE(JRust @ Dec 11 2010, 11:12 AM) *

QUOTE(Jakeodoule @ Dec 11 2010, 07:12 AM) *

They said the rate is good till June.
If you want to cancel you have till 2 weeks before the event.

Try this link.
Must mention 914 world to get rate.

I still get a bandwidth issue. Says they have exceeded there bandwidth? Is it coming up for you? Strange if it is just me but maybe there is something screwy on my end (IMG:style_emoticons/default/confused24.gif) . I'm sure it will be fixed soon either way. Ill wait to post it on the forum until it is working with no problems. Thanks again

Works fine for me.
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montoya 73 2.0
post Dec 11 2010, 10:32 PM
Post #97

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I get the same Error Jamie.

Here are some ground pics I took a few hours ago.

This one is driving up to the lights on Crater lake Highway and (on) Highway 140.

Attached Image

You can see a security camera in the upper right hand corner mounted to the hotel sign.

Attached Image

This is looking from the corner of the building towards the parking lot.

Attached Image

Standing in the same spot as previous just looking at the entrance. Office is behind me.

Attached Image

Looking back at the hotel from about where the Uhaul is. The bottom floor windows are; left three are the pool and the 2 on the right is the gym. The windows above the gym are the Suites. They have a live in on the second floor. Above the Pool are regular rooms. Would be nice if we could get those rooms as we could overlook the cars and we wouldn't disrupt anyone unless they were in the suites.

Attached Image

Standing with the Uhaul to my left. There are 15 parking spots in this area. After talking the front desk guy (Nick) he said they would block off this area and the area next to it and against the wooden fence up to the lamp post. You can see the post in the 3rd pic above.

Attached Image
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montoya 73 2.0
post Dec 11 2010, 11:01 PM
Post #98

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If you look at the google Earth pic again. you will see a open field to the left of the hotel that is mowed. They own all that land, atleast thats what Nick said. It's on the other side of the wooden fence which you can only access from the rear of the building or from the street he told me we may be able to park motor homes there?

Attached Image

This is standing just to the right of the hotel sign.

Attached Image

Attached Image

In this pic you can see the light pole next to the fence and all the way to the maroon mini van would be roped off.

Attached Image
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post Dec 11 2010, 11:02 PM
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Thanks Drew for the recon mission...
You think it'll will work? Did you see any better places?
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montoya 73 2.0
post Dec 11 2010, 11:55 PM
Post #100

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I saw a few other places but this is the best for the cost! When the wife first saw it, she thought it wouldn't be big enough (the parking lot) due to all the space we took up in Tahoe. After going to several different places she said that it was a much better location because it's away from the town and traffic. After talking to Nick (he said Nora or Norma told him about us, He offered to show me where they would rope off the parking lot for us.) After seeing what they offered to give us as far as space, She said that should be fine. Plus theres alot of restaurants, coffee places, close to the track. There is about 35 spaces in the area they said they would rope off so it should be enough room.

I think it will work. If we need more room, I think they would hook us up with it. We would need to let them know how many cars were showing up. I said about 40 showed up last year? I think it was more like 25 or 30.
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