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> WCR 2011-Medford OR June 23,24,25,26 - SIGN UP NOW, Our host hotel had 20 rooms just open up!
post Jul 13 2010, 08:21 PM
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914 Guru

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WCR 2011 is coming up June 23-26 in Medford, OR. Click here to register.

Here is a basic overview of the plan for the 2011 West Coast Ramble.
Thursday the 23nd- Meet n greet at La Quinta in White City

Friday the 24rd - AutoX held at the Jackson County Sports Park. AutoX rules & time we start to be announced. We have the track all day & will start fairly early. BBQ lunch will be at the track for our midday meal (IMG:style_emoticons/default/drooley.gif) . We will have them there with lunch available. The lunch is not included in the registration. Friday night is open as far as dinner. Eat in the hotel parking lot. Go out to one of the local places? Your call what you want to do for dinner.

Saturday the 25th - Our show & shine will take place with judging starting at 9:14 . We have changed our route. Mike Knox was kind enough to figure out a better way for us to go. Crater Lake still is not open all the way. So it would be tough for us to enjoy that ride. We will do the following after the show-n-shine.

I spent the day designing and traveling the route for our tour of Southern Oregon. We'll be driving about 120 miles, only a short part of which is 4 lane or urban roads. We'll travel through orchards, vineyards, 3 climate zones, see lots of wildflowers in bloom in the high country, there'll even be snow. All roads are paved.

Bring your camera. There will be a couple of photo stops.

We'll have a 3000 foot climb in 13 miles, so lots of twists and turns. Lunch will be at lakeside at Lake o'the Woods Resort. Then if you want you can continue on to Crater Lake, or head back to WCR-HQ via a high speed downhill ending in more twists and turns, as we find our way back.

Sunday the 26th - Typically there is an informal breakfast. People head out as needed. I plan to have an optional drive to the coast this day. Depending on saturdays drive going off without a hitch. Those heading south can break off on the 101. Those heading North can break off on the 101 also.

Thanks for your patience. We are working hard to make this the best WCR yet (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif) . Really seems to get better every year anyway. Our Vendor Support has been great every year. We appreciatte all their efforts & will be getting ahold of many of you. You are more than welcome to get ahold of us first (IMG:style_emoticons/default/chowtime.gif) . Hoping for the best turn out to date. Also if you have never been to Crater Lake. It is truly beautiful & worth the drive to see. A picture of the track & of Crater lake are below

Registration fees below (link to pay) Please add your 914world name in the comments
Please write & send checks to: Drew Montoya , 3737 Lakeport Blvd , Klamath Falls OR 97601 (please add your 914world name with your check) Make checks to Drew personally & he will deposit them into our WCR account.

$70 before April 22nd , $30 for participating family member (who eats with us) $120 for a family pack (1 kid or more doesn't matter) This is new & meant for families with kids under 18. There is no need to pay for kids if they are not going to eat with us at the awards dinner. So only choose this if your kids are going to be at the awards dinner also. I do plan to have my daughters available for babysitting for the dinner. There will ba an alternate activity for the kids during this time. Some Movie setup or swim party. I'll plan it more when we know what kids will be coming & there ages.

$80 after april 22nd & before June 15th.

$90 after june 15th & at the event[/b]

Host Hotel is La Quinta Inn & Suites in White City & is just a few miles from the track. http://www.lq.com/lq/properties/propertyPr...eRoomPref=NSMK# our group rate is $84.84. You must call in the reservation & say 914world to get that rate.

Here is the current list of those with reservations at the hotel! WCR paid registrants will have their name in red below. As you pay your color will change (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
Jim Hoyland
Jamie Rust (JRust) +4
Drew Montoya +1
Dean (Sawtooth) +1
Mark B (Computers for kids)

Greenie +1
Dave Hunt
Sir Andy +1
Rob Sime(Conedodger)

Jon Bovey + his much better half (IMG:style_emoticons/default/blink.gif)
John (Jakeodoule)

Brett Korven +1
Marc (Kealty360)
Morgan Stein +1
JP Stein (just autoX)
Mikey 914+family
Jim Tab +1
James Saum (JSaum)
Strawman +3 or 4
Randal (just autoX)

Gary Chapman (in for autoX)
Brittain (just autoX)
Jim (jcd914) +1
Tony (TC914-8) +1
Steve (ZX-niner) +1
Mike Crandall(6freak)
Jim (roadster fan) +2
Brian (Sailor) + Eric
Dan Dixon (Danno55) +1
Ben Matlock +1 (DW914er)

Marty Yeoman
Stephen (Retrotech)
Paula Hall +1(socalstutgart)
Elliot Cannon
Nate +1
Ian +1 (Loser Cruiser)
Mike Knox +1
Mike (B Dog) +1
Ian (IM101)
Ernie Devries (Thin Air) +1
Paul Boyd (TCAlien) +1
Brian Moreau(JZDU) +1
Lew Mengle (Shulew3)
Tom Brown (Running Wolf) +1
James Dupree (jcd914) +!

If I have missed anyone let me know.

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Mike Bellis
post Jul 13 2010, 09:35 PM
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Awesome! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/piratenanner.gif) I need to reschedule my kids birthday... No problem, I'm there dude!
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post Jul 13 2010, 09:39 PM
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Cool track... anyone up for camping?
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post Jul 13 2010, 09:57 PM
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914 Neferati

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That's a good start. Hope to be there. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/popcorn[1].gif)
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post Jul 13 2010, 10:01 PM
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Looks great! Now to get my car on the road. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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Mike Bellis
post Jul 13 2010, 10:11 PM
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QUOTE(RobW @ Jul 13 2010, 08:39 PM) *

Cool track... anyone up for camping?

me me me me me me (IMG:style_emoticons/default/beer.gif) (IMG:style_emoticons/default/jsharp.gif) (IMG:style_emoticons/default/party.gif)
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post Jul 13 2010, 10:19 PM
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Already got it in my Daytimer! Car is running great at the moment, just have to keep it that way for a year . . .
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post Jul 13 2010, 10:24 PM
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Get that VIN ?

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Thanks for getting a date on the table, this really helps (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) Looking forward to seeing the Northwest again

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post Jul 13 2010, 10:24 PM
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Nearest airport?

It's on my calendar for my 5th annual "Wish I were there" WCR activity. I wanna have a beer (or 10) with some of you WCMF'ers (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
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montoya 73 2.0
post Jul 13 2010, 11:35 PM
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Lack of consideration to others, and Selfish!

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Nearest airport is Medford. About a 45 minute flight from Portland. Rogue Valley Int'l airport is about 8 miles from the track.

Rogue Valley Int'l Airport

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post Jul 14 2010, 09:29 AM
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(IMG:style_emoticons/default/aktion035.gif) Now we have a date to premier the Limo!
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post Jul 14 2010, 09:41 AM
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QUOTE(McMark @ Jul 14 2010, 07:29 AM) *

(IMG:style_emoticons/default/aktion035.gif) Now we have a date to premier the Limo!

Make your reservation now! Seating for 4 - destination Medford Oregon (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
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post Jul 14 2010, 09:52 AM
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post Jul 14 2010, 11:01 AM
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That's the kart track in Medford. They run AX on it?

Crater Lake is very cool. How long a drive is it from Medford? Done that drive before, but it's been 15 years or so since.

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montoya 73 2.0
post Jul 14 2010, 01:29 PM
Post #15

Lack of consideration to others, and Selfish!

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QUOTE(andys @ Jul 14 2010, 10:01 AM) *

That's the kart track in Medford. They run AX on it?

Crater Lake is very cool. How long a drive is it from Medford? Done that drive before, but it's been 15 years or so since.


2 hours from the track to Crater lake National Park.

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post Jul 14 2010, 02:03 PM
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QUOTE(andys @ Jul 14 2010, 10:01 AM) *

That's the kart track in Medford. They run AX on it?

Crater Lake is very cool. How long a drive is it from Medford? Done that drive before, but it's been 15 years or so since.


They run alot of AutoX on it. It was also repaved a little over a year ago. It's in great shape. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/driving.gif)
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post Jul 14 2010, 04:02 PM
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PMB Performance

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Thread reminds me of a PM I think I forgot to answer! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/sad.gif)

Jamie, give me a buzz.

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J P Stein
post Jul 14 2010, 06:33 PM
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Ah figure you'll need a 914 to fight off the local AX big dogs. I'll see what I can arrange....& who knows, maybeee Randal will have his car running by then.(IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
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post Jul 15 2010, 03:07 PM
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QUOTE(J P Stein @ Jul 14 2010, 05:33 PM) *

Ah figure you'll need a 914 to fight off the local AX big dogs. I'll see what I can arrange....& who knows, maybeee Randal will have his car running by then.(IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)

Well you should come down in the MR2 JP. I know the SCCA pres down there is a MR2 guy. He'd probably enjoy seeing you down. Besides they will most likely be running MR2's the rest of the weekend.

Nice to se plenty of interest even with it being close to a year off! Keep your eye's open for more concrete info on Hotel's & just everything in general being more set. Just make damn sure it's on your calender. 2011 WCR is going to be a blast (IMG:style_emoticons/default/aktion035.gif)
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TC 914-8
post Jul 18 2010, 03:41 PM
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Good Job nailing down the dates Jamie. I'll put it on my calander, any chance there is a full hook up RV park near the intended location?
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