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> Quest for Dry Air, On the Cheap
rick 918-S
post Apr 2 2012, 09:25 PM
Post #21

Hey nice rack! -Celette

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QUOTE(jmill @ Apr 2 2012, 10:03 PM) *

QUOTE(bobhasissues @ Apr 2 2012, 09:28 PM) *

As a supplement to your system, I have a big desiccant dryer I bought at Harbor Freight a few years back. I used it as a stand-alone drying system and it worked great. It's a large steel tube about about 2" ID x 36" long. Air enters the bottom travels up through the desiccant material and out through the top. Between gravity and the desiccant it is very effective. I have 1/2" fittings on it so it won't reduce airflow downstream. I can no longer find one on the HF website, but you are welcome to borrow mine. I'm in LaGrange, but can arrange to get it as far as Gurnee where a friend of mine would be happy to hold it for you. PM me if you are interested.

Funny you should mention that. I was there today to buy a furniture dolly and saw it. I had it in my hands even but couldn't decide whether or not to buy that one or the small inline one. I decided to wait and didn't buy either. I really appreciate the offer but I'm lucky enough to have a HF just down the block.

You should get the big one. And soon. It's not listed in their online catolog that I could find. I think it's discontinued. I got two bags of pellets with mine. the tube takes one to fill it. That means you can dry one bag and fill it with another.
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post Apr 2 2012, 09:33 PM
Post #22

Green Hornet

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QUOTE(rick 918-S @ Apr 2 2012, 10:25 PM) *

You should get the big one. And soon. It's not listed in their online catolog that I could find. I think it's discontinued. I got two bags of pellets with mine. the tube takes one to fill it. That means you can dry one bag and fill it with another.

They only had one. I can't make it there tomorrow. I'll have to hope it's still there on Wed.
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