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> Gathering, Long post with a question.
post Jun 21 2012, 09:22 AM
Post #1

In Irvine, Ca. May 15-18

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Gathering, why aren’t we getting the participation that we should be? We have over 14,000 members now. I can’t say as all of the last 4 or 5 events that we have had here I have considered flops as far as numbers go. I don’t understand it.
One of the reasons I enjoy gathering so much is the Brainstorming. I feel that it is very important because, we as creative individuals will be turning ourselves lose into Mother Nature’s realties in a creation of our own invention. Brainstorming with anyone that can get themselves to an event and adding their IQ to mine, I am sure that the total will be at least an IQ of 120. And who knows, they may have a totally different insight into what you are thinking about.
Just because you are here you are a unique individual. You have an affair with a car that even Volkswagen pushed off on Porsche. And for years Porsche owners have looked down on us and treated us like they had something shoved down their throat.
No matter who you are, you will find Respect at our gatherings. You will find unique individuals like yourself, interested in the same things as all of the other unique individuals there.
So my question is how can we reverse the trend and get more people to come to our gatherings?
Sorry about the long post.
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post Jun 21 2012, 09:26 AM
Post #2

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(IMG:style_emoticons/default/confused24.gif) If I weren't in Florida and even remotely close, I'd love to hang with you folks. There isn't much at all going on in this part of Florida, unfortunately either.

QUOTE(Joe Sharp @ Jun 21 2012, 11:22 AM) *

Gathering, why aren’t we getting the participation that we should be? We have over 14,000 members now. I can’t say as all of the last 4 or 5 events that we have had here I have considered flops as far as numbers go. I don’t understand it.
One of the reasons I enjoy gathering so much is the Brainstorming. I feel that it is very important because, we as creative individuals will be turning ourselves lose into Mother Nature’s realties in a creation of our own invention. Brainstorming with anyone that can get themselves to an event and adding their IQ to mine, I am sure that the total will be at least an IQ of 120. And who knows, they may have a totally different insight into what you are thinking about.
Just because you are here you are a unique individual. You have an affair with a car that even Volkswagen pushed off on Porsche. And for years Porsche owners have looked down on us and treated us like they had something shoved down their throat.
No matter who you are, you will find Respect at our gatherings. You will find unique individuals like yourself, interested in the same things as all of the other unique individuals there.
So my question is how can we reverse the trend and get more people to come to our gatherings?
Sorry about the long post.

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post Jun 21 2012, 09:32 AM
Post #3

914 Freak!

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I share similar feelings, Joe. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/confused24.gif)

I'm always trying to push the "My 914 Doesn't Run" crowd to show up anyway. I've been to more 914 events than I can count, and I've only had a 914 at two of them. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)
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Dr Evil
post Jun 21 2012, 09:37 AM
Post #4

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I go to what ever I can. I try to throw some here and there as well. I have only had a car at a few in recent history (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif) Not counting the one at Scotty B's since it is stored there pending paint and body (IMG:style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif)

I feel ya, Joe. You have been around a long time, and I remember the days of old when we would have epic gatherings.
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post Jun 21 2012, 09:55 AM
Post #5

The Aircooledtech Guy

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I think lately anyway, the economy has played a big part in folks turning out for at least the larger events like WCR here in the west coast. Folks are tending to hold their $$$ closer right now. Going to an event cost real money especially if it's way out of town.

I can say that up in the PNW, we have quite a good bunch of folks who get together fairly regularly. Our Teener Tuesdays are a lot of fun. What keeps these good, besides the fun folks, is that they cost only gas money and maybe a few bucks for food or beer to share. Basically there are no real expectations at the occasional GTGs; it's all brainstorming (is that the new word for BS'ing)

The thing that keeps people away is last minute event planning. The bigger the event, the more planning is needed and thus a longer lead time. People need to feel like there is going to be some organization to any event or enthusiasm will not build and the numbers will be down.
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post Jun 21 2012, 10:04 AM
Post #6

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Dawn Patrol - We try to do our part. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/poke.gif) BTW, I haven't seen you at one of our runs. Our next will be in your neck of the woods. Just got to get with Cesar for the route planning.
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post Jun 21 2012, 10:09 AM
Post #7

Chimp Sanctuary NW. Check it out.

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nice post joe.

george, when your car is running you'll find the time to attend an event and you'll make new friends and have more fun than you can imagine. even w/o a 914 you should try to make it to the Series 9 function.

getting to the party is 60% of the fun. running with a pack of 914s down the interstate is a blast. the 05' WCC was over 2200 miles rt for me. what happens in joe's motor home stays in joe's motor home. sort of....

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post Jun 21 2012, 10:58 AM
Post #8

Resident German

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QUOTE(Joe Sharp @ Jun 21 2012, 08:22 AM) *
Gathering, why aren’t we getting the participation that we should be? We have over 14,000 members now. I can’t say as all of the last 4 or 5 events that we have had here I have considered flops as far as numbers go. I don’t understand it.

I think one of the reasons is that most of the recent bigger events seemed to have been centered around autocross and track days.

Frankly, i think that distracts from what made those early events so great, which was the people being able to get to know each other and talk cars in a relaxed atmosphere where you are not constantly pressured to "do something".

IMHO, a nice scenic drive, a Saturday evening dinner and maybe a car show/judging is all you need in terms of scheduled activities.

The rest of the time should be dedicated to hanging out in the parking lot of the hotel with a keg of beer and your 914 friends ...

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post Jun 21 2012, 11:06 AM
Post #9

T4 Supercharged

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Good topic, Joe. I have wondered the same thing concerning 914 gatherings. I see car club after car club meet to run the Dragon - Miatas, VW R32s, Crossfires, WRXs, Mitsubishis, Can-am Spyders and T-rexes, etc, etc. They each draw anywhere from low 100s to thousands of participants (IMG:style_emoticons/default/blink.gif) When MUSR was held here to run the Dragon, there were about 40 cars - not sure how many "participants".

I know the 914 is few and far between when compared to these newer vehicles. Each month I see a handful of 914s for sale in my area. I have met 8 other local teeners. Who knows how many other 914 owners there are in east Tennessee? Guess how many show up to Porsche club events or even Cars & Coffee? Only 2 or 3 (IMG:style_emoticons/default/sad.gif)

What type of meet is preferred? Multiday, multi-event or single day, drive, hang out, drive, and go home? Or something in between?

Just saw SirAndy's post... (IMG:style_emoticons/default/agree.gif)
Keep the scheduled events low key... drive, show, BS (BrainStorm), eat

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post Jun 21 2012, 11:07 AM
Post #10

waiting to rebuild whitey!

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(IMG:style_emoticons/default/agree.gif) with Andy

When we were doing the FFCs they seemed best when we did group stuff, scenic drive, poker rally, cookout, show-n-shine, etc...bonding and bs is what makes the events a success IMHO.
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post Jun 21 2012, 11:19 AM
Post #11

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QUOTE(SirAndy @ Jun 21 2012, 09:58 AM) *

QUOTE(Joe Sharp @ Jun 21 2012, 08:22 AM) *
Gathering, why aren’t we getting the participation that we should be? We have over 14,000 members now. I can’t say as all of the last 4 or 5 events that we have had here I have considered flops as far as numbers go. I don’t understand it.

I think one of the reasons is that most of the recent bigger events seemed to have been centered around autocross and track days.

Frankly, i think that distracts from what made those early events so great, which was the people being able to get to know each other and talk cars in a relaxed atmosphere where you are not constantly pressured to "do something".

IMHO, a nice scenic drive, a Saturday evening dinner and maybe a car show/judging is all you need in terms of scheduled activities.

The rest of the time should be dedicated to hanging out in the parking lot of the hotel with a keg of beer and your 914 friends ...


(IMG:style_emoticons/default/agree.gif) I have only been to a few events but the one I did attend, WCR at Tahoe, I really enjoyed. We had a large parking lot to gather with room for all the cars in one spot and no one to hassle us. I enjoyed just the hanging out and bs'ing...err I mean brainstorming.

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post Jun 21 2012, 11:53 AM
Post #12

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I have only been to one event in my 5 years as a 914 owner. Thomas' Halloween Run 2011. I had a GREAT time and all we did was meet up, have coffee, drive some twisties up to Mt. Baldy, eat lunch together at the top of the hill and parted ways. I really enjoyed it! My wife came along and even had a good time, thanks to the other ladies in attendance. IMHO that's all that's really need for a good event.
Events like WCC & RRC take alot of planning on the organizers part as well as the attendees. I'm not so sure I'd be able to talk my wife into using one of my two weeks a year to take a vacation centered around my car. Not to mention the dates these events usually occur. In my line of work, vacations between Memorial Day and Labor Day are strictly prohibited.
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post Jun 21 2012, 11:54 AM
Post #13

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QUOTE(SirAndy @ Jun 21 2012, 09:58 AM) *

QUOTE(Joe Sharp @ Jun 21 2012, 08:22 AM) *
Gathering, why aren’t we getting the participation that we should be? We have over 14,000 members now. I can’t say as all of the last 4 or 5 events that we have had here I have considered flops as far as numbers go. I don’t understand it.

I think one of the reasons is that most of the recent bigger events seemed to have been centered around autocross and track days.

Frankly, i think that distracts from what made those early events so great, which was the people being able to get to know each other and talk cars in a relaxed atmosphere where you are not constantly pressured to "do something".

IMHO, a nice scenic drive, a Saturday evening dinner and maybe a car show/judging is all you need in terms of scheduled activities.

The rest of the time should be dedicated to hanging out in the parking lot of the hotel with a keg of beer and your 914 friends ...


My car is not setup for any kind of race/AX and that's not something that I'm interested in. The last WCR was also too long in my opinion. I can't afford to spend all the weekend at a WCR event and my wife doesn't enjoy motel 6.

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post Jun 21 2012, 12:00 PM
Post #14


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I can't do a whole weekend thing. Heck, lately I haven't even been able to make it to the G&R.

Life's been getting in the way, with the kids and all.

Miss seeing the gang too.

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post Jun 21 2012, 12:01 PM
Post #15

Northeast optimist

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...way back in 2006, I'd organize wrenching sessions at a local garage (MovieTimeCars) and get a dozen or more 914ers; and even more that had project cars would show for the fun....
....now it's like herding cats....maybe one good get together a year.
even the Sunday morning drives have fallen off. (now I hook up with the 911 guys from the Pelican Board and take drives with them)

a few 914ers like nychef (richie) moved on....Leo too...Nate keeps f'ing up his car. So turnover has and priorites have affected the enthusiasm around here; or at least that's what I think

so to try to reverse the situation (IMG:style_emoticons/default/confused24.gif) ....I keep trying to help the newbie with their newly purchased projects and hope to renew the northeast contingency.
...and why I hangout at the Club site too. It seems to attract new owners...and some seem to be from around the tri-state area.
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post Jun 21 2012, 12:12 PM
Post #16

Too much time in thin air!

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It's not just us (or California). It is the current trend with the PCA as well.
Cultures change, things cycle - remain true and things will get better.

My reasons? Location, location, location. I am more likely to head deeper into the mountains when I have free time then toward town where the events occur. And for events on workdays, forget it. My main transportation is public bus to and from work, 9 hour days, 2 hours of commuting and I'm pooped (since I'm OLD!) therefore too lazy to attend weekday events. I respect and love you all (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wub.gif) , but you just aren't going to tear me from my home life on the weekends with the wifey-poo.
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G e o r g e
post Jun 21 2012, 12:22 PM
Post #17


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Andy's reply describes both the RRC and the Route 66. The G & R is all Brainstorming.

But for me the Kapt nailed it, Life gets in the way.

Trying to figure out how to swing the RRC this year myself
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post Jun 21 2012, 12:48 PM
Post #18

En Garde!

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Its not just cars.

There has been a lack of attendance at non-car hobbies too.
I don't reenact much any more, but the folks I know that do say the numbers have not improved much in the past number of years. in the late 90s through 2007 events were BIG. Now we are lucky to get 4 or 5 guys from our unit on the field.

The guys I used to sail with are always scrounging for crew. They used to be turning crew away.

The worst attended ECC we had was not the one during the torrents of rain. It was the one on a spectacular mild sunny day at a historic car AX. So there that is part of the issue.

But I think the economy is playing a part. Gas got expensive, and lots of folks either lost their jobs or felt there jobs being threatened. This did not effect me, but it did effect a lot of folks I know.

And life changes... In the past 4 years I've had 2 kids. All hobbies took a back seat. My slow pace of work pre-kids seemed like a million miles an hour post kids. I bet, if we did some sort of age study here, we would find that the median age is increasing since 2003. We get a few young folk coming on, but for many of us - we don't have the time to party like we did 5 years ago. In my case, it may be another 15 years before I have free time like I used to.

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post Jun 21 2012, 01:18 PM
Post #19

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QUOTE(76-914 @ Jun 21 2012, 09:04 AM) *

Dawn Patrol - We try to do our part. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/poke.gif)

For me it's been finding time to get to a bigger event...it's not that I don't dream of WCR's...it just that 2 kids and a wife take priority... (read between the lines, the wife says no (IMG:style_emoticons/default/slap.gif) )

The Dawn Patrol runs have been GREAT, sometimes we get a lot of 914's...sometimes not so many, but it's a good way for us all to get out, shoot the sh!t and drive the piss out of our cars...and still get home before noon. I think small events like that reinforce all the reasons we choose 914's and also that it's not just the cars--the DP crowd are great guys (and sometimes gals) that are truly fun to hang out with.

I think if there were more small events like that to build peoples enthusiasm and comradery, we might see more turnout at the bigger events as well...
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post Jun 21 2012, 01:48 PM
Post #20

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There's nothing here for Oklahomans, Kansas folk or West Arkansas folk to do either. It's hard to justify an 8hr+ round trip just to get to some sort of get together. The local PCA hasn't done anything but racing and auto-x for the last several years.

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