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> What would you pay for this 914?
post May 28 2014, 07:19 AM
Post #21

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QUOTE(Cuda911 @ May 28 2014, 02:39 AM) *

Thanks for the replies. My thoughts are this: Offer 4K, spend 6 to 7 K to restore to "reasonable" condition, then have a fun car I can drive for 5 or 10 years, with the expected ongoing maintenance.

Re: "How many cars have you looked at?" Probably 100 or so on the Net, about 5 in person.

$4,000 + $6-7,000 = $10-11,000

Buy an $8-9,000 914, spend $2-3,000 (same $10-11,000 range) and you'll have what you're looking for. You'll end up spending less and getting more by staying away from bottom feeder cars.
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post May 28 2014, 07:34 AM
Post #22


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$500 or pass. You will be disappointed. Go to the restoration threads and look at the carnage under the paint.
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post May 28 2014, 07:36 AM
Post #23

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Most I would pay is 1k and I probably wouldn't even do that. There are so many other nice ones out there.
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post May 28 2014, 07:40 AM
Post #24

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The picture looking down the drivers side looks like a car that is sagging in the middle. If so, that is really bad!
Remember what Porsche folks say when buying a used Porsche, buy the best one you can find, it will save you money in the long run.
Find a nicer one!
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post May 28 2014, 07:59 AM
Post #25

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I'd not buy this car.

Don't rush to jump in the water. Sooner or later your car will come along.
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post May 28 2014, 08:05 AM
Post #26

Chimp Sanctuary NW. Check it out.

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The rust pictured is not "surface" only. Pull the front truck seal and I think you' find BIG problems with the channels and the bubble @ the bottom of the windshield trim is a warning sign. I think 'all in' @ $11k is on the low side. I wonder what's lurking behind late bumper cover.

I wouldn't buy the car. Period.....
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post May 28 2014, 08:11 AM
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Bumper mismatch = bad sign or very poor taste
Battery box sagging means more rust
Extra paint around engine grill indicates careless attempt
Turbo mirrors probably put unwanted holes in door skins

My last teen I sold was much much1,much2......muchn, nicer for 6k. There is a significant chance that you could do much better.

But hey, no better place on earth to buy a project like that and get help.

I liked: early rear bumper, baby Fuchs, .... That's about it.
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post May 28 2014, 08:19 AM
Post #28

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That is a parts car at best, as you'll easily spend over $20K making it right. . the rust repair will be endless and the paint will be another 3-4K for a cheap job.. . even from the pictures it needs a complete front clip . . I'll bet if you poked the hell hole it would fall through from the looks of the battery tray.
Listen to the logical voices who have no dog in the fight. . even if you
'fixed' the rust you can find, what you can't find will make it impossible to maintain in
the future. .
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post May 28 2014, 09:06 AM
Post #29

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Pass......unless you want a project
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post May 28 2014, 09:09 AM
Post #30

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QUOTE(hot_shoe914 @ May 28 2014, 04:12 AM) *

For $4500, you will only be over paying by $4000 in my opinion. Buy a nice car you can drive now for more money. You will be glad you did!


$500... I recently bought two 914s in about the same condition for $1000; they have already been parted out.
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Mike Bellis
post May 28 2014, 10:04 AM
Post #31

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Since you're East coast, 914's come at a primium. Buy a west coast car and ship it. They don't salt the roads here. They use sand. Worry less about engine size and more about rust. On a 914, only 20% of the rust is visible. 80% of the rust you will find after you buy it. We can do PPI's for you. Just reach out when you find a good car. Shipping from the West will end up cheaper in the long run.
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post May 28 2014, 02:17 PM
Post #32

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OK, ok.... seems like the general consensus here is a big thumbs down on that car.

I'm stubborn and sometimes foolish, but I am trying to soak in the wisdom of you all.

Crap. Frankly, I'm surprised.... I've seen plenty of cars that were way worse get restored, or at least sell for more than this red one. From what I've read here, as long as the longitudinals and suspension under the hell hole aren't rotted, the rest of the car isn't too bad to deal with.

Dang, back to my 914 hunt, then....

Any of you want to join in and help me spend my money?

Requirement: 73 2.0 or 74 2.0 with appearance group. Any but black, gray, silver. Ideally blue, red, orange, or other bright color.

Within a reasonable drive of San Diego, unless there's one of you guys I could trust to look it over for me.
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post May 28 2014, 02:23 PM
Post #33

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$4,000 + $6-7,000 = $10-11,000

Buy an $8-9,000 914, spend $2-3,000 (same $10-11,000 range) and you'll have what you're looking for. You'll end up spending less and getting more by staying away from bottom feeder cars.

I agree. So far, I just can't find any mid-priced ones that meet my criteria (73/74/2.0/colorful).

All help in my quest is greatly appreciated!!!
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post May 28 2014, 02:34 PM
Post #34

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QUOTE(Cuda911 @ May 28 2014, 12:17 PM) *

Crap. Frankly, I'm surprised.... I've seen plenty of cars that were way worse get restored, or at least sell for more than this red one.

That's true, but unless you can work magic with sheet metal and a welder, and have unlimited time on your hands, this "project" car will consume way more money than you think it will to get it right.

From what I've read here, as long as the longitudinals and suspension under the hell hole aren't rotted, the rest of the car isn't too bad to deal with.

Not so. Read again what folks are saying here. That the rust is -visible- from the outside tells us all that there is WAAAY more rust hiding underneath. Just like an iceberg...

Dang, back to my 914 hunt, then....

Keep looking. You will find a better one, and you will be far happier that you did.

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post May 28 2014, 02:47 PM
Post #35

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QUOTE(Mike Fitton @ May 7 2014, 06:17 AM) *

My Alaska Blue 914 will be for sale shortly.

Might want to follow up on this one that was mentioned in the classifieds (not listed yet)

Towards the end of this thread: 914 FS
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post May 28 2014, 05:42 PM
Post #36


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I would say that if you are looking for a 914, you are looking for a project! I agree with many others here! Spend a little more money for a much better starting point, I wish I would've!! The price for this car should be in the $1500-$2000 at most!!
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post May 28 2014, 05:49 PM
Post #37

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I have to go with TC, $1500 car at best. Looks like a LOT of hidden gremlins.
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post May 28 2014, 06:44 PM
Post #38

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My 73 Alaska Blue Appearance Group is For Sale but I can tell already it is out of your Price Range
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post May 28 2014, 07:55 PM
Post #39

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Excellent advice from everyone here.

Way to much ca$h for that car. Take your time finding a decent car at a fair price, even if you are looking for a project.

I probably overpaid for my project, but it was less expensive than the deal you are considering and this car appears to have more rust on the top side of the car than mine did.

A PPI is worthwhile even if you have to pay for it. A case of beer may even cover the expense. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/beerchug.gif)

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post May 28 2014, 08:19 PM
Post #40

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OK, you all talked me out of that red one.

Here's a link to a beauty coming up for sale in July at an auction in Lock Haven, Pennsylvania. Any of you attending the auction? (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

"Please note, this vehicle will be offered for sale only at the Central Pennsylvania Auto Auction, July 18th and 19th, 2014 in Lock Haven, Pennsylvania. For more information contact us at (800) 248-8026 or visit www.cpaautoauction.com. 1974 Porsche 914 2.0 Targa"


If any of you come across a decent 914 for sale, please feel free to let me know. Thanks!
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