WOW. 914 lovers, this was unprecedented.
First off, I was extremely honored to have my LE Can Am on display at the Saturdat Cars and Coffee at the Concours. which for the main event on Sunday, honored, featured and displayed ONLY the 914 in the entire Porsche marquee lineup! NO classic Porsches OF ANY KIND were on display at Porsche except for ONLY a long row of historically significant 914s - and a lot of green in front of them to view them from. In fact, all of Porsche's green was reserved for just the 914. This unprecedented and VERY bold statement in world of Porsche commands and demands the long overdue respect that the 914 deserves.
For the 914, our time has come.
To our big brother the 911, we respectfully extend to you... our middle (IMG:
I got about 400 really good pictures of 12 914s. Instead of rushing to post, I'd rather take a bit of time to go through and edit them for you guys to make them more memorable. In the meantime, here's the one that makes me the most proud.