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Mike Fitton
post Mar 16 2015, 09:20 PM
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QUOTE(tumamilhem @ Mar 16 2015, 06:55 PM) *

QUOTE(bandjoey @ Mar 16 2015, 10:47 PM) *

Is the museum car Signal Orange or Tangerine? Looks darker than signal on my computer.

Neither, actually. And it will look darker because it is. It is Blut Orange (Blood Orange). (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

I have been told by a reliable source that Blood (Blut) Orange and tangerine are the same color.

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post Mar 16 2015, 09:34 PM
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Interesting. I didn't realize that Tangerine and Blut Orange were the same color. I guess i'm not the only one who thought Tangerine was a bit lighter.

But yes, it is Blut Orange.
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Johny Blackstain
post Mar 16 2015, 10:22 PM
Post #243

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As cool as the 914-8 is, I love the 916 & have seen that car up close, 12 years ago, in Atlanta. BTW- it's built on a 4, not a 6 chassis. Only one to have AC as well.
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post Mar 17 2015, 09:56 AM
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QUOTE(Johny Blackstain @ Mar 17 2015, 12:22 AM) *

As cool as the 914-8 is, I love the 916 & have seen that car up close, 12 years ago, in Atlanta. BTW- it's built on a 4, not a 6 chassis. Only one to have AC as well.

Johnny what is the difference between the 6 and the 4 chassis? I thought they were built on the same.

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Johny Blackstain
post Mar 17 2015, 10:13 AM
Post #245

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QUOTE(tumamilhem @ Mar 17 2015, 11:56 AM) *

QUOTE(Johny Blackstain @ Mar 17 2015, 12:22 AM) *

As cool as the 914-8 is, I love the 916 & have seen that car up close, 12 years ago, in Atlanta. BTW- it's built on a 4, not a 6 chassis. Only one to have AC as well.

Johnny what is the difference between the 6 and the 4 chassis? I thought they were built on the same.

It has the ignition key on the steering column, unlike the six that has the ignition key on the dash. It also has the round mounting spots underneath for the iron bar that holds the 4 cyl. engine in place. The six has the engine mount welded to the firewall & no round spots underneath for the iron crossbar. King George himself pointed this out to me 12 years ago when I was @ AA. I don't know if the other 10 916s are also built on 4 cyl. chassis, but it makes the most sense to just pull plentiful 4 cyl. chassis & experiment with those in 1972, as opposed to pulling any 6 cyl. chassis which were being discontinued. Remember- all 916s are prototypes, so if I were George I'd pull those damned ugly warts off up front & go with euro lenses & the camp 914 kit instead. It is the only 916 with those hideous warts. Wish I could pull them off my LE as well but that is a collectors no no. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
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post Mar 17 2015, 10:16 AM
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Huh. Interesting. I knew about the ignition switch of course, but didn't consider that part of the chassis I guess. I didn't know about the rest of it. Interesting.

it's quite possible that the reason that one in particular has the side markers is because it's the only one that came to the United States. So they were probably installed at the factory for US spec. If that's the case, they should remain for originality. but yeah they would look better without.
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Johny Blackstain
post Mar 17 2015, 10:24 AM
Post #247

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QUOTE(tumamilhem @ Mar 17 2015, 12:16 PM) *

Huh. Interesting. I knew about the ignition switch of course, but didn't consider that part of the chassis I guess. I didn't know about the rest of it. Interesting.

it's quite possible that the reason that one in particular has the side markers is because it's the only one that came to the United States. So they were probably installed at the factory for US spec. If that's the case, they should remain for originality. but yeah they would look better without.

You're right, it had the side markers installed because it is the only 916 Porsche exported to the US, but it's still a prototype which to me means carte blanche & to hell with originality. That interior is not what the car came with from the factory & has been redone, very nicely I might add, so why not shave the warts off? It's a prototype, so if you want you can paint it pink with purple polka dots if you like (IMG:style_emoticons/default/lol-2.gif)

BTW- the AC was installed @ Brumos, not @ the factory.
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post Mar 17 2015, 10:30 AM
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True. that's the only explanation I can think of, but you're right because it wasn't really intended to be a racer when it came here because it was not going to go into production but the museum. I kind of wish we could take them off of our creamsicles. then again mine is a driver and there's too many idiots on the road. They need to see me switching lanes because they can barely see me at all as it is. :/
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post Mar 17 2015, 10:32 AM
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and yeah I was surprised to see the AC in there considering it was supposed to be a race car. I forgot that Brumos installed it. Which would be the case anyway since none were factory installed. Then again, it is pretty hot here in the summer. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif)
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post Mar 17 2015, 10:32 AM
Post #250

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QUOTE(Johny Blackstain @ Mar 17 2015, 12:24 PM) *

QUOTE(tumamilhem @ Mar 17 2015, 12:16 PM) *

Huh. Interesting. I knew about the ignition switch of course, but didn't consider that part of the chassis I guess. I didn't know about the rest of it. Interesting.

it's quite possible that the reason that one in particular has the side markers is because it's the only one that came to the United States. So they were probably installed at the factory for US spec. If that's the case, they should remain for originality. but yeah they would look better without.

You're right, it had the side markers installed because it is the only 916 Porsche exported to the US, but it's still a prototype which to me means carte blanche & to hell with originality. That interior is not what the car came with from the factory & has been redone, very nicely I might add, so why not shave the warts off? It's a prototype, so if you want you can paint it pink with purple polka dots if you like (IMG:style_emoticons/default/lol-2.gif)

BTW- the AC was installed @ Brumos, not @ the factory.

It seems like I remember that that car was originally white? And George changed it to silver. Is that right, or am I mostaken?
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post Mar 17 2015, 10:38 AM
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Wow, I am shocked.

This is why I don't enter cars in shows anymore...
Attached Image

People suck. I mean really. Get a better grip on your camera, Leave the freekin' board at home, and have respect. It makes me sad.

I am shocked that Porsche allowed the car to sit in the wide open like that.

In the mid 80's I was at a car show and witnessed some DillWeed on a bike looking at a very nice original 904 He actually fell on the car and broke a headlamp lens and did damage to the paint.

I know the guy who owns the 904 and have been to his house many times. That poor 904 never did get not get out much after that. I have never seen it at a show since, only at his house. Very sad.

Sorry, rant over...
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Johny Blackstain
post Mar 17 2015, 10:39 AM
Post #252

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QUOTE(stevegm @ Mar 17 2015, 12:32 PM) *

It seems like I remember that that car was originally white? And George changed it to silver. Is that right, or am I mostaken?

I have no knowledge of that Steve, but it could be. All the old pictures of this car (Road & Track) are of the car in silver. I did hear once that the diamond silver/phoenix red 916 was repainted to black/phoenix red so I believe it's been done before. It could very well have been white but I really don't know. I'd like to see more pics of the car (especially the roof), because that's what I want to do to my super basterdized six- put a steel roof on her. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
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post Mar 17 2015, 10:39 AM
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you know Steve, I actually asked George about that. Because I thought it was originally Gemini blue. but I must have been mistaken, I could have been thinking of another 916. I also asked about the interior because the Gemini blue one had some funky Paisley looking interior that I knew at some point have been reupholstered. I guess I just assumed that all the prototypes had the same interior. This one had grey leather with off white cloth interior with the Porsche lettering. it also had storage side baskets in the car door. Kind of like what you would have found in a Cadillac. which I thought was odd. but this is the one that was on the cover the magazine back then and it was silver then. Although he did just have it repainted recently.
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post Mar 17 2015, 10:45 AM
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QUOTE(Rockaria @ Mar 17 2015, 12:38 PM) *

Wow, I am shocked.

This is why I don't enter cars in shows anymore...
Attached Image

People suck. I mean really. Get a better grip on your camera, Leave the freekin' board at home, and have respect. It makes me sad.

I am shocked that Porsche allowed the car to sit in the wide open like that.

In the mid 80's I was at a car show and witnessed some DillWeed on a bike looking at a very nice original 904 He actually fell on the car and broke a headlamp lens and did damage to the paint.

I know the guy who owns the 904 and have been to his house many times. That poor 904 never did get not get out much after that. I have never seen it at a show since, only at his house. Very sad.

Sorry, rant over...

you know, I was next to that guy and thought the same thing. He did put his skateboard down. But really, why bring it? you're on grass anyway. Why take the chance of dinging a car. and I actually had the same worry about someone falling on it. but I have to admit, I'm glad it was there. That one car was worth the price of admission as far as I'm concerned. Definitely cheaper than flying to Germany. Haha
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post Mar 17 2015, 10:57 AM
Post #255

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QUOTE(tumamilhem @ Mar 17 2015, 12:45 PM) *

QUOTE(Rockaria @ Mar 17 2015, 12:38 PM) *

Wow, I am shocked.

This is why I don't enter cars in shows anymore...
Attached Image

People suck. I mean really. Get a better grip on your camera, Leave the freekin' board at home, and have respect. It makes me sad.

I am shocked that Porsche allowed the car to sit in the wide open like that.

In the mid 80's I was at a car show and witnessed some DillWeed on a bike looking at a very nice original 904 He actually fell on the car and broke a headlamp lens and did damage to the paint.

I know the guy who owns the 904 and have been to his house many times. That poor 904 never did get not get out much after that. I have never seen it at a show since, only at his house. Very sad.

Sorry, rant over...

you know, I was next to that guy and thought the same thing. He did put his skateboard down. But really, why bring it? you're on grass anyway. Why take the chance of dinging a car. and I actually had the same worry about someone falling on it. but I have to admit, I'm glad it was there. That one car was worth the price of admission as far as I'm concerned. Definitely cheaper than flying to Germany. Haha

How funny. Me too. I was taken aback by the skate board too. And yes, The 914-8 was worth the trip alone. Not a single part is the same as regular 914s, as far as I could tell. Even the angles of sheet metal were all different. Someone said that you could almost see the engineers thinking. That sums it up well.
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scotty b
post Mar 17 2015, 12:40 PM
Post #256

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The Gemini blue car was another 471 car George owned. He may still, but I think he sold it a few years ago. IIRC it used to grace the print catalogs cover
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post Mar 17 2015, 12:48 PM
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QUOTE(scotty b @ Mar 17 2015, 02:40 PM) *

The Gemini blue car was another 471 car George owned. He may still, but I think he sold it a few years ago. IIRC it used to grace the print catalogs cover

See, that's what I thought. I asked George if this car was originally Gemini Blue and if he painted it silver and he said no.

Am I incorrect in thinking that actually 2 916s came to the US? I swore that there were two of them. One went to a private owner and one went to Brumos. My friend's husband (who is very wealthy and collected Porsche's and Ferrari's) told me when he first saw my car that he once owned a 916 for a short time. I wonder if that was it.

Was the Gemini Blue the other US car? It had the black with funky colored paisley print on the upholstery, correct?

Does Steve (the other Creamsicle owner) in Tampa have that 471?
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Johny Blackstain
post Mar 17 2015, 12:54 PM
Post #258

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There was another 916 in the US for a while & it was Gemini Blue. It was sold around 4 or 5 years ago & I believe it's back in Europe.

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post Mar 17 2015, 01:05 PM
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Yep! That's it!
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post Mar 17 2015, 02:22 PM
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QUOTE(Johny Blackstain @ Mar 17 2015, 11:54 AM) *

There was another 916 in the US for a while & it was Gemini Blue. It was sold around 4 or 5 years ago & I believe it's back in Europe.

My recollection is that car was at Monterey in 1998. I THINK George of AA was there, with it, at the time. He could correct me on that.....
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