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> My '74 914 Project Begins!
era vulgaris
post Mar 24 2015, 07:14 PM
Post #21

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This is photoshopped and from another thread, but I always thought this color scheme looked good.

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post Mar 29 2015, 12:50 PM
Post #22


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I like that photoshop of the car, but after some thought, I think I'm going to go something like this for the car, still going to put the Gulf vinyl on it though.
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Over the last couple days, I got a bit more work done, I removed the jack pyramids and tubes, ground some other stuff down, wire wheeled the left front fender again, and did the same to the right side marker area. In prep for installing the 914ltd kit, I cut windows into my door sills as several other users suggested in another thread(though nowhere near as pretty looking!), and I plan on modifying the long kit as well, buy drilling a few more mounting holes for the welds, also as suggested in another thread. I was able to get the car up onto jackstands this morning, and will be doing a bit more prep work tonight and tomorrow in prep for the long kit install.

Is there anything I should disconnect on the car (electronic wise) prior to welding on it? I plan on taking lots of pictures of the process so be on the look out for updates over the next couple days.

Thanks guys,

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post Apr 7 2015, 04:08 PM
Post #23


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Hello all! This last week has been a bit crazy for me, so I got varied amounts of work done. The day I was going to weld, we had a generator put in at home so the power was off for about 5 hours, which gave me time to refinish my fuchs, they look pretty good I think.

I did a bit more prepwork on the longs that day as well, and this morning, I was able to set aside some time to attach the 914ltd long kit. It only took about an hour and a half to weld the pieces on, but it was the prepwork that ate all the time on it. I alternated between sides while welding, as to not warp the car any, I do have some welding to finish, the bottoms of the longs where the joint is needs to be finished, so that is what I will be doing next. I have to say, installing this kit was so easy, Brad really knocked it out of the park creating something so simple, but effective for someone with limited welding skills(its been a while since I've welded) (IMG:style_emoticons/default/welder.gif)

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post Apr 7 2015, 05:44 PM
Post #24

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Nice work (IMG:style_emoticons/default/welder.gif) Wheels look good too.
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post Jun 22 2015, 10:10 AM
Post #25


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Im back! Work has been crazy and I took a few trips, so its time to get the gears going again.

The last week has seen more spurts of activity, painting bumpers, wetsanding body panels, priming, painting, and patching rust spots I had cut out prior. I am hoping to have it done by Saturday, the first Chicago Region Concours is the 28th and I am gonna do my best to be finished for that (though Im not making a concours car, I love going to them)

A few teasers of progress....

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post Jun 22 2015, 01:51 PM
Post #26


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Are those adapters or, did you swap out the hubs?

Looks beautiful!!
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post Jun 22 2015, 03:13 PM
Post #27


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The hubs are drilled. The previous owner did it; which is partly why I bought this car. I wanted 5 lug for Fuchs, and this already had both!
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post Jun 22 2015, 03:53 PM
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post Jul 1 2015, 12:00 PM
Post #29


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Sooo I had the bumpers and rockers painted orange, absolutely hated it, so theyre in the process of getting painted black (the bumpers are getting the split GT look like I was going to do in the first place (IMG:style_emoticons/default/headbang.gif) ) I will post pics later

big question. I had the car up and finished some welding the other day. As Im leaving my friends house, I notice that my drivers side driving light isnt on. I turn the lights on and off several times, and to no avail, the light doesnt turn on, but the passenger side one ends up not coming on as well. I then realize as Im driving down a pitch black country highway at 9:30pm, my taillights arent on either. I pull over, the driving lights arent on, and the tail lights arent, but my headlights, fogs and license plate lights are working, the break lights work, and my turn signals work, what is going on with my lights??

Thoughts? The car is pretty useless to me if I cant drive it at dusk, because I get out of work around 8pm. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/WTF.gif)
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post Jul 6 2015, 05:34 PM
Post #30


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So... I was a complete idiot and the reason the lights werent working was I plugged the ground into the wrong spot on the drivers side turn signal (IMG:style_emoticons/default/headbang.gif)

So as I said in my previous post, I changed the colors on the car a bit. Let me know what you guys think. Im in the middle of redoing the exterior paint, the p/o or one prior to him really had touch up paint jacked up bad, and several badly filled dings, so I fixed it and painted the majority of the car with paint from Automotive touch up, which matches very well.

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post Jul 6 2015, 06:04 PM
Post #31


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Another "older" pic (from a few days ago, and several just happened ones. I thought the forecast said rain later tonight, not this afternoon/evening, oh well. Im just listening to it rust from inside right now.... (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)

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