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> 2016 Build-Off Challenge - Official Contest Thread, AND THE WINNER IS . . .
post Sep 28 2015, 04:27 PM
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Congratulations Garland!. It was a close contest with a lot of great work, and lots of 914s back on the road.

Thank you to the sponsors for giving great discounts and prizes - 914rubber, Restoration Design, Automobile Atlanta, Jeff's 914 Wiring Harnesses, Area 51 Werks, Savethe914.com, and Fourteener Motoring Magazine. A special thank you goes to Andy and 914world, and everything the site does the the 914 community. Without the forums, none of this would be possible.

Here are the results of the Final Round:

1st Place 91.5 Garland
2nd Place 84.84 Darren C
3rd Place 82.75 Andyrew
4th Place 73.1525 Olympic 1.7
5th Place 68 DirtyCossack
6th Place 66.74 jkb944t
7th Place 66.49 914forme
8th Place 62.67 MichiganMat
9th Place 58.35 dlee6204
10th Place 56.41 mbseto
11th Place 55.78 trojanhorsepower
12th Place 53.02 Vysoc
13th Place 52.25 Nutter965
14th Place 47.31 3d914
15th Place 45.75 rightpedal
16th Place 44.05 budk
17th Place 43.74 mrfourteen
18th Place 41.8 Philip W.
19th Place 36.41 madmax914
20th Place 35.03 poorsche914
21st Place 34.5 brettrarnold
22nd Place 33.65 RJMII
23rd Place 33.5 injunmort
24th Place 33.46 Mueller
25th Place 33.25 Stacks914
26th Place 27 AndyB
27th Place 26.5 lonewolfe
28th Place 26.25 914-d
29th Place 23.8 dudzy's914
30th Place 23.66 jcd914
31st Place 23.49 dakotaewing
32nd Place 23.48 hot_shoe914
33rd Place 22.99 boxsterfan
34th Place 20.23 02loftsmoor
35th Place 19.54 n2800


The polls are closed. The results are tallied. The trophy is being engraved.

The winner is . . . We will announce the winner tomorrow night at Okteenerfest.



The final round of voting is upon us. The poll for 914world users to vote is here:




Congratulations to the top 5 builds after three rounds:

1st Place - Garland
2nd Place - Andyrew
3rd Place - Darren C
4th Place - Olympic 1.7
5th Place - DirtyCossack

Here are all of the cumulative results after 3 rounds:

68.75 Garland
63.00 Andyrew
61.41 Darren C
55.24 Olympic 1.7
54.00 DirtyCossack
52.21 914forme
47.32 jkb944t
44.63 MichiganMat
43.13 mbseto
42.50 trojanhorsepower
42.00 dlee6204
41.18 Vysoc
38.00 Nutter965
35.50 rightpedal
35.47 budk
33.97 mrfourteen
32.34 3d914
28.52 Philip W.
26.45 madmax914
26.45 poorsche914
25.57 Mueller
25.25 brettrarnold
24.50 injunmort
24.38 RJMII
23.75 Stacks914
19.25 AndyB
18.75 lonewolfe
18.36 914-d
17.47 hot_shoe914
16.09 dudzy's914
15.60 boxsterfan
15.60 dakotaewing
15.45 jcd914
13.53 cn2800
13.53 02loftsmoor



Congratulations Garland, Darren C, Andyrew, DirtyCossack, and 914forme, the top 5 builds, after two rounds.

1st Place Garland - 45.25
2nd Place Darren C - 41.29
3rd Place Andyrew - 40.5
4th Place DirtyCossack - 36.75
5th Place 914forme - 35.48
6th Place Olympic 1.7 - 32.44
7th Place jkb944t - 32.15
8th Place MichiganMat - 29.34
9th Place Vysoc - 28.96
10th Place buck - 28.08
11th Place trojanhorsepower - 27.84
12th Place mbseto - 24.89
13th Place Nutter965 - 24.25
14th Place dlee6204 - 21.13
15th Place 3d914 - 21.13
16th Place right pedal - 19.75
17th Place madmax914 - 19.75
18th Place brettrarnold - 18.25
19th Place mrfourteen - 17.99
20th Place RJMII - 17.68
21st Place Stacks914 - 17.5
22nd Place Philip W. - 16.99
23rd Place poorsche914 - 16.99
24th Place injunmort - 16.75
25th Place Mueller - 14.23
26th Place AndyB - 13.75
27th Place lonewolfe - 13.00
28th Place dakotaewing - 11.47
29th Place dudzy's914 - 11.425
30th Place jcd914 - 10.7875
31st Place boxsterfan - 10.78
32nd Place 914-d - 10.78
33rd Place hot_shoe914 - 9.4
34th Place n2800 - 8.71
35th Place 02loftsmoor - 8.71

The above scores are the aggregate of Round 1 and Round 2 scores.



Congratulations Garland, Andyrew, Darren C, Olympic 1.7, and Vysoc, the top 5 builds, on the first round.

1st Place Garland - 24.25
2nd Place Andyrew - 22.5
3rd Place Darren C - 19.11
4th Place Olympic 1.7 - 18.8225
5th Place Vysoc - 18.74
6th Place DirtyCossack - 17.5
7th Place 914forme - 16.55
8th Place buck - 16.36
9th Place jkb944t - 16.17
10th Place mbseto - 15.05
11th Place MichiganMat - 14.36
12th Place mrfourteen - 13.29
13th Place Nutter965 - 13.25
14th Place madmax914 - 12.98
15th Place trojanhorsepower - 12.98
16th Place right pedal - 12.5
17th Place Stacks914 - 12.5
18th Place 3d914 - 11.6
19th Place brettrarnold - 11
20th Place Mueller - 10.91
21st Place RJMII - 10.91
22nd Place injunmort - 10.25
23rd Place Philip W. - 10.22
24th Place dlee6204 - 10.22
25th Place AndyB - 9.5
26th Place poorsche914 - 8.84
27th Place lonewolfe - 8.75
28th Place boxsterfan - 7.46
29th Place dakotaewing - 7.46
30th Place 914-d - 7.46
31st Place dudzy's914 - 6.9875
32nd Place hot_shoe914 - 6.08
33rd Place jcd914 - 5.7125
34th Place n2800 - 5.39
35th Place 02loftsmoor - 5.39

The above points are the points earned in Round 1 by each Challenger/Build. Points accumulated after all 4 rounds will be added together to determine the final winner. The calculation of the points accumulated in Round 1 is the total points in the 3 Challenger questions (30 total points possible (10 points each)), weighted by the type of build. Then the result is weighted by 75%, and added to the 914world poll results which is weighted by 25%. The resulting total points is reflected above.



TO VOTE PLEASE GO HERE - https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/9P3RNHY

Based on the Progress, Difficulty, and Quality of Workmanship of the build, please assign a score between 1 and 10 to each build (with 10 being the most points attainable). A complete list of the builds, and links to their threads, are available in post #2 of this thread.

Voting ends at midnight on January 31st. You can only vote once.


35 Porsche 914s. 1 Year. 1 Challenge.

The 914 Build-Off Challenge is on. What is the challenge? Finish building your 914 in 1 year. What is the deadline? 914 Day - September 14, 2016.

What is the prize for the winner?
914rubber.com has pledged a 1st place prize of a complete refund of all money spent on parts purchased from its company during the Challenge. Other prizes have also been pledged and will be announced soon.

Even dropping out of the Challenge early will get you a prize. rick 918-S, from Area 51 Werks, has donated an awesome welding jacket for the first build to drop out.

Challenger Discounts from Sponsors:
914rubber - Challengers receive a 20% off of all parts.
Automobile Atlanta - Challengers receive a 15% discount off of all "B" parts (rebuilt parts and ones they make).
Jeff's 914 Wiring Harnesses - Challengers receive a 15% discount for any replacement 914 Wiring Harness on the website for the build car. The discount period ends December 31, 2015.
Restoration Design - Challengers receive a 15% discount off of all of the 914 sheet metal that they produce. The discount period ends December 31, 2015.

What is this thread?
This is the main Challenge Contest thread. Challengers will post progress "reports" on their builds here. Challengers also have individual threads for their build where they post more details and people can comment on the build.

What is the criteria to participate?
a. Must include removal and installation, or installation of the engine.
b. Must include significant rust/accident repair, and/or paint and bodywork.
c. Must include significant interior work.

How are the builds judged?
1. Finishing on time - The car must be "done" and on the road at the end of the build.
The car must be road worthy, including titled, registered, and tagged.
2. Completing all build tasks, as outlined at the beginning of the build. This is determined by the person doing the build, but, roughly set out at the beginning of the build.
3. Quality and workmanship of the final car.

Who judges the builds?
The participants (we call them Challengers), and the members of 914world.

How is the judging conducted?
There are three preliminary rounds, and a final round, ending as follows:

First Round - October to January
Second Road - January to April
Third Round - April to July
Final Round - July to September

At the end of each round the Challengers vote on the builds. The voting is conducted using a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being the best), based on the following areas:

A. Progress
B. Difficulty
C. Quality and Workmanship

In addition, the members of 914world vote on the build's via an online poll. The Challengers and 914world members' votes will be tallied, and the builds ranked based on the votes. No builds are eliminated at any preliminary rounds.

Final Round of Voting
At the end of the Challenge, the participants and 914world members, make a final vote using the same system as above. The tally of the final votes, along with those from the 3 preliminary rounds, determines the winners.

If you want to read all of the rules, you can do that here.

Sponsor Info
914rubber is offering Challengers a 20% discount on all parts. Restoration Design is offering expert advice and assistance (contact Peter). Automobile Atlanta is offering Challengers a 15% discount on all "B" (parts they make, or a rebuilt part).

Who are the Challengers? Here they are.
Build Profiles for each build will be available - here.

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post Sep 29 2015, 09:17 AM
Post #2

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PM or email me links to your Built Thread and I will add your build to this list of links. We are adding a few Build Profiles every day.

Links to the Challengers' individual build threads:

Brettrarnold (Brett & Amy)
Lakewood, CO
Build Thread - Click Here
Build Profile - Click Here

Olympic 1.7 (Tom)
Pittsburgh, PA
Build Thread - Click Here
Build Profile - Click Here

Philip W. (Philip)
Bluffton, South Carolina
Build Thread - Click Here
Build Profile - Click Here

DirtyCossack (Joe)
Ft. Huachuca, AZ
Build Thread - Click Here

rightpedal (Steve)
Annapolis, MD
Build Thread - Click Here

Stacks914 (Zach)
Omaha, NE
Build Thread - Click Here

Garland (John)
Orion, MI
Build Thread - Click Here

injunmort (Mort)
Chester, NY
Build Thread - Click Here

AndyB (Andy)
Philadelphia, NY
Build Thread - Click Here
Build Profile - Click Here

budk (Bud)
Hickory, PA
Build Thread - Click Here
Build Profile - Click Here

madmax914 (Brent)
Salem, OR
Build Thread - Click Here

Nutter965 (Neale)
Northern Ireland, UK
Build Thread - Click Here

914forme (Stephen)
Dayton, OH
Build Thread - Click Here

Trojanhorsepower (Peter)
Marion, NC
Build Thread - Click Here
Build Profile - Click Here

Andyrew (Andrew)
Modesto, CA
Build Thread - Click Here
Build Profile - Click Here

poorsche914 (Steve)
Seymour, TN
Build Thread - Click Here

Mueller (Mike)
Antioch, CA
Build Thread - Click Here

dlee6204 (Doug)
Burnsville, NC
Build Thread - Click Here

Vysoc (Peter)
Bonita Springs, FL
Build Thread - Click Here

Worland, WY
Build Thread - Click Here

jkb944t (Jeff)
Canton, OH
Build Thread - Click Here

jcd914 (James)
Carmichael, CA
Build Thread - Click Here

dudzy's914 (Finn)
Hatfield, MA
Build Thread - Click Here

mrfourteener (Stacey)
Build Thread - Click Here

boxsterfan (Ron)
Build Thread - Click Here

MichiganMat (Mat)
San Jose, CA
Build Thread - Click Here

mbseto (Matthew)
Cincinnati, OH
Build Thread - Click Here

dakotaewing (Thom)
Desoto, TX
Build Thread - Click Here

hot_shoe914 (Donald)
Earle, Arizona
Build Thread - Click Here

Darren C (Darren)
Build Thread - Click Here

lonewolfe (Mark)
Oakland, CA
Build Thread - Click Here

914-d (Brent)
Cobb, CA
Build Thread - Click Here

cn2800 (Carl)
Amarillo, TX

3d914 (Gerard)
Benson, AZ
Build Thread - Click Here

02loftsmoor (Wes)
Keller, TX
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post Sep 30 2015, 10:01 PM
Post #3

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Let the builds begin.

Over the next couple of days we will a post a short description of each car, build, and the primary aspects of the project, in this post.
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post Oct 1 2015, 12:35 AM
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post Oct 1 2015, 12:39 AM
Post #5

New 914 owner in Lakewood CO

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QUOTE(stevegm @ Sep 29 2015, 09:17 AM) *

Brettrarnold (Brett & Amy) http://www.914world.com/bbs2/index.php?showtopic=265780
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post Oct 1 2015, 01:24 AM
Post #6

The rubber man

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Codes sent to all on the challenge -Good luck to all!
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post Oct 1 2015, 01:55 AM
Post #7

"Dude, Steve from Berkeley."

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Heh - I read the thread title, "Save the 914 Build-Off Challenge," as if the event were about to be canceled...

Nothing to see here, people. Move along...
Let's eat Grandma!
Let's eat, Grandma!
(Punctuation kills.)
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post Oct 1 2015, 07:05 AM
Post #8

914 Freak!

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QUOTE(smj @ Oct 1 2015, 12:55 AM) *

Heh - I read the thread title, "Save the 914 Build-Off Challenge," as if the event were about to be canceled...

Nothing to see here, people. Move along...
Let's eat Grandma!
Let's eat, Grandma!
(Punctuation kills.)

Yea, we need "Save the 914" in a different font or something (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

Got the "code"....Thanks a bunch!
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post Oct 1 2015, 07:11 AM
Post #9

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QUOTE(Mueller @ Oct 1 2015, 09:05 AM) *

QUOTE(smj @ Oct 1 2015, 12:55 AM) *

Heh - I read the thread title, "Save the 914 Build-Off Challenge," as if the event were about to be canceled...

Nothing to see here, people. Move along...
Let's eat Grandma!
Let's eat, Grandma!
(Punctuation kills.)

Yea, we need "Save the 914" in a different font or something (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

Got the "code"....Thanks a bunch!

I agree. Until we figure it out I will delete it from the title. I actually like it better short anyway.
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post Oct 1 2015, 07:19 AM
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QUOTE(Mikey914 @ Oct 1 2015, 03:24 AM) *

Codes sent to all on the challenge -Good luck to all!

I never received any code? (IMG:style_emoticons/default/confused24.gif)
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post Oct 1 2015, 01:22 PM
Post #11

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You could color code each of the build threads green (like this one is). It would help us follow their progress. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
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post Oct 1 2015, 01:24 PM
Post #12

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QUOTE(Sleepin @ Oct 1 2015, 03:22 PM) *

You could color code each of the build threads green (like this one is). It would help us follow their progress. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)

That is up to admin. That is a lot of green threads, though. We asked that participants use the thread title - Build-Off Challenge - (Whatever they want)

So that their threads would be easier to find.
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post Oct 1 2015, 05:13 PM
Post #13

Just happy to be here.

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I don't write much because I don't have a lot to add, but -- geez -- this was a good idea. I'm really enjoying following all the builds. My only issue: I'm rooting for them all to win .....

Thank you to Stevegm for setting this up and thank you to Mikey914 for sponsoring it!
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post Oct 1 2015, 06:43 PM
Post #14


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Big KUDO'S to Steve and Mikey914!!!

You have so much energy to take on all the work and details to make this thing go.

Bottom line is that a lot of 914's will move forward, going to be fun to watch things emerge as there are always some people that are so talented and just need a little push to make them flourish.

Here we go!!

Thanks Steve & Mark!!!

Vysoc (IMG:style_emoticons/default/flag.gif)
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post Oct 2 2015, 05:26 AM
Post #15

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QUOTE(Vysoc @ Oct 1 2015, 08:43 PM) *

Big KUDO'S to Steve and Mikey914!!!

You have so much energy to take on all the work and details to make this thing go.

Bottom line is that a lot of 914's will move forward, going to be fun to watch things emerge as there are always some people that are so talented and just need a little push to make them flourish.

Here we go!!

Thanks Steve & Mark!!!

Vysoc (IMG:style_emoticons/default/flag.gif)

Thanks. I appreciate the kind words. It should be fun.
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post Oct 2 2015, 05:29 AM
Post #16

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rick 918-S, from Area51 Werks Welding, has donated this awesome welding jacket to the build that drops out first. It makes me wish I had entered by car.

Thank you Rick.

Attached image(s)
Attached Image
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post Oct 2 2015, 05:29 AM
Post #17


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What a fantastic thread.. I cannot wait to read about all the progress!
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post Oct 2 2015, 06:28 AM
Post #18

914-6 GT in waiting

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QUOTE(stevegm @ Oct 2 2015, 07:26 AM) *

QUOTE(Vysoc @ Oct 1 2015, 08:43 PM) *

Big KUDO'S to Steve and Mikey914!!!

You have so much energy to take on all the work and details to make this thing go.

Bottom line is that a lot of 914's will move forward, going to be fun to watch things emerge as there are always some people that are so talented and just need a little push to make them flourish.

Here we go!!

Thanks Steve & Mark!!!

Vysoc (IMG:style_emoticons/default/flag.gif)

Thanks. I appreciate the kind words. It should be fun.

I was thinking the same thing. There's a lot of energy and excitement going on wtg.
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post Oct 2 2015, 07:14 AM
Post #19

Times a wastin', get wrenchin'!

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Im out (IMG:style_emoticons/default/lol-2.gif)

Love the jacket, would hate to get slag and embers on it.

No I'm not out...... That would be way to easy.

And way to (IMG:style_emoticons/default/aktion035.gif) the Ohio contingent (IMG:style_emoticons/default/aktion035.gif)
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Olympic 914
post Oct 2 2015, 11:31 AM
Post #20


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Steve, I like the logo

Attached Image

Anyone thinking of doing t shirts?

I would be in for 1
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