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> BUILD-OFF CHALLENGE: Vysoc / Yellow Sub, And so it begins............
post Oct 2 2015, 01:48 PM
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Here we go,
I bought this chassis several years ago and have been cutting out sections with rust. This roller was a 1976 with Fiberglas Flares, I like them. There is much work to be done.
My 5 Major Project Points are:
1) Repair & Replace all rusted areas and weld in;
* - New Floor Pans.
*- Repairs to the Hell Hole area.
*- Engman Kit.
*- Weltmeister Chassis Stiffening Kit.
*- McMark's Roll Bar.
2) Install Patrick Six Engine Mount, Install Engine, Have Transmission Rebuilt, Install
Patrick Oil Tank and all Lines necessary, Install Oil Cooler, Rewire complete car.
Replace and treat inside of Gas Tank, install new CF/ Fuel Lines.
3) Replace Doors, Windshield, Install Spartan Street/DE Interior, Sparco Vintage
Seats, New Console, MoMo Wheel.
4) Prep car for Paint, all panels prepped, Hood, Trunk, Doors, Targa Top.
5) Replace & Upgrade all Suspension, Brakes, Bushings, Wheels & Tires.
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post Oct 2 2015, 01:53 PM
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More Pictures
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post Oct 2 2015, 02:02 PM
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More Pictures
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Now the real work must begin! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/flag.gif) (IMG:style_emoticons/default/idea.gif) (IMG:style_emoticons/default/sawzall-smiley.gif) (IMG:style_emoticons/default/welder.gif)
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post Oct 2 2015, 02:09 PM
Post #4

914 Wizard

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Awesome! You rock. Good luck!
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post Oct 2 2015, 02:17 PM
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Love that motor ! Very envious as mine is still in Arizona !! Hope you aren't putting a John Deere influence on it (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
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post Oct 2 2015, 02:23 PM
Post #6

Times a wastin', get wrenchin'!

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(IMG:style_emoticons/default/popcorn[1].gif) I can't wait for this to unfold.

BTW, I get carried away at times, those are some serious door bars.
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post Oct 2 2015, 03:17 PM
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I love the color and the engine, good luck with the build

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post Oct 2 2015, 04:59 PM
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No John Deere influence other than my Dad worked for Deere & Co. for 38 years.
He winters down here and I stickered it up for him, unfortunately his area was Industrial (Yellow Equipment) which is branded as DEERE, he made that clear to me as I have AG (Green) stickers on....oops?
Thats alright the Rotis is solid. Paint scheme will NOT be Yellow or Green.

Thanks for checking it out!

Vysoc (IMG:style_emoticons/default/flag.gif)
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post Oct 22 2015, 05:27 AM
Post #9


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Day off today, my season is just starting (Golf in Florida) as the temps have finally dropped, hell it got down to 68 degrees the other morning almost a cold front which means the garage only gets up to 90.

October for me has been a reorganization month in the garage to get my White 75 placed in another garage so that I can spread things out and have some working room.

That said and done, I now have my garage in a position to work, just cut out the Driver's side Cross Brace that was heavily rusted and have fitted up the Restoration Design replacement piece. I also fitted up the drivers side floorboards, I have more trimming to do to the old floor pan to get things in a position where I can use Clecos to fit them properly.
I was also able to pick up a Miller TIG Welder and I need to get up to speed on it, I do not have a 220V feed in my garage so I have moved my Hurricane Generator in place to power that thing from outside the garage. I have several areas on the car that I believe will benefit from TIG rather than MIG as the heat from MIG causes alot of Blow through and warping.
So today will be a day to learn my new/old used machine and trim the rest of the old floor pan out, I may even get something welded today. Photo's of updates forth coming.

Slowly moving forward!

Vysoc (IMG:style_emoticons/default/flag.gif) (IMG:style_emoticons/default/welder.gif)
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post Oct 22 2015, 05:49 AM
Post #10

Racer from Birth

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post Oct 22 2015, 07:27 AM
Post #11

Dr. Phil

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looking good Peter, you are a glutten for punishment for sure!. - let me know how the tig thing works out, I started a thread asking about welders etc and got some great advice , now looking for one to be able to do a couple of the small projects that I have!
POST LOTS OF PICTURES (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)
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post Oct 22 2015, 08:27 PM
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Nice photo TC, she will look good again with those Fuchs, somewhere down the road.
Thanks for the photo! Believe it or not I was able to get that dashboard out without cracking it and keeping all the plastic studs intact?

Dr. Phil,
The welding thing did not go so well today, the 220 volt Male connector on the Miller TIG did not match up to my generator, nor did it match up to the Dryer?

After much research.... the classic Amp versus breaker issue, so I will need to run a 220 volt receptacle into the garage that has a 50 amp breaker. My panel is in the mud/laundry room right off the garage so this should not be that much drama. I was reading up on prices from guys that have rewired to handle the charging of their new TESLA's, so their estimates on pricing should be pretty up to date.
I can run the wires in romax and mount the receptacle, the electrician can wire it up in the box and I can burn metal soon hopefully.
I did get a chance to sharpen up some tungsten's today and continue to set up the garage.

Sometimes you have to crawl before you can run.

Dr. Phil, I have a MIG & a TIG now so if you have any questions or need something welded, I am only 10 or 11 hours away or you can send it to Bonita.

Formula 1 in the USA this weekend, just wish I did not have to work through the weekend, that's what the DVR is for.

Vy (IMG:style_emoticons/default/yellowsleep[1].gif) soc
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post Nov 29 2015, 03:16 PM
Post #13


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TIG TIME only took a full month to get things set up, as usual you would not think it would be that difficult to run 240 - 6 AWG 3 wire through a garage attic into the Mud room where the panel is?
Wrong, took two separate dates with my maintenance/Electrician friend but it is now set-up safely correctly and by the Electrical Codes.
Just plugged her in and fired her up, and she roared to life, looks like Thursday, my next day off will be the big day to start really burning some metal....now I can start
moving forward.
I also need to update this thread to reflect what I put in on my October Update and my November Update.

Photo's of the electrical work coming!!

Vysoc (IMG:style_emoticons/default/flag.gif)
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post Dec 4 2015, 01:10 PM
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Update to my regular thread as I put the October update on the main thread and did not update on this thread.
This will be a shorter cliff notes edition.
October Floor Pan Fit-Up.
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Rear Corner Brace Fit-Up.
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November Stuff TIG WELDER

December drilled out all of the Spot welds in the base of the Tunnel. Cut out what I could and prepared myself for what I thought was going to be a rusty mess?
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It may not appear that this is clean but I expected a lot more rust and was really quite happy with what I found. Obviously I have to patch in three sections along the tunnel in three different areas, but other than that and to shore up several holds on the Clutch tube, I am happy. I continued to clean up the areas with sandpaper used a little Ospho and put a coat of primer on them to keep them in check. This whole tunnel will get a healthy dose of the Eastwood inside panel green stuff and should be good to go. The Restoration Design Driver's side middle brace is next to get welded in and then I will clean-up all the little stuff while I have such good access before the Floor pan is attached.
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post Dec 6 2015, 03:35 PM
Post #15


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Go Vysoc Go! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/beerchug.gif)
Looking good. Keep at it.
I'll be following closely when you start plumbing that six.
Will you need an access door in firewall for timing?

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post Dec 7 2015, 03:21 PM
Post #16


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Hey Dion,

I am hoping your car won COTM for December!

To your question on access for timing.
Yes, access will be cut just below where McMarks roll bar will attach to center of firewall.
Just need to button up a lot of metal work and get the floor pans welded in and then the Engman Inner Long Kit.
I feel as if I may be starting to get this thing moving now that both welder's are working.

Thanks for watching!

Vysoc (IMG:style_emoticons/default/flag.gif)
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post Dec 7 2015, 10:10 PM
Post #17


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Thanks Vysoc,
I'll be needing an access plate for my six when the time comes. Prolly start that
phase of work next fall.
When you are at that stage, I'll be bugging you for closeup photos and
measurements. Have at it! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/welder.gif)
Cheers. Dion
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post Dec 13 2015, 10:16 AM
Post #18


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OK December 2015,
I was able to take advantage of Thursday the 10th of December and get the 1st of 3 patches welded in on tunnel.
Working with the new TIG welder has strangely helped with my thin gauge work on my MIG welder. Anyway things were grabbing very nicely and I was able to really get things dialed in on Thursday.
I feel like for the first time that I may be creating some forward momentum on this project.
Here are a few photo's of what I got done the other day!

Prior to patch, as you can see water must have sat at the base of the tunnel in several places and the tin worm did his thing.
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Another photo of area to be patched - Tunnel Patch 1.
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Pattern Designed & Test Fit.
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Second Test Fit.
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Sheet Metal cut out and formed up.
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Tunnel drilled for rosette welds and prepped for MIG.
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New piece clamped in with C-Clamps.
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In place and ready to join the Yellow Sub forever.
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Another Angle.
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First welding pass with the MIG.
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I think that will hold it.
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Another Angle.
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First pass at grinding & sanding of the welds, please remember that this area will be covered with Dynamat and carpet other wise I would have done pretty butt welds.
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Close Up of the edge, was even able to tie in the little openings on the lip where they attached.
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In primer.
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On to the next patch!
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More coming, once the other two patches in the tunnel are accomplished I can weld the Driver's Side Middle Brace in from Restoration Design!

Vysoc (IMG:style_emoticons/default/flag.gif)
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post Dec 16 2015, 08:45 AM
Post #19

Spooling.... Please wait

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Thin guage is all about watching the puddle and travel speed, which is exactly like tig.

Good looking work!!
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post Dec 16 2015, 10:49 AM
Post #20

914 Guru

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Nice to see someone else suffering through replacing the floor and lower center console issues! I've cut all of mine out and ordered new floor kits from RD- they should be here anyday. I'm still mending my legs from this summer so it will be awhile before I'm as far as you but I'm working on it. I'm actually back to work now so progress is made- just none on the car. I should be ready to commence by spring but meanwhile it's great to see your progress and good work- Keep it up! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
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