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> BUILD-OFF CHALLENGE: BACK IN BLACK! from black plague to "Black Beauty", UPDATED PICUTURES 08-01-2016** switching the tub, sold blackie, so now to the Copper Tub should be remaned i guess, any ideas? Cu later?
post Oct 3 2015, 04:43 PM
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Dr. Phil

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Introduction to the car my 11 year old named black beauty . Hopefully it can be returned to her former glory.

Back story:
Not much is kknown about this car.
I bought the car from Billh1963 on Sept. 29, 2015. He bought the car earlier in the year , found on Craigs list in Columbia, SC. We all know Bill can't pass up a deal!. Car sat for 10 years after the p.o. had pulled it off the road to fix and restore it. He got as far as stripping it down, pulled out much of the wiring harness. Replaced the right front quarter panel and then it was abandoned. Luckily it was preserved by being stored in a clean dry place.
Goals: return to road as a nice close to original daily driver.
1. Remove rust in hell hole and passenger cross member, and sail panel area on left side.
2. Prepare for back dating bumpers
3. Clean and prep for repainting.
3.5. Assess motor status and prepare for refresh.
Either a. Refresh 1.8 , b.rebuild using current motor with turbo, or c. Replace with 2.0 from donor car.
4. Paint
5. Reassemble and complete restore of interior.
Interior was originally white, now dyed black and in bad shape. Not salvageable.

Here are a few pictures of the current condition of the car.

I am a late entry and thank the powers that be for allowing me to join the contest.
I do not have the welding or body work talent that some have but I will do most if not all mechanical and interior restore work.

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post Oct 3 2015, 04:48 PM
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Times a wastin', get wrenchin'!

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Welcome to the Challenge Dr. Phil, nice looking car.
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post Oct 3 2015, 04:51 PM
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Dr. Phil

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Couple more

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post Oct 3 2015, 04:55 PM
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Dr. Phil

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Front trunk. Hood is off,

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post Oct 3 2015, 05:03 PM
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Dr. Phil

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QUOTE(914forme @ Oct 3 2015, 06:48 PM) *

Welcome to the Challenge Dr. Phil, nice looking car.

If I can keep cost on the rust body and paint I will then be able to do more to the motor upgrade. But I thought, why not have one that is a restore to mostly stock? The hard part is resisting the temptation to "upgrade and modify" so it might just be a nice clean stock restoration. I need to source some nice 4 lug mahle wheels. - I will.sell these empi's and I have a very nice set of 16x6"fuchs I will sell or trade !
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post Oct 3 2015, 05:06 PM
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Dr. Phil

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post Oct 3 2015, 06:48 PM
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Dr. Phil

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here is what i am shooting for with being original, but of course the seats will be white.

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post Oct 8 2015, 09:03 AM
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Dr. Phil

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A few more present status picks, engine etc

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post Oct 8 2015, 09:06 AM
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Dr. Phil

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post Oct 8 2015, 09:08 AM
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Dr. Phil

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He'll hole

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post Oct 8 2015, 09:12 AM
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Dr. Phil

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Driver door area

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post Oct 12 2015, 12:31 PM
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Dr. Phil

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Dash wiring question- I have my gauges just about hooked up, but I have a strange variation and with the color fading it's hard to make out some of the colors, but I went over to my other 75 and did some comparing.
This car does not have the same color wire on the ee-brake wiring light. According to the schematic, Bowlsby char and my other car it should have 2 wires that are brown w/yellow and it does but the other one should be black with white and green stripe, but rather what I have on this one is white with a brown stripe. Has anyone else seen this variation?

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post Oct 12 2015, 12:33 PM
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Dr. Phil

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Here is the other car , correct color, for reference

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post Oct 19 2015, 07:27 PM
Post #14

Dr. Phil

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Minor progress tonight. Changed oil and filter. New gas hose , new filter and pump and hooked them up so that I can get ready to test it. Has not been run since I got it, and I'd like to see if it will go. Now that tank is in place I will put some fuel in there to see if I got the wiring hooked up correctly. Also got some inspecting of the under carriage. Looks pretty good. Also, jacking up the car I noticed there is no body flex at all. Liting from the back the whole.aide of the car raises up as it should, checked door gaps and measurements at the top and no change !! That's a good sign for sure, since there has been some work done in the hell hole area in past. Next I will pull those rockers.

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post Oct 27 2015, 06:45 AM
Post #15

Dr. Phil

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as posted on the update thread :::

OCTOBER UPDATE: for BACK IN BLACK(i'm renaming my thread this with the addition of the AC/DC song of same name as my official music) yep, that's all I've done-----
no, actually what I have accomplished is hooked up wiring, put in new fuel lines, fuel filter, pump, tank etc.

I bought the car as a rolling stripped down project, so normally I would not have done that but with this contest its not a bad way to go. it saved me a lot of time and trouble, but as discussed on Jeff B's recent tread asking the question which is worth more or which would you prefer, its a hard thing to sort thru all that stuff done by someone else, so I have spent hours sorting thru bags of labeled stuff, and some not labeled, digging into the car to look for rust(of which I have found some, nothing show stopping) and assembling a list of stuff I need to order from restoration design.
-began chipping out the tar board in the floor pans, found some rust along the edges of the floor, but mostly just surface stuff so far. right hell hole had a bad attempt at previous repair, including bad welding and calk!,
-wiring: wow what a mess - this takes the most time. Ordered some schematics, a member here sent me a PDF which I blew up, sent to local print shop, had them printed and laminated so I don't need my glasses to read them!!
- pulled wiring back thru to sort, hook up the fuel pump. because I need to know what I have in order to know if I am doing major or minor engine work- i'm really close to trying to crank it up so that I can then check for leaks, check compression etc. ( car is a 75 with 1.8 L-jet.)
- what I have sourced and ordered so far:
1. new Mahle wheels from member here: - will be shipped today or tomorrow(soon as I pay him (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif) )
2. New Distributor with installed optical points from Hot Spark - I read here that several others were using this distributor and very happy with the performance.
3. ordered vac hose, bought pump, filter and gas line and hooked all that up
4. new battery
5. I bought 914rubber.com bumper tops for back dating the bumpers- this might not happen, as I was contemplating a full stock build and restore: which poses the question, should I or should I not? because I cant find a set of decent nice chrome bumpers!!! , SO for anyone out there that might have a set let me know, otherwise it will have to just sell these toppers, and put the stock stuff back on (which maybe I should do)
this car is a mostly clean it up, make repairs and reassemble mostly in a stock fashion. Not custom.
Goals for this month that I believe I will have met:
- rewire , sort thru that- test run motor, strip floor pan and assess all areas for rust
- order parts, source proper wheels for car, sort thru parts stash,
- sourced a local Porsche shop that will help with next months goals:
-start car, run it and asses motor for needed repairs before dropping it out and cleaning it up
-threw out almost all interior parts except seats!! it was all trash
** so new list of parts needed to go forward: hell hole repair, battery tray, new dash and all new interior including door panels, back pad panels, white vinyl for back , doors, seats, - need to find out what carpet the car would have had stock- it was originally a stock black outside and white interior???

Next months goals: minor welding repairs of rear firewall, hell hole, replace battery tray to original location, fix 2 other body rust spots, prime etc
- pull motor and clean, put all nice new stuff on it,
- maybe finish minor body work have either touched up, or full respray- this is not decided yet.
- * will need all new exhaust so that decision will come later, but, I have very nice 1.8 heat exchangers with triad exhaust on my 75 2.0 copper car, so I might do a swap and buy the dual outlet SS. set up from Tangerine racing and put it on the Copper car. Decisions, Decisions!!!
Pictures will be posted on my thread, but yea, we've made some progress!
major parts orders are coming from 914 rubber, PMB, Restoration Design and Auto Atlanta.
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post Oct 27 2015, 06:57 AM
Post #16

Dr. Phil

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(IMG:style_emoticons/default/piratenanner.gif) just noticed I am high lighted finally!!!
These wheels will be coming soin, which means I will clean up and sell the EMPI on there now, and I have a set of nice 16"x6" Fuchs I need to sell to help fund the build!!!
Other parts needed :chrome bumpers, or I will be selling the 914 rubber toppers if I can't find a set to back date with.

Never said this but the good in this car is this:
*jack points are good, no rust thru.
* no flex to the body when jacked up.
* body and doors are very straight,
* no rust in the doors or the sills!!!
* suspension: was a/x for a while by a p.o. has really nice adjustable rear shocks good springs, front inserts blistering all around, and very nice aftermarket sway bar in front as well.

Challenges going forward:
The right front fender clip was replaced and is very straight., but not aligned perfectly so the gap with the cowl and the front edge of door is 1/8" or so too bigh. I need advice on whether I should leave it or remove and reattach it.

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post Oct 27 2015, 07:04 AM
Post #17

Dr. Phil

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New distributor.

Can I use this over ? I think when the pulled it out it was ruined, I may need to source a new one, do they make new column parts?

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post Oct 27 2015, 07:06 AM
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Dr. Phil

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Fender/door gap and cowl gap

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post Nov 6 2015, 08:50 AM
Post #19

Dr. Phil

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(IMG:style_emoticons/default/smash.gif) (IMG:style_emoticons/default/welder.gif) (IMG:style_emoticons/default/sawzall-smiley.gif) is about to commence. We have received many new parts yesterday, pictures to follow, but

Restoration Design: repair parts for seat hinges and supports, jack point triangles, inner long and jack point parts, floor pan that will be shared between 2 cars since each has rust in different spot, I will be able to use half the pan on one car and the other half on the other-its a rear half pan.
I screwed up and forgot to order the battery tray and support !! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/sad.gif).

- got a box or powder coated bits from Bruce Stone!!!!!
- AA sent my vac hoses and a few other bits, and
- 914 Rubber- Sail panel vinyl, dash vinyl and pad, seal kit for fresh air box refurb,

Reharvey sent me some awesome restored Mahle wheels, already pictured, now in my possession!.

I guess id better keep track, - I'm over $2k in parts orderd and received,
- once welding is done, I have to source H.E. and exhaust bits, muffler etc. and all new lenses, seals, etc. this month a lot should get done. I actually think I will be putting things back together in January.

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post Nov 6 2015, 09:18 AM
Post #20

Spooling.... Please wait

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QUOTE(Philip W. @ Oct 27 2015, 05:04 AM) *

New distributor.

Can I use this over ? I think when the pulled it out it was ruined, I may need to source a new one, do they make new column parts?

The split you mean? Thats normal, it actually pieces back together. The question is if everything works..
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