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> WCR 2016 location
post Oct 14 2015, 10:00 PM
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914 Guru

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Working on getting with the track people in Medford. If I can get it squared away we will almost do a carbon copy of the last Medford WCR. The drive will change up but I loved our lunch location at the lake.

If we have issue's getting the track.

My backup plan is to do it around Eugene. I've scoped out some good drive's & some great views. I will have the date up by the end of the month
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post Oct 14 2015, 10:37 PM
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Mark cc'd me on this, but I will stay background unless you guys ask me things. Mark Whitesell has planned an event and Jamie I believe you've been involved so pick a couple more guys and make it happen.
By the way, White City was amazing! I followed Mark up in a customers car ( maybe one of Jamie's 104 914's he's owned) and then we drove back together in my car. We didn't even go on the drive and it was one of the best I can recall!
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post Oct 15 2015, 12:29 PM
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914 Guru

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Yeah I've got plenty of people wanting to help. I'll get them on here soon. Until I have the track figured. There won't be much planning to do. If we don't get the track I don't plan to do it in White City. So makes planning a little tough but hopefully I'll get with someone this week. Not having much luck with return messages (IMG:style_emoticons/default/sad.gif)
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post Oct 15 2015, 11:02 PM
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I'm in.

So far it sounds great. I'll be a supportive role but will help out as much as possible.

Ok,.....got to get to the garage and put the mikey914 bumper top on....

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post Nov 2 2015, 10:27 PM
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914 Guru

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Finally got a reply from the track. Darrell from Siskiyou car club replied to my email this weekend. He's working on dates this next week & said he would call me. Glad I finally got some correspondence. After emailing every one listed & leaving a few voicemails. It was good to get one reply (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif) . I'll update when I talk with him
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post Nov 11 2015, 11:32 AM
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914 Guru

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Talked with Darrell finally. He is working on securing dates as we speak. We will get a Friday for our event. This way we piggyback on their event & get cheaper insurance. We still have the track to ourselves. It will be the same setup as our last event there. They will provide the timing equipment & a few people to run that. I think they provided some loaner helmet's last time also. We will have the track until 4pm. Dates will fall into when I had in mind. Mid-May to early June but I won't know which Friday we get until later this week. Which I am taking to mean next week sometime. So planning will start in earnest as soon as our date is secured
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montoya 73 2.0
post Nov 18 2015, 02:37 PM
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Jamie - I just spoke to my ex-inlaw about the BBQ trailer, he said no problem. I told him end of May or Mid June sometime.

if we get el nino as bad as they keep saying, the average annual 67 inches of snow at crater lake will double. especially being in may or june. if in june or july the drive around should be open.

I was also thinking, The event sign I had there was supposed to be signed by all attendees and then I was going to have posters printed to sell after the event and apply that money for the next years event. but I forgot! what do you think for this years?

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post Nov 19 2015, 11:17 PM
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914 Guru

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Awesome on the trailer Drew. That was a hit last time for sure.

Sounds like a good idea on the poster. Warpig is going to design this years t-shirts & anything else we want.

Darrell got back to me. Going to be the end of the month before we have a date confirmed.
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montoya 73 2.0
post Nov 20 2015, 12:46 PM
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QUOTE(JRust @ Nov 19 2015, 09:17 PM) *

Awesome on the trailer Drew. That was a hit last time for sure.

Sounds like a good idea on the poster. Warpig is going to design this years t-shirts & anything else we want.

Darrell got back to me. Going to be the end of the month before we have a date confirmed.

end of November is better than 2011 when we had to wait till mid/end of December.

as for the "design & anything else", does that mean he is also supplying the shirts or just the design and does he have access to printing posters?
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post Nov 20 2015, 10:46 PM
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914 Guru

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QUOTE(montoya 73 2.0 @ Nov 20 2015, 10:46 AM) *

end of November is better than 2011 when we had to wait till mid/end of December.

as for the "design & anything else", does that mean he is also supplying the shirts or just the design and does he have access to printing posters?

He'll be doing the printing also. Not sure on the posters but I think he can do those also. Sent him a PM but haven't heard back yet. He goes back & forth To Singapore fairly often. So not sure how often he is getting on the world. We've got plenty of time there so no biggie.
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post Dec 10 2015, 11:43 PM
Post #11

914 Guru

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Talked to Darrell today. Looks like we have June 17th for our track day. He was supposed to have a conference call with them tonight. It was that or early may which I didn't want. Anyway I hope to hear back tomorrow that we are confirmed. Right now looking like June 16-19th for WCR 2016. I'll do an official thread once this is really locked in (IMG:style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif)
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montoya 73 2.0
post Dec 14 2015, 04:40 PM
Post #12

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post Dec 23 2015, 03:53 PM
Post #13

914 Guru

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Had some negative feedback about the June date. I talked with Darrel & we are trying for May 20th instead. You can never please everyone & it give us worse odds weather wise. Still should be fine just not likely to get up to Crater lake for a pic. Of course we didn't get up there last time either
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montoya 73 2.0
post Dec 23 2015, 07:46 PM
Post #14

Lack of consideration to others, and Selfish!

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getting over the cascades or the Siskiyou's just to get to Medford is going to be sketchy due to el nino! The later the better but take whatever at this point. good job Jamie.
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