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> BUILD-OFF CHALLENGE: Green Dream, Bringing my '72 Irish Green 1.7 back to life
post Oct 30 2015, 11:59 PM
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Finally I am starting my Build-Off Challenge thread. Better late than ever. I'm getting a delayed start due to recovery from surgery has taken a little longer than I expected but I'm 95% recovered and getting started.

Here's a little about the current state of my Green Dream. The car is pretty much all original, a little beat up & pretty tired. I knew the car had some previous body damage to the passenger side rear quarter panel and the passenger door has been replaced. After removing the body filler on the quarter panel and door jam I found the damage more extensive than I expected.The rear of the car also has some body damage. I'm not sure if the previous owner got rear ended or back into something but it was a low speed event. I have replacement used body panels for the rear and the passenger side quarter panel. I also have a set of late doors that I'm going to replace the old doors with. I know they are heavier but they are also a little safer and the windows actually roll up and down easily. The rear trunk is rusted through in the back and I already have a replacement rear trunk floor panel from Restoration Design. Actually, I've been collecting parts for this build for the last year or so. As a result, I'm not going to be getting as much discount opportunity but there are still some things I'll need from 914 Rubber and PMB. I'll also try to drum up discounts from some other vendors on my own. I'm building a new 2258cc motor for this car. I'm also going to upgrade to a sideshift transmission. I'm doing a 5 lug conversion along with vented brakes front and rear. I'll be installing a front mount oil cooler. I have almost a everything to install a new interior. I just received my new dash pad from 914 Rubber today! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/piratenanner.gif) I also have some other known rust repairs for the passenger side floor board, the channel for the front trunk seal and some damage in the bottom of the headlight buckets. It has a broken rear trunk hinge, rear deck lid hinge bracket ripped out. The car had a dealer installed A/C when the car was sold so I already have a big hole in the front trunk floor from that.

So, I will start with some pictures I've taken. I removed the rear bumper and you can see the damage. I may try to repair that original panel but may end up replacing it. I've also started removing all the tar etc... off the floors in search of more rust.

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post Oct 31 2015, 12:19 AM
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Glad to hear of your recovery!
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post Oct 31 2015, 05:06 AM
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I really like the color. What is it? Is it the night shots playing tricks. It looks darker than the green I'm used to seeing on 914s

Seems we made about the same progress and you have a much better excuse.

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post Oct 31 2015, 02:30 PM
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QUOTE(rightpedal @ Oct 31 2015, 04:06 AM) *

I really like the color. What is it? Is it the night shots playing tricks. It looks darker than the green I'm used to seeing on 914s

Seems we made about the same progress and you have a much better excuse.


Hi Steve!

The car mostly has original L60E Irish Green paint on it. So, it's faded over the years. The front of the car and the passenger side were re-painted at some point after that collision damage on the passenger side door and rear quarter panel. I have no idea how long ago this happened but it was many years/decades perhaps before I bought this car. Irish green is darker than Zambezi(mispelled?)green. I believe Irish Green is the darkest green that came as a stock color from the factory. Progress is slow as far as actual work goes so far but I've been hobbled by my surgeon. I'm almost there and believe my doctor will officially say I've healed on my upcoming doctor's appointment this coming Monday. I can't wait to be able to wear a matching pair of normal shoes again. Something I've not been able to do since the beginning of July. It's been a long but miraculous rehabilitation. I almost lost my foot after getting bitten by a Brown Recluse spider. Nasty little devils! On another note, I also have incurred many thousands of dollars in medical bills even after insurance so that will slow down my progress for painting and buying new heads for my engine. I'll get it done by hook or crook but it definitely will cramp my style for the next year or two till I get it all paid off. It sucks but I'm very grateful to still have my foot. Had I lost it then my Porsche days would have been finished.
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post Dec 4 2015, 12:59 AM
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I'm a little tardy with my update but my better half has been in and out of the hospital over the last 5-6 weeks and free time has been scarce. I did get started working on my rear trunk repairs. I'll be replacing the rear trunk floor and supporting brace, both trunk hinges and both engine bay hinge brackets. It occured to me that I'll have to think about whether or not to replace the exhaust heat shield that is underneath the trunk floor.

So here are some pictures my trunk mess, replacement panels and hinges. I've removed most of the seam sealer where I'll be drilling out the old spot welds in preparation of welding in the new panels.

You'll see some holes in the middle of the trunk that are a mystery to me what they are for. It looks like one of the holes on the passenger side is threaded so something must have been attached here. Anyone know what these holes are for?

Here are some pictures. Attached Image Attached Image Attached Image

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