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> Possible PCA 914 SIG involvement
post Jun 5 2016, 06:40 PM
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I have contacted Bob Saville of the PCA 914 SIG.

I will report back on what he says about benefits and requirements.
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post Jun 5 2016, 08:59 PM
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I just figured out that Bob was Naro914 (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post Jun 6 2016, 08:39 AM
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This is the response from Bob Saville... Let's consider this and decide if we want to go that way. I'm a 15 year PCA member so approaching them is not a problem. What do you guys think?

Hi Rob,
Good question...and I'm going to be perfectly honest here, something that gets me into trouble once in a while: there are pros and cons to making it an official 914SIG event. And whether you perceive these items as pros or cons is totally your perception of PCA...

As a 914 SIG event, you are OFFICIALLY a PCA event, meaning you need to abide by PCA rules. A big part of that is registering for insurance and getting everyone to sign waivers. The positive to that is that you are now all covered by the PCA Liability Insurance coverage we have...meaning if someone runs off the road and takes out a fence and Ms Sally's cat, PCA insurance will step in and defend that person from being sued by Ms Sally. It will also cover the event organizers (in today's litigious society, people try to sue everyone and anyone involved) So, the insurance coverage is a really good deal.

In addition, the local PCA region that the event is hosted in can submit for a PCA Registry Subsidy, which, typically, gets given in some form or another to the event itself. For example, we run Okteenerfest out here as a 914SIG event, the local region (Carolinas) submits for the subsidy from PCA ($300 I think) and I've worked out with the region that they just cut us a check for the $300 to help fund the event! Some regions will offer to pay for some of the stuff (like help pay for food, water, t-shirts, trophies if there are any, etc) with the subsidy money. Carolinas just cuts me a check.

Another benefit is that if it's a SIG event, it can be posted on the PCA Calendar to help attract more people And...if your 914 Registry Advocate (me) would get his ass in gear and get the new website up and running, it will be promoted there and email promotions sent to all those that registered on the site. :-)

So, pros and cons (I view them as all pros, but some people - especially in the 914 community - hate PCA and see the 'structure' and rules as a con, so I am always a bit hesitant to just be a PCA cheerleader...)

When (and where) are you guys looking to hold it?

Let me know if you have any other questions or I can help you with anything else...

-Bob Saville
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post Jun 7 2016, 08:11 AM
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I just requested to rejoin the Yosemite region PCA. My dad used to be the website admin back when we were members.

Im going to start my involvement with the region and see if I can makr friends with the leaders as well as openly discuss this event after we have made some more determinations.
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post Jun 7 2016, 08:33 AM
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Calander planning usually takes place in January, but it can't hurt to talk it up so its no surprise...
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Mike Bellis
post Jun 14 2016, 06:07 PM
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If we host in Oakhurst, Brian (Wyvern) could be our PCA host.

What is the level of PCA animosity on 914 World? I have not really measured the crowd lately. I would hate to put on a PCA sanctioned even and have World members not come because of it. AND, would this set a precedent for future events?

I don't want to alienate anyone.
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post Jun 14 2016, 06:34 PM
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Almost 0. As long as they don't have to join to attend? We better check on that.
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post Oct 25 2016, 01:30 PM
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So back to this, I've been in contact with Bob Saville. First thing, it must be on someone's calendar to be a SIG event. Let's get that knocked out. I know Brian Adkins is going through a lot right now. Do we have any other contacts in the region down there? Otherwise, I can try to get it on Sierra Nevada Regions Calendar...
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post Oct 27 2016, 11:23 PM
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I'm in YOS region, I can email the president or vp and see if we can get it on their calendar even though its not Jan.
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post Nov 9 2016, 10:33 AM
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So it looks like the local PCA chapter is playing hardball. Maybe I am reading this wrong but it looks like they are going to want control of this event if we go under their umbrella. Rob, any experience here?


With respect to a 914 World Group event… we can add this event to our “official” Yosemite Region Events Calendar. This could be added to our “new” web site — launch Jan hopefully. The key thing is whether the event would be “organized” within the YOS region; which would trigger YOS region linking with PCA for event insurance. If the event would be “organized” by another group, e.g. 914World, we still could help publicize the event on our web site and email blasts, but 914World would be responsible for insurance and organization. .

Anyway, just some food for thought on how to proceed. I would invite you to one of our early 2017 board meetings to discuss the event and how much YOS region would be able to help!

Don Chaisson.

cc. Chuck — YOS president
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Mike Bellis
post Nov 9 2016, 07:26 PM
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I don't think it's hard ball as much as CYA. They want to make sure we do not tarnish the name of PCA or YOS.

PCA needs to know this could be a great way to add members and that many of us are already members. We also have good intentions. Just hide Amoy fro the PCA leadership.
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post Nov 9 2016, 11:29 PM
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Apex killer!

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That's normal procedure. You're a PCA Yosemite Region member. We plan the event and in January, you go to the planning meeting and get it on the calendar. You have to tell them it will be a 914 SIG event and ask who and when you talk to for insurance. You emphasize that many of the people you have talked to who have expressed interest, live within the YOS area. Another approach might be to make it a multi-region event. Then we go to the various Zone 7 planning meetings and try to get it on everyone's calendar. I think we have to invite all Porsches, but they would probably self-regulate because it is a 914 SIG event.

Mike, does Brian feel well enough to advise us on this?
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post Nov 10 2016, 12:16 AM
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Are we going to have any issues with charging the usual registration fees with getting the pca involved? If not then opening it up for more guests is probably a good thing.
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post Nov 10 2016, 12:55 PM
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Good question. Let me ask around.
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Mike Bellis
post Nov 10 2016, 10:34 PM
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Not sure how Brian is feeling. All I know is his chemo is done.
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post Nov 12 2016, 12:38 PM
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I heard from Bob Saville again. Sandy Provasi is confused. Bob says we need to be careful to refer to the event as a west coast SIG event in all discussion with PCA. Sandy and Tom Provasi are neighbors sort of. Their retirement home is in Reno near me. They are 914 peeps but Sandy is the Zone Rep for Zone 7.
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post Dec 28 2016, 11:22 AM
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I'm going to go to a board meeting on the 10th for the Yosemite region (my region). I'm going to bring up the event and make sure they understand were looking to work together. I'll take your advice to heart Rob about how to approach it and what to look forward to from their end.

You guys let me know what you think of making it a Zone 7 event vs a YOS region event. At this point I am not going to bring it up.
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post Dec 28 2016, 11:47 PM
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The YOS president has asked what we would like from them in preparation of their board meeting.

"Hi Andrew

If you could bring a outline of what will be needed from us and possible ways we can help that would be good.
5-6 copies to spread out to the board would be helpful. When you get the outline made send Don and myself a copy so we can have an idea of what is needed.
Just trying to be prepared.

Ill work on the questions and issues I want to bring up tomorrow and report. If any of you have any thoughts let me know.
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post Jan 1 2017, 12:17 PM
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Zone wide promotion.


Post-event coverage zone wide.

Insurance for drives etc.
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post Jan 3 2017, 11:57 PM
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914 West Coast Ramble – 914 SIG Event
Dates: June 1,2,3,4
Hotel: Mammoth Mountain Inn – Booking ID 23451 Call 1800-626-6684
Schedule of Activities (Guideline):
Thursday June 1: Arrival and registration
Friday June 2: Mono Lake drive, Lunch, Local hills drive, Dinner
Saturday June 3rd: Yosemite Forest drive, Lunch, dinner with awards
Sunday June 4th: Optional drives and departure

Questions for PCA:

1. What rules and regulations must we adhere to?
2. Is there any issue with registration fee’s for the event to cover costs and how that is handled?
3. Is there any issue with non members attending?

Topics for discussion

1. Zone Wide Promotion
2. SIG $
3. Post Event Coverage zone wide
4. Insurance for drives ect.


Sending this tomorrow @ noon
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