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> Route 66 Classic in Northern Arizona, June 11, 2005 - Be there!
post May 2 2005, 08:43 PM
Post #1

Best friends

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This is just to get things started.

Date: June 11, 2005
What: Run old Route 66 in your teener between Williams/Ash Fork, Arizona and Laughlin, NV.

We're still working out the details, like exactly where to start/end and which direction to run the old road, but it's officially on and you're gonna have a great time!

It's still just warm, not hot in that part of Arizona in June. Just bring your shades! (IMG:http://www.914world.com/bbs2/html/emoticons/cool.gif)

This post has been edited by ErnieDV: May 4 2005, 06:18 PM
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post May 2 2005, 11:43 PM
Post #2

I do things...

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I was just there last week. Nice road. Got a patch for my race jacket (IMG:http://www.914world.com/bbs2/html/emoticons/wink.gif)

Got my kicks...

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post May 3 2005, 05:51 AM
Post #3

Mike Ginter

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I'm still trying to figure out if I can make this work for me. I've always wanted to run some of old 66, and to do it with 914clubbers would be cool, but it's at least 3 days. Gotta go check the family and work calendars. I also won't have a 914 to run it in, but that's not a show stopper.

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rick 918-S
post May 3 2005, 06:08 AM
Post #4

Hey nice rack! -Celette

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Like this?

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post May 3 2005, 06:10 AM
Post #5

Mike Ginter

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QUOTE (rick 918-S @ May 3 2005, 06:08 AM)
Like this?

That's right... tease me!

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rick 918-S
post May 3 2005, 06:13 AM
Post #6

Hey nice rack! -Celette

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(IMG:http://www.914world.com/bbs2/html/emoticons/happy11.gif) I must say that was a cool place to stumble upon. (IMG:http://www.914world.com/bbs2/html/emoticons/aktion035.gif) (IMG:http://www.914world.com/bbs2/html/emoticons/driving.gif) I'm trying to have some 5"X 8" made. I hope they turn out. (IMG:http://www.914world.com/bbs2/html/emoticons/idea.gif)
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post May 3 2005, 08:53 AM
Post #7

What size wheels can I fit?

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Go figure....an event happening in AZ and I can't go. Already have plans. Damn.
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post May 3 2005, 01:27 PM
Post #8


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Is there any interest in t-shirts for this event? (IMG:http://www.914world.com/bbs2/html/emoticons/idea.gif)
I checked and in a small quantity we could get nice Hanes shirts screen printed,
1 color on 1 side, for $15 each.
Maybe if we ask nicely, Jeroen could do the graphics?
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post May 3 2005, 01:34 PM
Post #9

Not bad for carrying sway bars.

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Be there or what???

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post May 3 2005, 02:42 PM
Post #10

Practicing my perpendicular parking

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Is this going to be an annual event? I can't make it this year, but perhaps a future one. My wife and I have been wanting to drive all of route 66 (that is practical anyways) from chicago to santa monica (or vice versa). Not sure we could handle that long of a trip in a 914 tho. (IMG:http://www.914world.com/bbs2/html/emoticons/smile.gif)
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post May 3 2005, 03:25 PM
Post #11

Best friends

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QUOTE (bondo @ May 3 2005, 01:42 PM)
Is this going to be an annual event?

Hey, why not?

I think this is just to get it started this year. My dream Arizona annual event would be a circuit - Phoenix to Wickenburg on U.S. 93 then Prescott via Yarnell to Ash Fork then Ash Fork to Laughlin on Old Route 66 and a return to Phoenix area via U.S. 93.

T-shirts would be cool. If we did a circuit like that we might have to change the name to something like "Arizona Spring Classic" or "Desert Spring Classic".

Oh... Be there or be looked down upon by your 914 peers, and miss a great drive! (IMG:http://www.914world.com/bbs2/html/emoticons/biggrin.gif)
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post May 3 2005, 05:23 PM
Post #12

Will work for an Avatar.

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Sounds cool!

The Route 66 Fun Run was this last weekend. I had planned to go, but my wife decided she needed surgery two weeks ago... (IMG:http://www.914world.com/bbs2/html/emoticons/mad.gif) oh well, there's always next year. (she's fine).

Your event sounds alot like the one last weekend. In case you don't know about it, here is a link to their website...


I just wish their run was a bit later so the kids would be out of school...

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post May 4 2005, 02:38 AM
Post #13


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There were only 4 votes in the poll regarding which direction to run Route 66.
East to West was preferred, but it is hard to judge with such a small sample.
I sure hope more than 4 people show up for the event.
If you plan to attend, please post on this thread.
If you would like to buy a shirt for $15 please indicate what size.
I will only order them if at least 7 people express an interest.
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rick 918-S
post May 4 2005, 08:18 PM
Post #14

Hey nice rack! -Celette

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I can't make the event but I would be honored to wear the "T" shirt. Infact I'd take two in medium thank you.. (IMG:http://www.914world.com/bbs2/html/emoticons/biggrin.gif)
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post May 6 2005, 08:51 AM
Post #15


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I like your dream run - If I can help make it happen let me.
I will not be able to do the run this year but next lets do the dream run say sometime in early April or late March.

The weather is ideal at that time. We should start planning now. The WWC in Portland we need something in the south. We should keep in touch about next years run.

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post May 6 2005, 01:15 PM
Post #16

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What's the track fee?

Gonna try to make it. Insurance business pretty dull since WCC. Starting point? I'll go look at the poll.
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post May 6 2005, 06:35 PM
Post #17

Best friends

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Ok, folks - here's the tentative schedule for the Route 66 Classic - June 11, 2005

1. 9:14 a.m.Meet for breakfast at Mandy's Route 66 Grill in Ash Fork, AZ at 322 W. Lewis Ave (the main drag through town).
2. Stop at Grand Canyon Caverns (22 miles west of Seligman - about 45 minutes from Ash Fork)
3. Stop in Kingman for regrouping, refueling, whatever before heading to Oatman.
4. Stop in Oatman to sightsee, snack, lunch, whatever. No formal lunch stop, just figure it out as we go.
5. End the day with Dinner at Avi Casino & Resort.

There is not a lot to choose from for eating in Ash Fork. I'm waiting for a call-back from Mandy's Route 66 Grill, but with a name like that it just seems like the place to go. If it doesn't work out, we'll move the start point 20 miles East to Williams where there are plenty of options. Update 5/11: Mandy's Grill called back. They'll be happy to have us for breakfast. They just got done remodeling the place. Don't know much else about it, but it will add to the adventure that way!

Other than the start time, there is no fixed schedule for this. Just a bunch of 914 owners out for a fun day together on some twisty roads. I figured that with a relatively late breakfast there was no need to schedule a formal lunch stop so lunch is either bring your own box lunch or pick something up in Kingman.

The Avi has a good reputation, and from the web site it looks like the buffet would make a great dinner place, but I haven't actually been there. If anyone has, they can chime in here.

If you are planning to come, post it here so we have an idea of who to expect.
Have you ordered your Route 66 Classic T-shirt yet?

So Howard, NO TRACK FEES! Hope you can make it!

This post has been edited by ErnieDV: May 11 2005, 09:22 PM
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post May 8 2005, 09:54 PM
Post #18

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Jason just suggested this event for our next AZ 914 breakfast. It sounds like you've done a good job so far. So I'll email the link to this posting to all the contacts I have (a couple have already posted), then let you manage it from there.

Let me know if there is anything you need our help with. You can contact either myself or Greg Robbins.

I would be willing to arrange a convoy of the S. AZ and Phoenix teeners North to Williams.

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post May 9 2005, 09:06 AM
Post #19

Tuetonic terror

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Just received an e-mail about this. Sounds like alot of fun and I really do want to attend.

Let me check my schedule and see if I can make it happen
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post May 9 2005, 02:21 PM
Post #20

In Irvine, Ca. May 15-18

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I'm in. I just need to make reservations in Ash Fork or Williams. Hope to becoming from the East (Rio Rancho).
(IMG:http://www.914world.com/bbs2/html/emoticons/biggrin.gif) Joe
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