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> F/Sale small parts lot 914 914-6, 1 lot of 914 parts for sale
post Dec 25 2023, 10:15 AM
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Group: Members
Posts: 14
Joined: 31-October 17
From: Tuxedo Park, NY
Member No.: 21,555
Region Association: North East States

Package lot for sale
Hello 914 world Im doing a little cleaning out and found a small parts box I had of various 914 items some are for 914-6.
Please take a look at photos
914-6 specific tie rods.
I want to sell all in one shot
Pass side door pocket
Sunvisors mirror cracked. But otherwise decent
Pliers spark plug tool
Rubber trim
Licence plate rear braket
Oil line with clamps factory 9146
Bilstein tool
1 dog bone
Fiberglass resin engine side trim for flat 6 motor
2 nos gaskets for oil change.
3 distributer parts
Fuel filter
Oil tank caps
Nice Fog light lenses
Clutch cable wheels 1 NOS
8 Bags of rivets from auto atlanta in bags
2 speed nuts

$914. take it all will take offers.

Please PM me and I can send more photos.
Hope to find a home for these items

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post Dec 25 2023, 10:52 AM
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Group: Members
Posts: 14
Joined: 31-October 17
From: Tuxedo Park, NY
Member No.: 21,555
Region Association: North East States

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