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> FSL New JWEST Engineering Fuse Box
post Dec 30 2023, 12:49 PM
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Group: Members
Posts: 20
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From: Philadelphia, PA
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Region Association: North East States

New but never used.

"Upgrade your 914 fuse box with our simple-to-install replacement.

Upgrade your Porsche 914 to modern blade-type fuses! The JWest fuse box will put an end to the corrosion problems of the original fuses. Much greater fuse contact area and secure covers that you won't kick out of place entering the car.

Includes a set of interchangeable labels to match the year of your 914. Much more useful than the factory symbols, these labels include fuse rating, names of the items protected by each fuse, and the wire colors connected to each fuse.

Fuses 1&2, fuses 3&4, and fuses 10,11,&12 are bussed together internally, just like the factory fuse panel.

No drilling or wire cutting involved- the JWest fuse box bolts and plugs right in."

MSRP: $155

Asking $120 plus shipping

Location: Philadelphia, PA


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post Jan 20 2024, 06:49 AM
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post Jan 20 2024, 10:47 AM
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From: Gloucester MA
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Region Association: North East States

Hi if this item is still available I’d like to buy it. My son lives in Philly and can pick it up. Thanks, Wil
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