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> NEW! PMB Front Pad Hardware Kits for Early Porsche 914-4 (1970-72), Exact Reproductions
post Mar 11 2024, 08:17 AM
Post #1

PMB Performance

Group: Admin
Posts: 19,299
Joined: 3-September 03
From: Salt Lake City, UT
Member No.: 1,110
Region Association: Rocky Mountains

Announcing PMB Performance DirectFit Pad Hardware Kits!

We made them all gang. From 356C and SC to esoteric 914-6/GT and SWB Wide L-Rear sets. We'll have all the springs, pins and clips to get you back up and running at a price you'll love. No more hunting around for crusty parts and riveting old springs back together.

This is a front set for your classic early 914-4. When the 914 came out it had a somewhat unique suspension. With A-Arms and struts that were extremely similar to the contemporary 911's of the day. The offset on the early 914 caliper was the same as the early 911 as well. As "economies of scale" entered the scene with Porsche in the 70's, a later VW strut used on the 311 models made it's way on to the 914. This IS the kit for your early 914-4. This is NOT the kit for the later 1973-76 models.

BTDT Tip: Always check your specific vehicle. 914's have been modified over and over again. Make certain you have the proper calipers on your car before ordering this kit. Early calipers have one (1) bleeder valve and through bolt fasteners. Late calipers have two (2) bleeder valves and fasteners that terminate into the nose section of the caliper.

VIN Changeover Information: These calipers were on vehicles up to 47229 19031

Get Them Here!

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