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> Analogue AND digital sensors, Any options?
post Apr 30 2024, 01:48 PM
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So i have an aim dash in my race car with oil pressure and temp gauges in the usual 6 cylinder engine locations on the engine and tied into the pdm/aim logger. I also have a gorgeous set of traditional gauges i would like to put back in as my primary with the aim dash to the side for alarms and times etc. Where else can i tap into for the analogue sensors to get BOTH to work accurately at the same time? Mechanic telling me that using chain box lines will not read as accurately as standard locations. Anyone try this?
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post May 1 2024, 12:10 PM
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Your mechanic is correct. If you try to wire both sets of gauges up to the same sensors then it will likely affect the voltages and amps and cause incorrect readings.

If the sensors are simply voltage outputs then you MIGHT get away with running both gauges in parallel. Give it a shot, see what happens. But if they're impedance sensors then that won't work.

I run the stock tach in the stock location to stay historics-looking, but I use my small Race Technology dash put off to the side for gauging, warnings, data acq, and engine logging.
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