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> Vendor Sponsors Wanted, Okteenerfest 2024
post Aug 5 2024, 03:37 PM
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on ramp passer

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Greetings and salutations to all you fabulous supporters of the wonderful little known as the Porsche 914! I come to you today looking for vendor support for this year's Okteenerfest, taking place September 12th, 13th, 14th and 15th in Townsend, Tennessee. www.okteenerfest.com Many of you have always supported all the different events across the country and we are so thankful to you all. Many years ago, vendors that made parts for our little cars were few and far between. Thankfully, over the last decade or so, the list of wonderful vendors has grow and continues to do so. On the flip side of that, I believe our community has continued to grow as well. The value of our cars continues to rise, as does the people who love them and want to own and restore them. At last year's Okteenerfest, I believe almost 60% or more were first time attendees. That being said, you guys, as vendors, really need to make sure ALL of the people know your name, who you are, and what you provide for our cars. The best way that I know to do this, is to get your name out there as much as you can! You all are great people, making great products that we all need! Therefore, I come to you to ask for your support yet again, by donating some of your products for door prizes for our event. I will be contacting you individually but also wanted to put it out here in case I overlooked anyone. You can contact Steve Schleif or myself and we can help with the process. Try me first as Steve has his hands full with the rest of the event and has entrusted me to assist with this and other duties. Remember, this year we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Limited Edition Can Am cars, so if you or anyone you know has an LE, please encourage them to attend.
Thank you in advance for your time and commitment to the 914 community.

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post Aug 18 2024, 04:26 PM
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Hit up Dr Evil.
He posted he had not been contacted
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post Aug 26 2024, 04:43 PM
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on ramp passer

Group: Members
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From: Earle, Ar.
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He is in.
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