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> RSR Clint?
rick 918-S
post Jan 4 2025, 09:04 PM
Post #21

Hey nice rack! -Celette

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QUOTE(mepstein @ Jan 4 2025, 08:36 AM) *

QUOTE(Superhawk996 @ Jan 4 2025, 09:20 AM) *

(IMG:style_emoticons/default/av-943.gif) so much simping for this “business”. Must be a really special guy. What am I missing?

Back in the day people weren’t so accepting of shady business practices and weren’t afraid to call it out.

Does anyone remember when AA was so despised for less egregious business practices? There are still folks here holding that grudge decades upon decades later. Any of my dealings with AA since 2018 have been stellar but I certainly wouldn’t tolerate them not shipping parts for the better part of 1/2 year nor did others back in the day.

As far as 1 man shops goes . . . I’ve dealt with plenty of 1 man shops over the years as well as many of you here (Tangerine/CFR,PMB, MB911, Bdstone914, 914sixer, 914Werke, and countless others) where they repeatedly have shown nothing but the highest integrity. Size has nothing to do with being shady and not communicating with customers.

I totally respect Mepstein’s post about simply not doing business with Rebel to avoid the disappointment. I do the same even though some of his product does look very interesting.

Sorry to continue to (IMG:style_emoticons/default/dead horse.gif) but this guy stands in stark contrast to the rest of our vendor community. Please don’t drag our good vendors down by lumping them in with this character.

There are things going on behind the scenes that have a big effect on his business. Really good guy going through a difficult time and possibly just keeping his head above water. Life is complex.

If you know this guy why don't you call him.and tell.him to either send.out the parts.or refund the money. Just because he's seems to be wading through shit as it seems from your comments doesn't mean he has to drag customers with him. Everybody ends up in it at one time or another. Time to take responsibility and change your life.
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post Jan 4 2025, 09:35 PM
Post #22

914 Neferati

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QUOTE(rick 918-S @ Jan 4 2025, 07:04 PM) *

QUOTE(mepstein @ Jan 4 2025, 08:36 AM) *

QUOTE(Superhawk996 @ Jan 4 2025, 09:20 AM) *

(IMG:style_emoticons/default/av-943.gif) so much simping for this “business”. Must be a really special guy. What am I missing?

Back in the day people weren’t so accepting of shady business practices and weren’t afraid to call it out.

Does anyone remember when AA was so despised for less egregious business practices? There are still folks here holding that grudge decades upon decades later. Any of my dealings with AA since 2018 have been stellar but I certainly wouldn’t tolerate them not shipping parts for the better part of 1/2 year nor did others back in the day.

As far as 1 man shops goes . . . I’ve dealt with plenty of 1 man shops over the years as well as many of you here (Tangerine/CFR,PMB, MB911, Bdstone914, 914sixer, 914Werke, and countless others) where they repeatedly have shown nothing but the highest integrity. Size has nothing to do with being shady and not communicating with customers.

I totally respect Mepstein’s post about simply not doing business with Rebel to avoid the disappointment. I do the same even though some of his product does look very interesting.

Sorry to continue to (IMG:style_emoticons/default/dead horse.gif) but this guy stands in stark contrast to the rest of our vendor community. Please don’t drag our good vendors down by lumping them in with this character.

There are things going on behind the scenes that have a big effect on his business. Really good guy going through a difficult time and possibly just keeping his head above water. Life is complex.

If you know this guy why don't you call him.and tell.him to either send.out the parts.or refund the money. Just because he's seems to be wading through shit as it seems from your comments doesn't mean he has to drag customers with him. Everybody ends up in it at one time or another. Time to take responsibility and change your life.

He got his money back. See post #15.
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post Jan 5 2025, 12:32 PM
Post #23

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QUOTE(Superhawk996 @ Jan 4 2025, 07:20 AM) *

(IMG:style_emoticons/default/av-943.gif) so much simping for this “business”. Must be a really special guy. What am I missing?

For at least 20 years (as long as i have known about them) he has delivered some of the best/coolest Porsche upgrades around. I would still take his front bushing setup over anything else out there.

Not trying to make any defense for the guy, just stating the fact that it is a one man operation and when you are a one man operation it doesn't take much to completely disrupt business. Our society has transitioned to one of instant gratification, Amazon prime same day delivery, etc but not all businesses have the capacity to operate in that manner especially when the entirety of the business is a highly specialized market. Take for example Tangerine Racing. A couple years ago I paid for a set of headers that I didn't receive for over a year and a half. Was I upset about that? No, because I knew going in that might be the case, that Chris is more or less a one man operation and that these parts are not just something you can expect he is going to have just sitting on the shelf. Is this stuff worth the wait? for me yes, because it is the best and you cant get it anywhere else. Where I get defensive with this stuff comes from the fact that I would hate for some of these guys to just stop offering their products at all (even with a long wait) just due to the very real headache of dealing with impatient people.

~20 year ago I designed and built a plug and play Megasquirt setup to deal with the situation of failing/NLA/unupgradable d-jet injected cars. It was mainly for personal use but I toyed with the idea of producing and selling it given I knew there was a increasing need for such a thing. However, my foresight of what I would have to deal with stopped me from doing that at the time so I applaud the fact that they developed and brought these product's to market in the first place.

I love old Porsches and I love cool upgrades for them. A lot of the coolest stuff though comes from what I could call "advanced hobbyists" whos business can easily be disrupted by all sorts of things in day to day life, and that's just the world we live in. If this isnt the sort of thing you can live with than maybe playing with 50 year old cars isnt the thing for you. You could always just go buy a new 911 instead, but these days you might wind up waiting over a year for that as well.
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